What you want GOAL to do for you this year.

What would you most like GOAL to do for you this year?

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I know very little about how bills like the ones GOAL tries to get passed actually work..... I call, I write... but really its a crazy process.

I do wonder very much why we try to "reform" everything all at once? Yes I know, they are our "rights" and we shouldnt have to do this. But dont these HUGE bills that try to rewrite all of the stupid BS mass laws stand ZERO chance of getting passed? As I said I call, I write, I vote, I belong to GOAL but I also realize that the bill that GOAL proposes every year has a snow balls chance in hell of passing.

So, why not little pieces? Wouldnt 1 or2 "common sense" laws stand a better chance of being pitched or sold in an easy to understand was to an electorate that obviously knows nothing about firearms or those that own them legally? Wouldnt this approach be more effective and stand a better chance of real "change' over time than getting shot down every year with the same bill? ( please dont take this as an attack on GOAL or the way they operate, its simply an honest question )

What I want most of all, far and away beyond anything else is the protection of my 2A rights in the event of disaster/state of emergency. period. This really should be #1 on everyones list. All your hi caps, and flash suppressors, folding stocks, glocks ect ect ect do you ZERO good if at the 1st sign of any real "emergency" the gov maintains the ability to come take them away.

Further, #2 and #3 on my list would be #2 "shall issue LTC" and #3 Castle doctrine
What I want most of all, far and away beyond anything else is the protection of my 2A rights in the event of disaster/state of emergency. period. This really should be #1 on everyones list. All your hi caps, and flash suppressors, folding stocks, glocks ect ect ect do you ZERO good if at the 1st sign of any real "emergency" the gov maintains the ability to come take them away.

Even if such a law passed, what makes you think that your/my mayor/police chief/governor would obey it anyway?

I ask the above in all sincerity. I'm convinced that even if such a law were to exist, they would still do what they wanted to do and people who lost their guns would never get them back or be given just compensation.

I just don't have the trust in our gov't that they would do the legal and right thing in a state of emergency! Sad but true. [thinking]

Food for thought . . . do they obey the 40-day law on turn-around of a LTC application? Do they all accept whatever LTC course is specified by MGLs/CMRs or do they DEMAND only certain courses as "acceptable"? Do they accept all BFS Certificates or do they demand that they be no more than x months old? What penalty do they face for violating these current laws/regulations?
1. Remove any shred of doubt on the online sale of everything gun related.
2. Remove the AG list AND the roster. If we cannot do without the roster, then why don't we just adopt the CA roster? More gun manufactures will apply for that given the size of that market and we can just ride on the coattails.
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