When does cost of 22LR matter?

Mar 16, 2012
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At what point does the cost of ammo start to impact your progression as a marksman?

First time shooter, shooting first time rifle, a CZ452. It's a well made tool loving what it does.

Not knowing what I'm doing yet I bought a Remington 525 Value pack. The bullet is loose enough in the shell to be spun by hand. It seems to me to be wrong BUT I do have 400 or so left so they will be sent down range.

Also have a 555 of Winchester. They twist a little but don't actually spin like these Remingtons.

I figure with 1.080 rounds I should at least acquire some muscle memory. But the #s and types of ammo is a bit daunting.
Federal bulk packs (blue or red box) have been very reliable for me.

I've had some FTF (failure to fire) problems with the 555 boxes.

I'll not buy any more Remington golden bullet .22 ammo... I've had huge FTF issues, even when the rim is re-struck in 3 different places they don't fire. They do spin in the cases, but that hasn't been the problem; they have a problem getting the priming compound into the rim. The ONLY reason to use the golden Bullet is in Basic Pistol classes to demonstrate the response to a misfire, and that's where I've used most of it! I bought the golden bullet when the Federal packs were hard to find.

I don't use the Thunderbolt either... there've been too many complaints on this forum that it fires VERY dirty.
like any other ammo you can run elcheapo to match grade. I would guess that in your stage, and like so many of us we most likely are not shooting better than our guns/ammo. Be hard pressed to really see a difference in ammo until you can no longer get smaller groups or consistant groups.
I found the wolf match grade to do very well with out going to craxy on price. You can also spend 150.00+/500 rounds on lapua midas plus ammo.
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Attend an appleseed shoot and learn the basics.

Even crap 22lr bulk ammo will shoot 1 inch or better groups at 25 yards. When your groups improve switch to something in 50 round boxes like CCI standard velocity or Federal.
I agree with Gomer I have found cci to be very reliable accurate and very clean. You can find bricks of 500 standard velocity for around 30-40 bucks
I think there are more than a few people here who would consider 1k rounds a normal trip to the range. You should get thru that amount fairly quick and have plenty of shooting ahead of you to try different brands and what's best for you and your gun.
At what point does the cost of ammo start to impact your progression as a marksman?

First time shooter, shooting first time rifle, a CZ452. It's a well made tool loving what it does.

Not knowing what I'm doing yet I bought a Remington 525 Value pack. The bullet is loose enough in the shell to be spun by hand. It seems to me to be wrong BUT I do have 400 or so left so they will be sent down range.

Also have a 555 of Winchester. They twist a little but don't actually spin like these Remingtons.

I figure with 1.080 rounds I should at least acquire some muscle memory. But the #s and types of ammo is a bit daunting.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Remington Golden Bullet if your firearm works well with it. I run it in my Mosquito all the time and it works great. I don't get any more misfires than you would with any other brand of ammo. I started to get FTE issues the other day after about 300 rounds or so without a cleaning so I ran a brush with solvent through the barrel and it was right back to flawless running- no problems.

Obviously- YMMV
How old or new is the Remington Golden Bullet you're using? I can't recommend it to ANYONE after my experience over the last year. I've shot it through 4 different guns with similarly lousy results. (Ruger MKIIIs, S&W and Taurus revolvers). I get good hard pin-strikes up to 3
times around the rim without ignition. I'm almost out of it, and when it's gone I'll not buy any more until I hear that it's vastly improved.

Sent from my way-too-expensive cell phone using Tapatalk. Please excuse spelling errors and missing links.
How old or new is the Remington Golden Bullet you're using? I can't recommend it to ANYONE after my experience over the last year. I've shot it through 4 different guns with similarly lousy results. (Ruger MKIIIs, S&W and Taurus revolvers). I get good hard pin-strikes up to 3
times around the rim without ignition. I'm almost out of it, and when it's gone I'll not buy any more until I hear that it's vastly improved.

Sent from my way-too-expensive cell phone using Tapatalk. Please excuse spelling errors and missing links.

It's newer stuff. I usually buy a few boxes per trip at the WM. The box I'm working on now was purchased within the last few weeks.....
It is hard to tell if you're shooting well if your ammo isn't up to snuff. I'll echo what you've already read. I mostly use CCI Standard Velocity or Wolf MT (Match Target), but mostly the CCI SV. You can find it at most gun shops and it won't break the bank. Also, important to keep the muzzle velocity below the speed of sound so that you don't get any bullet flutter as it transitions to subsonic speed. CCI SV and Wolf MT are subsonic ammos.

Try as many types as you can to see what your gun likes best.
i use the federal bulk boxes from china-mart. no problems with it. i have had some problems with the newer remington golden bullets. the ones i had from several years ago were better than todays. some guns will work good with one brand, others will work good with some other brand.

I agree with Gomer I have found cci to be very reliable accurate and very clean. You can find bricks of 500 standard velocity for around 30-40 bucks

Dick's Sporting Goods and Four Seasons sells the 500 ct SV CCI for $24.99. I don't see the reason to shoot anything else.

In my opinion best to worst bulk packs.
Winchester wildcat
I had the opportunity to shoot a group of 5 Lapua Dominators just yesterday. I was taking a test for someone using Federal Champion (500 count box).

The Lapua group was 1/2" for 5 rounds. Couldn't touch that using Federal. I don't have the money to shoot $14/50 round ammo but it was pretty schnazzy.
I had the opportunity to shoot a group of 5 Lapua Dominators just yesterday. I was taking a test for someone using Federal Champion (500 count box).

The Lapua group was 1/2" for 5 rounds. Couldn't touch that using Federal. I don't have the money to shoot $14/50 round ammo but it was pretty schnazzy.

Wait till you move to larger calibers. $0.30/round is nothing. That's what people pay for crap .223 ammo for plinking.
Wait till you move to larger calibers. $0.30/round is nothing. That's what people pay for crap .223 ammo for plinking.


Personally, I shoot CCI Blazer in all my .22s ~$20-25/500 depending on where you get it. It'll shoot minute-o-FantasticMrFox at 50 yards out of my mostly-stock 10/22 in the middle of the night in my pajamas, at least. That's good enough for me [laugh]
Personally, I shoot CCI Blazer in all my .22s ~$20-25/500 depending on where you get it. It'll shoot minute-o-FantasticMrFox at 50 yards out of my mostly-stock 10/22 in the middle of the night in my pajamas, at least.

I also shoot CCI Blazer out of my 10/22. I've compared a few different brands at 100 yards, and the CCI seems to group the best. i'm not talking 1/2 inch groups, but i can probably hold a 2 or 3 inch group if i were really trying. i'm sure the ammo/gun is a lot more accurate than that though.....
My 10-22 and Mk3 pistol eats anything but Remington without any problems. Never noticed and real difference in accuracy just a slight vertical difference

Depending on the gun.
My s&w 41 early model loves the lapua 2 is the wolf gold match....but since I don't shoot anywhere as much as I used to anything above the price of cci blaser or Aquila target is a waste
My glenfield 25 shoots almost any 22 shorts very well
My last 2 10/22s shot minute of somewhere
I like most people seem to have no luck with Remington 22lr
I'm a big believer in "you get what you pay for", but my most recent Champion's Choice catalog lists Lapua X-ACT at $234 per 500rds. I'm not sure I could find the difference on target between that and the Wolf Match Target I got for $35 a brick a while ago.
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