White House Petition To Reverse Bump Stock Ban

The white house didn't respond to HPA or Repeal the NFA petitions, why would they respond to this?
You're probably right but if they see 100,000 or more signatures it may at least make them think about what they're doing. Although I won't hold my breath.
I signed it. they are looking for approx. 97,500 signatures. They have just over 2,400. There is some work to do...
Maybe a shot in the dark, but Im not sure many bump stock owners are going to be keen on giving .gov their full name and email address.
This isn't saying you have one. It's saying you're against an unconstitutional action. Gun owners names are on lists already. Especially in states like MA. NY. NJ. CA. etc.
I signed it. they are looking for approx. 97,500 signatures. They have just over 2,400. There is some work to do...

About 300 more signatures now - WTF people!

I don't even own a gun a bump stock could go on and I'm in! If we don't start hanging together you can all kiss your faggy ARs goodbye, then they'll be after my beloved wood and steel guns and I don't want that. So come on, I'm in your fight - where are you?
About 300 more signatures now - WTF people!

I don't even own a gun a bump stock could go on and I'm in! If we don't start hanging together you can all kiss your faggy ARs goodbye, then they'll be after my beloved wood and steel guns and I don't want that. So come on, I'm in your fight - where are you?

agreed, I couldn't care less about bump stocks. And even if this was only about bump stocks I would still sign it. And even though it prob ably won't do any good even if they get enough signatures from what I understand there is some pretty anti 2A evil stiff included in this bump stock ban...
This still doesn't have very many signatures. Lets make our voices heard. The more voices heard the better the chance that at least something positive might be done.
It will. They won't. I don't mind banging my head against windmills:)

It doesn't look like it will at this rate:

Needs 95,312 signatures by January 20, 2019 to get a response from the White House

4,688 signed
100,000 goal
This month, President Trump took a bolder Gun Control step than Obama ever did.

Why Does the Bump Stock Ban matter? As famous shooter Rob Pincus would say: “There are many reasons to fight a bump stock ban… but, Bump Stocks themselves are not one of them!” The underlying concern is that this ban opens the door to the restriction of any and all gun PARTS on the basis that they can be misused by criminals. We can't afford to simply let this one go or look the other way.

The ban unconstitutionally rewrites existing law defining what constitutes a 'machine gun'. If anything can make a semiauto firearm shoot faster, will they ban all those things? Will they ban firearms altogether, since they can be bump fired without accessories??


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I misread the page the other day...I was shocked this only had 95k signatures so far. Now I realize it was only 4500 signed total! Nobody seems to give a shit about bump stocks or they feel signing will do nothing.
It probably will do nothing. It certainly won't do anything with that paltry amount of signatures. Whether people care about bump stocks or not they should be signing it at least in protest because it is an assault on all gun owners, and the more infringements they can get away with the more they'll do.
The "repeal the NFA" petition is at 280,000 or something. Maybe people put their signature motivation into that one instead
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