Who knew the BeeGees were so cool?

TonyD said:
How did they get all those names and what right to they have to post them publiclly
I'd suppose that in a lot of states, a list of all types of License holders is "public information".
I guess the information could be used for good or bad. "We better not rob that guy, he has a gun license". Or, "Hey let's rob that house, he has guns". The second would better suit the Libs, "See, all those guns that people have can and will be stolen and out on the streets causing crimes. We better ban them all."
I believe

This is all public record. I've seen papers do this in many cities.
As for their right to publish, they can pretty much do what they want within the limits of state defamation laws. Personally, I think it makes for pretty interesting reading
The one nice thing about it is finding all the gun haters who have permits. Sulzberger of the NY Times was always for banning guns, even though he had one of those rarer rhan hens' teeth NYC carry permits; Dr Joyce Brothers said that people who wanted guns suffered from sexual inadequacy (her husband had a carry permit); Diane Feinstein, the list of shamless hypcrits just goes on and on.

KMaurer said:
Dr Joyce Brothers said that people who wanted guns suffered from sexual inadequacy (her husband had a carry permit)


I don't care who you are. That's funny! [lol] [lol] [lol]
The pictures of the models were a bunch of BS too. I also noted the lack of numbers when it came to reporting on the crime stats - how many of those gun crimes were commited by legally licensed folks. I bet it's 0, or the number is so incredibly low that it would make it look like exactly what it is - folks who apply for license ARE NOT the criminals, which would take away from the condencending tone in the article. Of course, a year from now, when the bodies aren't piling up in the driveways, homes and offices, and the crime
rate drops, not one of them will utter word one about how well the law is working.
Florida law makes the names of permit holders a matter of public record, unless you are a "special person" such as a police officer/public official/etc., in which case you can apply to have a confidentiality flag added to your CCW record.
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