Whats Your Opinion

I have heard gun owners saying he had every right ... and that the State and Govt were wrong for arresting him

I don't think you would hear many gun owners here saying he had every right. That kind of action can opnly be bad for all of us. Plus look at the dent he would have put in the supply for all the NH folk.
Yea, If I remember correctly his car had 20 or 30 thousand rounds in it when they picked him up. But hey, he was an immigrant that didn't know the laws so I say cut him a break because he was too busy studying how to pass the swearing in ceremony! NOT
I have heard gun owners saying he had every right ... and that the State and Govt were wrong for arresting him

He had every right to break the law?! Guys like Garcia piss me off. It's guys like this that prove it's easy to obtain a gun and ammo illegally and then makes legal gun owners suffer under tightened gun laws. His actions increase public scrutiny of gun owners...I hope they prosecute the hell out of him.
For my money, it's perfectly reasonable to break a law you feel is unjust, so long as
1)You do not attempt to hide or deny the fact that you broke the law,
2)When confronted by the legal system, you base your defense on the premise that the law is unjust.

That would be civil disobedience, at least according to the definition I learned, and I would certainly agree that the laws he broke are unjust.

Since his claim appears to be that he did not break the law, rather than that the law is unjust, however, it doesn't seem like his goal was civil disobedience.

So you're comfortable with a non-citizen coming to our country and breaking whatever laws he/she feels are unjust?
Great! [rolleyes]
So you're comfortable with a non-citizen coming to our country and breaking whatever laws he/she feels are unjust?
Great! [rolleyes]

It's civil disobedience. If you feel a law is unjust, and should be overturned, you volunteer to be a test case. I think it's unwise and risky for a non citizen, but the only way laws get overturned by courts is for someone to be the test case, and it some real... chutzpa... to put one's own freedom on the line for the sake of challenging an unjust law.

I don't think this guy was doing that, though, I think he was just breaking the law because the thought he could get away with it.
Actions have consequences regardless if we approve of the laws in question.

I don't see where the arresting authority was named. What Investigators from what state or Federal agency investigated and followed someone in NH and then arrested the individual in MA? If it was a MA police dept. wouldn't there be a jurisdiction issue?
So you're comfortable with a non-citizen coming to our country and breaking whatever laws he/she feels are unjust?
Great! [rolleyes]

Chances are if a non-citizen cares enough about an unjust law to sacrifice himself to the cause, they are more of a patriot than any citizen who does nothing but bitch and complain. Obviously no one is saying that its okay for illegals to break whatever laws they don't agree with, we call those people criminals. This comment is in no way referencing this specific case. Just making a general argument.
Chances are if a non-citizen cares enough about an unjust law to sacrifice himself to the cause, they are more of a patriot than any citizen who does nothing but bitch and complain. Obviously no one is saying that its okay for illegals to break whatever laws they don't agree with, we call those people criminals. This comment is in no way referencing this specific case. Just making a general argument.

Yep, it's the state laws that are wrong, not this guy. They make it wrong to possess an inanimate object. [rolleyes] If everyone in the state of MA broke the stupid gun laws they would be null and void. I don't think anyone should be prosecuted for any of these charges, period.
Hahaha was there any indication that this person was going on the hunt to hurt someone? That's all I care about.

Making claims that he should be more obedient to bogus laws is ridiculous. This guys life is no doubt ruined. It would be a shame if all he wanted to do was shoot. I agree that the smart way would be to go through the correct channels, but saying he got what he had coming to him is a bit cruel. He is looking at some serious jail time/heavy financial burdens all because he didn't obey.
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