What You’ll See In The Rebellion

A government looking to deny our rights under the constitution is nothing more than a coup and should be treated as such. All allegiance is to the constitution and not the government entities. The collateral damage would be happens when the government causes an insurrection no matter how small, it would have immediate impacts on not just US markets but the world markets would go in a tailspin. The "Free-world" and the supposed safest place on Earth in violent battle with it's citizenry would sure create some major world wide chaos never mind food shortages and money crisis'. I would hardly think business as usual would be able to continue.
Organized resistance cells won't work. Eveytime someone starts talking about how a rebellion would have logistics problems , fall to technology , or get out gunned by the PowersThatBe - they aren't thinking right.

We shouldn't even be discussing Revolution , we should be thinking along the lines of new management for the same company. If we were able to convince people through some means that being an anti constitutionalist elected or appointed official was a really bad idea , then things would change quickly.
Guys, if confiscation were ever to happen (which I don't believe it will), it would not come door to door. They will find a way to tie it to your everyday life and oppress you into submission. Like tying it to your drivers license or vehicle registration or fines leading to liens on your property. Maybe tie it to your healthcare since they will control that. Who knows? Regardless, it won't be an "in your face" campaign of door to door searches and seizures IMO.

Very good point.

Everybody misses how the web of tyranny gets laid down. They assume that it just "happened" one day like by random occurence.

What if it was by design? First we get Obamacare health care - that ties your very life to the government, next we have a very "convenient' school shooting, which leads the usual cast of characters to go full retard - which gives the politicians the wherewithal to institute draconian gun control laws. When people refuse to give up their guns - since they now have literal control over your life and your health - they have all they need to FORCE you into submission (or force others close to you into submission).

Funny how the pieces of that puzzle all neatly fit together to paint the entire picture once you see what all the pieces actually are - isn't it?
Very good point.

Everybody misses how the web of tyranny gets laid down. They assume that it just "happened" one day like by random occurence.

What if it was by design? First we get Obamacare health care - that ties your very life to the government, next we have a very "convenient' school shooting, which leads the usual cast of characters to go full retard - which gives the politicians the wherewithal to institute draconian gun control laws. When people refuse to give up their guns - since they now have literal control over your life and your health - they have all they need to FORCE you into submission (or force others close to you into submission).

Funny how the pieces of that puzzle all neatly fit together to paint the entire picture once you see what all the pieces actually are - isn't it?

what if the whole idea was to get us to fight back? Think about it, thats right tin-foil time.
Regardless of what happens, the media will always spin it to make the government look good and those against the government bad. The people with half a brain would prob figure out pretty quickly whats really going on but those blinder then Helen Keller will eat it up hook, line, and sinker
Regardless of what happens, the media will always spin it to make the government look good and those against the government bad. The people with half a brain would prob figure out pretty quickly whats really going on but those blinder then Helen Keller will eat it up hook, line, and sinker

And quite unfortunately that later group makes up the lion share of the population. Any media outlet that is not pro-gov will quickly get their plug pulled under the Patriot Act, so the spin you mentioned will be the predominant message anyway. The sad truth is that the bulk of our population has evolved into socialist ideals even if they don't realize, or openly admit it.
Here's my take on this...
A rebellion will fail. As soon as you join the cause, you will be considered a domestic terrorist. I don't trust the cops to pick our side. A disarmed population is a cop's dream come true. They would be the only ones on the street with guns (well, exept for the criminals who don't care about a rebellion or laws). As soon as it is known who is participating in this little uprise, your picture will be all over the news. I trust the media to pin pretty much everything that goes wrong with the country from then on on your sorry ass. Your support network will shrink like a yoghurt in the sahara desert. The feds will be after you, with everything they have. They have unlimited supplies, the newest technology, you have a problem finding 5.56 and food. Face it, if you want a rebellion, you have to be prepared to be the bad guy, and nobody likes a bad guy.
Do you really believe that the coppers will side with you? Give up their pension, their job, their life? Even IF you get 10 people together to form a small unit, how will you feed, shelter, heal and supplu them with things as simple as toilet paper or cigarettes? Your only option would be to seek help from the only people you really don't want to be seen with. Terrorist organisations, criminals, or nations that want nothing more then to see the US fall. Get in bed with them would make you just as evil and bad as them.
Conclusion: when you have nothing but a small group with small weapons, you shouldn't f@gg with people who can call in an airstrike in a matter of minutes. They will just starve you out, and then it's going to be Guantanamo, with no lawyer, no rights, no freedom at all. Just ask yourself, when was the last time you've heard from the people who are kept in that place?

If the "revolution" is just a bunch of pissed of white guys who randomly and separately get taken out by roving SWAT teams - then yeah, the "revolution" will fail.

As far as the whole airstrike thing - the US military doesn't have enough air power to cover the entire country if the entire country erupts - also, we have been unable to elminiate Taliban resistance in Afghanistan even after being there for more than 10 years - and Afghanistan is largely denuded of trees and the landscape is pretty hard to hide in - and yet they are still there.

Look at how hard it was for us to win in Vietnam ( oh I forget - we didn't) . The Viet Cong were burrowing tunnels , hiking their asses thru the mountains and jungles and every other place. The US is not a jungle - and there may not be many places to hide on the western plains - but east of the Missisipi river is guerilla country. There's just simply no way the US military could take control of the this ENTIRE country.

Even if they could - they would face a serious problem: Logistics. They'd likely have to start a draft - which would go against them - it would build even more resistance - women seeing their sons drafted to go off and fight other Americans - maybe even their other sons. A war at home would also seriously affect American power overseas - once enemies or people we've been pissing off for decades saw that happen here - they'd start attacking Americans and American bases and other stuff overseas.

The US govt would rapidly find their shit spinning out of control.

But like I said - that only happens if ENOUGH Americans stand up and fight. If it's lone wolves and Randy Weaver types here and there up in the mountains - then yea - Government forces will just eliminate them one by one.

I have utter confidence that if a sufficient number of the AMerican people rose up against the government that they would prevail in time. The history of the just the past 10 years shows this to be true - never mind the previous few hundred.
No. He's on the money. How many fit dudes do you see in gun stores buying up all the ARs and ammo during panic buys? Not many.

It's all fatassed tinfoil wearing IT type retards sucking that shit up right now! Because they'd actually obey the law and not try and purchase stuff if it was illegal. The same kind of idiots who call the cops when they see someone at the range with something that's illegal. ( Yeah... that's 95% of the posters here.) The idiots paying 15X the market price are the boneheads who don't know how to do anything with the hardware they're buying. Never will, and don't have the fortitude to lose the weight to be able to lug a couple of cans of ammo anyway. None of those people would last more than a few hours if they even had the nuts to pull the trigger during an actual confiscation. Which they won't. They'll turn their shit in just like everyone else. And your big bad evil .gov knows that.

That's really the biggest problem I see.

Too many "conservatives" support big government (slit their own throat)

Too many gun owners talk about Molon Labe - and yet don't understand how to make it actually stick (slit their own throat)

Too many Americans talk about protecting themselves from terrorists - support the Patriot Act - and then get all pissed off when the TSA agents are licking their 5 year old boy's nutsuck at the airport to test for gunpowder residue ( slit their own throats)

Too many Americans (heavily favoring the liberal side of the equation) - seem to think that nothing can ever go wrong - and live their lives that way (slit their own throats)

etc - etc and so on and so forth.

Buy an AR - attend an Appleseed, buy some body armor - spend your weekends lugging around cement bags and reading books by Matthew Bracken - get appropriately pissed off and equipped and trained - and then maybe people will start taking this whole thing seriously.

But seriously - if the attendance at the Appleseeds this year doesn't go up by like 400% - then we'll know that this whole thing is pretty much a joke.

- - - Updated - - -

So, how was I being disrespectfull? By telling things that people on here didn't want to hear? And why do people constantly drag my country into a conversation? I am my own man, I have an opinion and I voice it. Next thing you know is I am being called names and my country is insulted, instead of pointing out where my opinion (theory) might be wrong. Is this you guy's understanding of a discussion? Getting personal with people who don't agree with you?
Is that the American way? Really? Well, good luck with that. Only on the internet, I say. Every time I meet people in real life, I never hear them make fun of me or my country of origin. Must be the good ol' "face to face" issue, right?

I think it's funny that you thought I was the biggest a**h*** here.
What if the POTUS is in bed with foreign powers now that his last election is over? Will Putin send troops to support this thinly veiled long planned anti-2A disarmament scheme?

I think someone needs to write a credible and realistic open letter to all the country's law enforcement and military and simply ask them if they are prepared to take up arms against their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors, to carry out the illegal destruction of the constitution that they have taken an oath to protect and defend. This president and congress have overstepped their oath of office in an orchestrated campaign to take our right to bear arms as part of a plan to destroy the constitution. To illegally confiscate our property, and to threaten detention and bodily harm to those that refuse to comply. You, as law enforcement and the distinguished military are part of the same country as we are. Do you feel comfortable choosing to carry out the orders of a government that has stopped working for the people? Together we can remove the illegal government and restore order and peace to this country. We have a common and honorable goal.

I haven't read thru this entire thread yet so I may have missed it if somebody else posted it - but Matthew Bracken just did that:

Dear Mr. Security Agent

As an active LEO no I will not defy the oath I took to uphold the Constitution of the United States. To me this oath is worth more than money, financial security or even my own life. If such orders come down I (and most others I know) will not comply with these illegal orders. My oath was to my people and their representative government not to a single person or leader. If the people determine that this government no longer serves them then I side with the people and will serve them until my last breath. Not all feel this way but I would bet on most LEO's and active .MIL being on the side of the people if the proverbial SHTF.

That's really the crux of the problem.

If a high enough percentage of the military and law enforcement felt like this - then any sort of massive government power grab or gun confiscation is a non-starter.

This is something I remember reading a few years back - it was an essay by an Army officer - talking about what a "legitimate" revolution was in his eyes.

What he basically said was: if the American people revolt against the government - because the government has over-stepped it's bounds, then it is his duty - and the military's duty - to side with the American people and against the now illegal government.

However if the American people would rather sit home and watch American Idol while a tyrannical government runs amuck and hauls people off to camps and confiscates everybody's guns - then it's not necessarily the job of the military to buck the tide and do what the American people won't - and don't care about.

This is why I constantly beat on people to wake the **** up - because they seem completely ignorant to the true dynamics that are in play here.
I don't know why you would bring up my time in the service here. I haven't mentioned it in this thread at all, I just wrote my opinion.
Now, apparently I'm surrounded by future heroes here, who will fight the battle to the end. ROFL. Works for me. In the meantime, I bet halfof you guys wouldn't even show up for a demonstration, because you don't want to miss a day at work and get on your supervisor's shitlist.
But I guess you're right, guys, I'm french, so how would I know anything about fighting. Carryb on and keep telling yourself how you are the next generation of minutemen, and just insult everybody who points out that war is nothing like in the movies that you obviously consume in an abusive fashion.

So, you think you are on par with an Afghani fighter, who grew up in a warzone? Really?As far as the pussy gene goes, well, you just show me what kind of hero you are. I'm waiting.
On par with ? No, superior to...abso****inglutely
what if the whole idea was to get us to fight back? Think about it, thats right tin-foil time.

That's why I keep saying people need to use their heads.

Instead of all this Molon Labe stuff and fighting to the death stuff - people ought to be thinking along the lines of "how do we best totally screw them over and implode the system"

This is why I keep saying that if some sort of gun confiscation looks to be imminent - they all just need to "disappear".

You have to remember - if they say they want to confiscate them - that means they want them GONE. If they can't find them - that means they can't possibly be "gone". They will be out there somewhere - always a threat - always a problem - always something they have to try and find.

The US government is already bankrupt - how much more can we accelerate that bankruptcy by forcing them to expend untold amounts of time and money trying to find literally 10's of millions of weapons that have just "disappeared".

If they really are trying to force some sort of response - then the last thing you want to do - is to give them the response they are looking for.

People need to sit down and read what Saul Alinsky said.


Saul Alinsky was one of the really effective humanistic radicals of the 1960s. He did not throw bombs. He did not spout rhetoric. He simply taught people how to use the bureaucracies' own red tape to tie them up in knots. This is why he was so effective, and why his book, Rules For Radicals (1971), is so useful for an understanding of the principles of successful resistance, despite its humanistic bias. His words are worth considering:

Let us in the name of radical pragmatism not forget that in our system with all its repressions we can still speak out and denounce the administration, attack its policies, work to build an opposition political base. True, there is still government harassment, but there still is that relative freedom to fight. I can attack my government, try to organize to change it. That's more than I can do in Moscow, Peking, or Havana. Remember the reaction of the Red Guard to the "cultural revolution" and the fate of the Chinese college students. Just a few of the violent episodes of bombings or a courtroom shootout that we have experienced here would have resulted in a sweeping purge and mass executions in Russia, China, or Cuba. Let us keep some perspective.

We will start with the system because there is no other place to start from except political lunacy. It is most important for those of us who want revolutionary change to understand that revolution must be preceded by reformation. To assume that a political revolution can survive without a supporting base of popular reformation is to ask for the impossible in politics.

Men don't like to step abruptly out of the security of familiar experience; they need a bridge to cross from their own experience to a new way. A revolutionary organizer must shake up the prevailing patterns of their lives -- agitate, create disenchantment and discontent with the current values, to produce, if not a passion for change, at least a passive, affirmative, non-challenging climate.

"The revolution was effected before the war commenced; John Adams wrote. "The Revolution was in the hearts and minds of the people. . . . This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments and affections of the people was the real American Revolution." A revolution without a prior reformation would collapse or become a totalitarian tyranny.

If a humanist like Alinsky understood this about the nature of man and social change, we Christians should at least give heed to his conclusions concerning tactics. Not bombs but protests and petitions. Not guns but getting people involved in dragging their feet. We need a positive program of changing people's minds about God, man, and law; about family, church, and State, not to mention the economy's We also need a negative program of successful resistance techniques that will get the State off our backs long enough for us to go about the work of positive reformation. Meanwhile, we can gum up the works. That literally happened under Alinsky. Some Christian college was foolish enough to allow students to invite him to speak on campus. A group of disgruntled students met with him after his speech. "How can we change this place? We can't do anything. We can't smoke, dance, go to movies, or drink beer. About all we can do is chew gum." Alinsky told them, "Then gum is your answer."

He told them to get 200 or 300 students to buy two packs of gum each. Chew both packs simultaneously every day, and then spit out the wads on campus walks. As he said, 'Why, with five hundred wads of gum I could paralyze Chicago, stop all the traffic in the Loop." He told them to keep it up until the rules were loosened or abolished. The tactic worked. Two weeks later all the rules were lifted. One new rule was substituted: no gum on campus.

That college administration was weak. Its leaders really did not believe in their own standards. They could have immediately banned gum from the campus the second day, with immediate expulsion as the penalty for anyone caught chew-ing it. But this would have made them look ridiculous to people on the outside. Expelling kids for chewing gum, when other campuses are being bombed by student radicals? The outsiders would never have seen the hundreds of wads of dried gum on the walkways every morning. Bureaucrats never ever want to look ridiculous. They capitulated. They were, in short, fearful bureaucrats. So are most of the people who will give Christians trouble over the next two decades.

We can learn from Alinsky. We must learn how to gum up the works. We must create a new, hypothetical society, "Gummit," which sounds a lot like "Guvmint."

You see what he said? It's basically the same thing that John Adams said: " The Revolution was in the hearts and minds of the people. . . . This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments and affections of the people was the real American Revolution"

Unless you guys are willing to stop voting Republican , stop believing that Romney was the one true answer, stop believing we should be going around the world blowing the crap out of third world countries, stop believing you should be getting a social security check, stop believing that without the government we wouldn't have any roads, stop believing your kids won't get educated unless there are govt. run schools - etc etc and so on - then there isn't going to be any ****ing revolution.

Fix the problems in your head - and then the shooting will come afterwards once people realize the government doesn't intend to allow you to change your own country. Unless you can do that - you're just a bunch of Branch Davidians.
Fix the problems in your head - and then the shooting will come afterwards once people realize the government doesn't intend to allow you to change your own country. Unless you can do that - you're just a bunch of Branch Davidians.

If the problems are fixed in their heads, its possible that shooting might not have to happen.

If no-one thinks they need the gov crack, the gov becomes powerless.
Carlsdad has a point I've thought over a bit as well. My version goes something like this :

I believe the USA is in actual real EOTWAWKI style trouble financially. I assume we're all familiar with that end of things.

I believe Fast n Furious was a conspiracy to promote a Feinstein level AWB nationally. They blew that one but the latest atrocities are serving even better for the anti gun crowd to be used as a mob to disarm us.

Even Schumer/Feinstein/Obama know stomping us legal owners will have no effect on lunatics or gang banger murderers. But whatever contingency they have mapped out for the collapse of the entitlement programs , the devaluation of the dollar and the suicidal spending binge were on will be much easier to pull off if Conservative/Libertarian Americans aren't armed anymore.

In other words , as much as I hate the concept of the effective death of the 2nd Amendment , it isn't about the guns , it's about what I fear will follow when we are truly helpless.
Some Christian college was foolish enough to allow students to invite him to speak on campus. A group of disgruntled students met with him after his speech. "How can we change this place? We can't do anything. We can't smoke, dance, go to movies, or drink beer. About all we can do is chew gum." Alinsky told them, "Then gum is your answer."

He told them to get 200 or 300 students to buy two packs of gum each. Chew both packs simultaneously every day, and then spit out the wads on campus walks. As he said, 'Why, with five hundred wads of gum I could paralyze Chicago, stop all the traffic in the Loop." He told them to keep it up until the rules were loosened or abolished. The tactic worked. Two weeks later all the rules were lifted. One new rule was substituted: no gum on campus.

So what is our gum?
That's why I keep saying people need to use their heads.

Instead of all this Molon Labe stuff and fighting to the death stuff - people ought to be thinking along the lines of "how do we best totally screw them over and implode the system"

This is why I keep saying that if some sort of gun confiscation looks to be imminent - they all just need to "disappear".

You have to remember - if they say they want to confiscate them - that means they want them GONE. If they can't find them - that means they can't possibly be "gone". They will be out there somewhere - always a threat - always a problem - always something they have to try and find.

The US government is already bankrupt - how much more can we accelerate that bankruptcy by forcing them to expend untold amounts of time and money trying to find literally 10's of millions of weapons that have just "disappeared".

If they really are trying to force some sort of response - then the last thing you want to do - is to give them the response they are looking for.

People need to sit down and read what Saul Alinsky said.


You see what he said? It's basically the same thing that John Adams said: " The Revolution was in the hearts and minds of the people. . . . This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments and affections of the people was the real American Revolution"

Unless you guys are willing to stop voting Republican , stop believing that Romney was the one true answer, stop believing we should be going around the world blowing the crap out of third world countries, stop believing you should be getting a social security check, stop believing that without the government we wouldn't have any roads, stop believing your kids won't get educated unless there are govt. run schools - etc etc and so on - then there isn't going to be any ****ing revolution.

Fix the problems in your head - and then the shooting will come afterwards once people realize the government doesn't intend to allow you to change your own country. Unless you can do that - you're just a bunch of Branch Davidians.

Something great will happen in my lifetime, I've know this since I was a child

That's funny. I've always had a nagging feeling in the back of my head that some serious shit was going to go down in my lifetime. It's been there since I was a kid.

Maybe it's just something everybody thinks about. I don't know.
That's funny. I've always had a nagging feeling in the back of my head that some serious shit was going to go down in my lifetime. It's been there since I was a kid.

Maybe it's just something everybody thinks about. I don't know.

I'm with you on that feeling.

Some things to remember are the sheer logistics of confiscation. Military bases are supplied by the surrounding communities. That support would dry up. Serious break in the supply chain means bases go non operational.
The police are members of our community. They would not be able to leave their homes once the SHTF. No self respecting LEO is going to just walk out the front door and go to work confiscating guns.
There are several states where LEOs stand fully behind the 2nd amendment. Many more would once anything kicked off. They value their lives and their families lives.
I think it will be more like death by a thousand cuts.
I agree. At first I thought that the disorganized nature of gun owners would be a detriment, but with further thought, I now feel that is our biggest strength! Millions of tiny fires to put out may be way more of a problem than a single larger resistance that would just end up with the Waco treatment.

This is exactly why I say people say they should just bury their guns instead of dying in their burning house refusing to hand them over to the SWAT team that just showed up to take them.
So what is our gum?

I'm not sure if I know what the best answer is to that. But there's already a bunch of people out there spitting gum all over the place - by buying guns and ammo.

I think the basic takeaway is - take advantage of what they allow you to do - and carry it to excess. Right now - we're still allowed to own guns and buy ammo - so we should be doing the shit out of that.

Let's say that the government bans guns. But we can still buy bows and arrows. Everybody should buy a bow and carry the thing with them everywhere they go - along with a quiver of arrows. Let the government start passing laws about assault bows and high capacity arrows and all sorts of other stupid shit. If they ban bows an arrows - EVERYBODY once again should start carrying 3 foot long hickory sticks with them - everywhere they go. Sooner or later the government will regulate what type of wood you make sticks out of - how long they can be - etc.

Don't forget - the cops will have to regulate and enforce all of this. If people go along - their job is easier. If people either refuse to go along - or just find something else to do to **** with the government and law enforcement - then their jobs just get harder and harder and harder.

This is why I say BURY THE GUNS - instead of going out in blaze of glory.

This is why I say people need to smarten up and work to break the system. That's the lesson of Alinsky : BREAK THE SYSTEM. You can do it with gum - and you can do it with all sorts of other things.

People need to adjust their attitude - instead of just blindly going along - think like a goddam rebel and STOP GOING ALONG.
I sold all mine weeks ago.[smile]

Where are all your guns sir?

Yeah - my boat tipped over and they all got lost at sea.

Where are all your silver and gold coins sir?

Yeah - well the hookers and drug dealers stopped accepting that worthless US script a few years back so I blew all the coins on blow jobs and coke. It's all gone now - but it was a good time while it lasted.
That's funny. I've always had a nagging feeling in the back of my head that some serious shit was going to go down in my lifetime. It's been there since I was a kid.

Maybe it's just something everybody thinks about. I don't know.

Are you talking about confiscation? I'm not reading 330 posts into this thread. Because serious shit did happen if you were over 18 when the AWB came around. I was just going into kindergarten but I know that if I had been old enough to know about guns I would have been bullshit.
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