What's your take on this?

These yahoos obviously haven't even the vaguest understanding of hunting. They see it as a simple excuse to indulge in killing, when the converse is actually true. As Jose Ortega y Gasset wrote, one doesn't hunt in order to kill, but kills sometimes in order to have hunted. "Hunting is a universal and impassioned sport ... it is the purest form of human happiness. The essence of hunting or fishing involves a complete code of ethics of the most distinguished design. The sportsman who accepts the sporting code of ethics keeps his commandments in the greatest solitude with no witnesses or audience other than the sharp peaks of the mountain, the stern oak, and the passing animal."

Wow !

I know groundhogs can cause a lot of damage and I've seen what happens to horses and cattle when they step into holes. [sad2]

But I never knew they could undermine the ground that badly though. [thinking]

Yeah, this was pretty bad. I had never known how intricate their tunnel systems are until we saw the spot where his tractor went in - it was layers of tunnels. They had to use a bulldozer to pull his tractor out. Groundhogs were everywhere you looked around dusk. I think it was due a lot to his advancing age, (he had quit hunting) and back then at least, predators in Northeast Ohio were pretty rare.
Strangely sexual music for watching kids slaughter rabbits.

Thus supporting the theory that this has nothing to do with hunting; it is about the sexual thrill of mindless slaughter. Torture of small animals is a known precursor of greater violence in sociopaths.
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