What the New York Times Leaves Out

May 2, 2005
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I heard this on the news... This is ABSOLUTELY sickening! How DARE they purposely leave out THE MOST relevant portion of this Hero's last letter!

Nothing more than a disgusting display of their biased liberal anti-war agenda.

Click the link titled
the story of a selectively quoted letter from a Marine killed in Iraq.
for the full story.

WHY WHY WHY WHY do they keep doing shit like this?

[evil] [evil] [evil] [evil] [evil] [evil] [evil] [evil] [evil]
Worse yet is when somebody tells me some scandle they read about the war, or the Current Adminstration, and I take it with a grain of salt because it's from one of these SUPER Left-wing publications.

They act like I'm some Zelious Conservative who's sticking his head in the sand....but all you have to do it read these rags to know they write just further an agenda, and "News" is just an afterthought.

-Weer'd Beard
I have no words to describe what they have done. They bastardized a Hero's message. That's THEIR mark. Hope they're happy.
That royally pisses me off. [evil] [evil] [evil] Which is why I absolutely hate main stream media.
I would rather read the blogs and have a real idea as to what is happeneing over there,not some sugar coated half lies they'd rather print. [evil]
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