Which pisses liberals more

I severely pissed off a libtard neighbor by merely walking my dog wearing an NRA tee. He was saying "I can't believe you are wearing that in public....in your house is fine, if that's what you think. Are you looking to get attacked?" This was in a quiet lil neighborhood in Southborough. JFC!
Yup, Trump, guns and the NRA.
I severely pissed off a libtard neighbor by merely walking my dog wearing an NRA tee. He was saying "I can't believe you are wearing that in public....in your house is fine, if that's what you think. Are you looking to get attacked?" This was in a quiet lil neighborhood in Southborough. JFC!
Post his address - and we'll all detour directly past his front door during our next "MAGA/MOLON LABE/2A/Fly the Gadsden DON'T TREAD ON ME" flag rolling rally (etc etc)...

Just sayin'
I may make a point of wearing pro gun hat/t-shirts when I walk my dog. This neighbor is an old(80ish) staunch dem, as much of my neighborhood is. Thankfully, the MAGA's stick together.
I severely pissed off a libtard neighbor by merely walking my dog wearing an NRA tee. He was saying "I can't believe you are wearing that in public....in your house is fine, if that's what you think. Are you looking to get attacked?" This was in a quiet lil neighborhood in Southborough. JFC!
I'd place a Trump sign on my front yard and NRA stickers on my car and give a friendly wave every time I drove past his house.
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