Where's the bill, Ms. Feinstein?

May 5, 2009
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It looks like the senator from California again shows she's highly dependent on a compliant media and low information voters as she pushes forward with a proposed ban on assault weapons.

Senator Dianne Feinstein had a news conference yesterday to say her proposed legislation has been introduced. She even had a list of weapons to be banned printed and handed out to journalists present.

But where's the text of the bill? It's apparently not yet listed at Thomas.gov. Were copies given to the media so that they might ask intelligent questions about the bill? Or was the senator more interested in spreading some spin, and displaying some gun hardware for journalists to photograph and then fret about later on TV?

Are there elements of the bill that would expand definitions, and subject other firearms to ban or licensing provisions?

The legislative push for gun control is shaping up a lot like the legislative push for health care reform. Politicians said one thing back then, but wrote something that took things in ways other than advertised.

Unfortunately, low information media and voters didn't learn from the heath care experience, and still don't hold the politicians responsible. So I expect similar games intended not to inform, but to herd the sheeple, to repeat under the guise of what's claimed to be action aimed at reducing gun violence.

If anyone has link to the full bill, I'd love to see it. And no, I'm not talking about Feinstein's prepared talking points. I want to see the actual bill.
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It usually takes a few days from the time a bill is submitted for the text/full details to show up on Thomas...

The text of S.150 has not yet been received from GPO
Bills are generally sent to the Library of Congress from the Government Printing Office a day or two after they are introduced on the floor of the House or Senate. Delays can occur when there are a large number of bills to prepare or when a very large bill has to be printed.

The MA website for tracking new legislation can take even longer for details/text to be posted...
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Thank you Login. As noted I want to read the actual bill, not her wishes or demands. I'll give it a few days.
I would just love to give her a roundhouse to the baby maker. She kinda looks like Vera from the Planet of the Apes.

Is this not it?
What's in Feinstein's gun bill - CNN.com

If not, then it'll be included in the fiscal bill. Isn't there a stand off over some fiscal bill non-passe?
If I were a dem strategist, [devil mask on] I'd throw a fiscal bone to GOP (say, tax break extension, spending cuts, whatever) and GOP will gladly vote for the fiscal bill. The new AWB will be buried somewhere in that fiscal bill. Sure, some extremist right wing gun nuts will whine as usual, but f them, they'll never start shooting people like they say they'll do. Those pussies will bitch on youtube till they're blue in the face, then bend over and comply like they always did since the NFA in 1934, through 1968, 1986, 1989, 1994, Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc.
Meanwhile the overall voting mass will be so happy over the tax breaks that they'll vote for even more dems in 2014. [/devil mask off]
Impossible, say you?
I would just love to give her a roundhouse to the baby maker. She kinda looks like Vera from the Planet of the Apes.

Or Nathan Lane:

The new trend in the legislative process is there is no bill text until minutes before the vote. Speed and obfuscation.

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