What You’ll See In The Rebellion

Do you think this is a realistic scenario or pure fantasy?

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I find it alittle funny that he claims that cops will be so apalled at the notion of doing something unconstitutional when there is video evidence and stories of they destroying peoples civil rights everyday. I am not one of those people who think that all cops are bad because I don't like when people generalize any group, but they certainly have thier fair share. I do however agree that some cops will dissagree and disobey losing thier jobs and some will disobey because they aren't ready to surrender thier lives for it. I do have alot of friends in the military who I know would not obey that order, but they have had discussions with people they serve or served with who have said "and order is an order" so I believe there will be some who just "obey orders". Not drawing a direct link here but there where Nazi soldiers who where just "following orders" so it does happen. If we have learned anything from our now almost 13 years war in the middle east it is that a small group can inflict major damage physically and mentally to a large military so numbers don't count as much as they used to. And again I will end with saying I hope they smarten up way before this is even a thought.
Now, Sir, that's the way to debate. I agree with you on the history part. Anything else has yet to be proven. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

Then Sir, I stand by my statement that you still do not understand our spirit. I do welcome the discussion though.

As a side, I commend you on your command of my language. It is much better than my command of yours. But why would I need to learn French?
No. He's on the money. How many fit dudes do you see in gun stores buying up all the ARs and ammo during panic buys? Not many.

It's all fatassed tinfoil wearing IT type retards sucking that shit up right now! Because they'd actually obey the law and not try and purchase stuff if it was illegal. The same kind of idiots who call the cops when they see someone at the range with something that's illegal. ( Yeah... that's 95% of the posters here.) The idiots paying 15X the market price are the boneheads who don't know how to do anything with the hardware they're buying. Never will, and don't have the fortitude to lose the weight to be able to lug a couple of cans of ammo anyway. None of those people would last more than a few hours if they even had the nuts to pull the trigger during an actual confiscation. Which they won't. They'll turn their shit in just like everyone else. And your big bad evil .gov knows that.

Wow !!!!!! Where did you get the afforementioned information and or opinion? I've been in the gun shops since this whole panic mess started. I've been buying ammo. I already had the hardware. Nine thousand rounds so far and still buying. Just bought a pile of tracer today. I've worn a tie throughout my work career too. Guess that means that you catogorize me as one of what you've described as well. I'll bet that I was locked and loaded for both of my back to back tours in Southeast Asia when you were still in diapers, which must qualify me as one of those "unfit dudes" you referred to as well. Let me give you some friendly advise, If I were you I wouldn't be so opinionated, but since you seem to be, I'll offer this advice instead. If you ever find your way into an American Legion hall or VFW, while you are out cruising the gun shops, for the sake of your health record please keep the mouth that you've shown here closed, because if you try what you've said here you'll probably have to go home and explain to your mom why and old IT type just kicked your butt.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.
One thing many are missing here is, they are not going to come for the guns until something far bigger than a school shooting takes place. In fact, they may not come for guns at all, but when there is no gas, no money and no food, well, think about it. If there is a complete economic implosion and you wake up to find military checkpoints setup at major intersections, banks closed and ATM's shut off and everyone is told to stay indoors due to martial law. Just think, not being able to check your email and not able to log into NES, never mind bars on the cell phone. How do you organize then? Smoke signals?! Sure, cable TV will be on, but it will be David Gregory giving you the news that Valerie Jarrett wrote.
Then Sir, I stand by my statement that you still do not understand our spirit. I do welcome the discussion though.

As a side, I commend you on your command of my language. It is much better than my command of yours. But why would I need to learn French?
First, thanks for the compliment. It is my opinion that when one choses to ive in a different country, it is his duty to adjust to the local customs, which of course means to learn the language, to be able to comunicate with people.
As for the american spirit, I do not doubt that there are some people left who have it. Now, the last election showed clearly that 52% of "we, the people" are already out of the equation. Both our nations have a solid background of revolution and war in general, I don't think anyone could argue this. But nowadays, most people unfortunately are more of the armchair quarterback type, and some are plain delusional. An I mean people on both sides of the pond. I just stopped counting on others a long time ago. I don't expect anything from anyone, because that is usually what you get when you count on people. Nothing.
Some of you guys mask your love of your guns as patriotism. If you were truly as patriotic as you think you are, you wouldn't give Frenchman any crap about his opinions. You would respect his 1A rights as you do your 2A rights and you would respect him in spite of your differences of opinion. But, you don't. Who cares what his opinion is. If you really want to be part of a rebellion, spend your time planning and preparing with those who are of like mind. Don't spend it arguing on the Internet. Let him go his way and you go yours.

JMO, flame away.

Nobody has suggested a ban on being able to say stupid things on the internet. In fact many on this forum have fought so he could have the right to say what he wants even if they disagree with him. What's the quote "I disagree with what you are saying but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? I think you'd find that is the opinion of most people.
If you ever find your way into an American Legion hall or VFW, while you are out cruising the gun shops, for the sake of your health record please keep the mouth that you've shown here closed, because if you try what you've said here you'll probably have to go home and explain to your mom why and old IT type just kicked your butt.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.

I'm not old or fat enough to hang out in places like that yet. When I am, and you're ready to go say "hi" to my mom for me, I'll gladly send you into the next world tough guy.
What if the POTUS is in bed with foreign powers now that his last election is over? Will Putin send troops to support this thinly veiled long planned anti-2A disarmament scheme?

I think someone needs to write a credible and realistic open letter to all the country's law enforcement and military and simply ask them if they are prepared to take up arms against their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors, to carry out the illegal destruction of the constitution that they have taken an oath to protect and defend. This president and congress have overstepped their oath of office in an orchestrated campaign to take our right to bear arms as part of a plan to destroy the constitution. To illegally confiscate our property, and to threaten detention and bodily harm to those that refuse to comply. You, as law enforcement and the distinguished military are part of the same country as we are. Do you feel comfortable choosing to carry out the orders of a government that has stopped working for the people? Together we can remove the illegal government and restore order and peace to this country. We have a common and honorable goal.
This thread is kind of like being in high school, in the locker room after losing a football game. Everyone at each others throats for whatever reason, all forgetting the fact that were all on the same team. Unification is what this community needs more then squawking over end-game hypotheticals.
This thread is kind of like being in high school, in the locker room after losing a football game. Everyone at each others throats for whatever reason, all forgetting the fact that were all on the same team. Unification is what this community needs more then squawking over end-game hypotheticals.

You make to much sense.
Stop it. Someone might get a clue.
Physical conditioning is the number one preparation for all you guys planning on going rambo. None of us would live long enoughto fire 10k rounds. Ammo and gun acess ain't the problem. Cops and soldiers will do what tney are told, history is crystal clear on this. War fighting the .gov will not work, however on the bizarro chance people git up for a reset murdering every politician they can no matter how petty(right downtothe elected dogcatcher)might work and has a better chance of success then a bunch of fat gun guys playing soldier/target. If it was to go all revolutionary and shit freedom needs serial killers not high speed operators. Or just bring beer andmeet up at the rendezvous are we dressing up as union soldiers or playing something else
I'm not old or fat enough to hang out in places like that yet. When I am, and you're ready to go say "hi" to my mom for me, I'll gladly send you into the next world tough guy.[/QUOT

Are you planning to email me to death,t he way you seem to do everyone, or are you actually going to get busy now
Sorry man, but if this stuff were to go down awol rates would be in the single digits. And probably only when family gets jammed up in the meat grinder all socialist states become. History and pyschology are perfectly clear on this the army and police will do what they are told. The ones saying they won't aren't being dishonest, but have yet to face the choice, they will not do what they think, it is a flase prediction of future behavior.
What if the POTUS is in bed with foreign powers now that his last election is over? Will Putin send troops to support this thinly veiled long planned anti-2A disarmament scheme?

I think someone needs to write a credible and realistic open letter to all the country's law enforcement and military and simply ask them if they are prepared to take up arms against their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors, to carry out the illegal destruction of the constitution that they have taken an oath to protect and defend. This president and congress have overstepped their oath of office in an orchestrated campaign to take our right to bear arms as part of a plan to destroy the constitution. To illegally confiscate our property, and to threaten detention and bodily harm to those that refuse to comply. You, as law enforcement and the distinguished military are part of the same country as we are. Do you feel comfortable choosing to carry out the orders of a government that has stopped working for the people? Together we can remove the illegal government and restore order and peace to this country. We have a common and honorable goal.
May only be one way to settle this one.

This thread is kind of like being in high school, in the locker room after losing a football game. Everyone at each others throats for whatever reason, all forgetting the fact that were all on the same team. Unification is what this community needs more then squawking over end-game hypotheticals.

+1, recognising however that some people will never be team players and should be cut from the team.
Here's my take on this...
A rebellion will fail. As soon as you join the cause, you will be considered a domestic terrorist. I don't trust the cops to pick our side. A disarmed population is a cop's dream come true. They would be the only ones on the street with guns (well, exept for the criminals who don't care about a rebellion or laws). As soon as it is known who is participating in this little uprise, your picture will be all over the news. I trust the media to pin pretty much everything that goes wrong with the country from then on on your sorry ass. Your support network will shrink like a yoghurt in the sahara desert. The feds will be after you, with everything they have. They have unlimited supplies, the newest technology, you have a problem finding 5.56 and food. Face it, if you want a rebellion, you have to be prepared to be the bad guy, and nobody likes a bad guy.
Do you really believe that the coppers will side with you? Give up their pension, their job, their life? Even IF you get 10 people together to form a small unit, how will you feed, shelter, heal and supplu them with things as simple as toilet paper or cigarettes? Your only option would be to seek help from the only people you really don't want to be seen with. Terrorist organisations, criminals, or nations that want nothing more then to see the US fall. Get in bed with them would make you just as evil and bad as them.
Conclusion: when you have nothing but a small group with small weapons, you shouldn't f@gg with people who can call in an airstrike in a matter of minutes. They will just starve you out, and then it's going to be Guantanamo, with no lawyer, no rights, no freedom at all. Just ask yourself, when was the last time you've heard from the people who are kept in that place?

” Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence….from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable….the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.” George Washington.

Die free, or die a slave..You make the choice.
already happened, friend. Katrina saw the deployment of the LANG in cooperation with FEMA, what was left of local law enforcement and private contractors, who went door to door ordering holdouts to the government shelters and confiscating firearms.

Thats not alex jones, that's what happened

Need I quote Eddie Compasss, Chief of the NOPD? "We're taking all the guns. We're not gonna allow anybody to be armed."

I don't believe those NRA videos on Youtube. Not one video that i saw showed police actually taking guns from anyone. They showed police knocking down doors, but thats it. They were knockin down doors to see if anyone was hurt or dead, and to look for looters, not once did they show any LEO collecting guns in front of the camera. The people being interviewed claiming their guns were taken would say anything for $$$$ after their house washed away.

If someone has a video to convince me, i'm waiting, and i'll watch with an open mind.

If that really happened then we are doomed, cause no one will stand and fight.
I'm not old or fat enough to hang out in places like that yet. When I am, and you're ready to go say "hi" to my mom for me, I'll gladly send you into the next world tough guy.[/QUOT

Are you planning to email me to death,t he way you seem to do everyone, or are you actually going to get busy now

I'm guessing the Ladybug only has one button for "Email / Internet," huh?
I think a little American vs American violence that leads to bloodshed over the citizenry protecting the second amendment would not go over well in our markets or on a world stage. Civil unrest usually does not make for good numbers on the worlds stocks especially when it's in the "free world". For those who think most of us will piss our pants and give up all our goods when some government thug comes kicking down our door maybe you are right but I think is a few that will have a set of balls that will either die or become successful at taking a few down. Considering the foreign journalist inform us more on whats going on here than our own media I hardly think it would be able to keep something like that dark for long they are always long for dirt going on in the US. But hey King O does what he wants so lets see where this jackass goes from here but I think there will be a domino affect in any sort of confiscation they try.
I don't believe those NRA videos on Youtube. Not one video that i saw showed police actually taking guns from anyone. They showed police knocking down doors, but thats it. They were knockin down doors to see if anyone was hurt or dead, and to look for looters, not once did they show any LEO collecting guns in front of the camera. The people being interviewed claiming their guns were taken would say anything for $$$$ after their house washed away.

If someone has a video to convince me, i'm waiting, and i'll watch with an open mind.

If that really happened then we are doomed, cause no one will stand and fight.

I did see one where a National Guard unit was going around making actual confiscations. If I can find it I'll post it up here.
I don't believe those NRA videos on Youtube. Not one video that i saw showed police actually taking guns from anyone. They showed police knocking down doors, but thats it. They were knockin down doors to see if anyone was hurt or dead, and to look for looters, not once did they show any LEO collecting guns in front of the camera. The people being interviewed claiming their guns were taken would say anything for $$$$ after their house washed away.

If someone has a video to convince me, i'm waiting, and i'll watch with an open mind.

If that really happened then we are doomed, cause no one will stand and fight.

Did you miss Katrina, where the LA governor told the cops to collect everyone's guns??!
As soon as you join the cause, you will be considered a domestic terrorist.

I'm already considered a "Domestic Terrorist" by the DHS. What the **** difference does it make if I am actually part of an active group?

Better to die on my feet a free man than to live on my knees as a slave.

Enjoy licking the hand that feeds you.
Or the video of cops stopping people in canoes and taking them or the one were they wrestled the elderly lady to the ground to take her revolver. .?

Sent from my mom's basement. Using Samsung GSIII
First, thanks for the compliment. It is my opinion that when one choses to ive in a different country, it is his duty to adjust to the local customs, which of course means to learn the language, to be able to comunicate with people.

Again, I commend you. You've done very well. That tells me you are an intelligent man and understand reason and logic.

As for the american spirit, I do not doubt that there are some people left who have it. Now, the last election showed clearly that 52% of "we, the people" are already out of the equation.

They do not represent Americans. But they are very good at licking the hand of government. Most are transplants from South of the border, seeking nothing more than a free meal. The others are generational slaves. Neither group have any pride. They simply will do whatever they are told to get a free meal.

Both our nations have a solid background of revolution and war in general, I don't think anyone could argue this. But nowadays, most people unfortunately are more of the armchair quarterback type, and some are plain delusional. An I mean people on both sides of the pond. I just stopped counting on others a long time ago. I don't expect anything from anyone, because that is usually what you get when you count on people. Nothing.

I will not argue the revolutionary spirit found in the French of years gone by. Some of the revolutions were most impressive. You may be right abut the armchair types, but it is my take that there are those that would rather stand than kneel and to discount them would be a tragedy on your part. Not that it matters as I assume they don't care what you or I think about them.

I cannot blame you for being of the mind to be self reliant and not counting on others. Nor can I fault you on your cynicism..... OH MY! You might be becoming an American!
I don't believe those NRA videos on Youtube. Not one video that i saw showed police actually taking guns from anyone. They showed police knocking down doors, but thats it. They were knockin down doors to see if anyone was hurt or dead, and to look for looters, not once did they show any LEO collecting guns in front of the camera. The people being interviewed claiming their guns were taken would say anything for $$$$ after their house washed away.

If someone has a video to convince me, i'm waiting, and i'll watch with an open mind.

If that really happened then we are doomed, cause no one will stand and fight.


They took down a little old lady with her unloaded revolver. The scum bags will come if told.

There was a video with law enforcement punching some old lady to take her unloaded revolver.
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