What is the most likely scenario...

Apr 9, 2008
Metro West
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That you would need to draw and fire?
What is it?

Home invasion?

Out and about? Wrong area at the wrong time?


Somebody snapping at work?
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Me or my family facing serious bodily injury or death. I would consider a home invasion as a clear sign they wish to do me or my family harm. If a person is being raped I know in some states that's reason enough to use deadly force. I'm not sure if it's cause enough in NH, but if it were a family member of mine being raped I would use deadly force.
Home invasion for me. The house next door constantly has a lot of people over late at night and drug deals constantly go down on that corner. I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days some drunk, belligerent a-hole tried to force his way in.

Also, I don't carry due to target/hunting restriction...so that rules out "out and about"
I'm shooting a USPSA stage and the buzzer goes off. Yes, you can call me a dick if you want, but you left your question pretty open ended. [laugh]

Home invasion for me. The house next door constantly has a lot of people over late at night and drug deals constantly go down on that corner. I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days some drunk, belligerent a-hole tried to force his way in.

Also, I don't carry due to target/hunting restriction...so that rules out "out and about"

This is what I'm talking about.
Home Invasion................but then they would question your ease of access to locked up firearms....n if you have restrictions on ur LTC and your out and about..make sure you tell the officers o im going to the range...just hope its not at 2am on a sunday or something.....or you can say your up to NH to find a rock pit to fire off some rounds....
Home Invasion................but then they would question your ease of access to locked up firearms....n if you have restrictions on ur LTC and your out and about..make sure you tell the officers o im going to the range...just hope its not at 2am on a sunday or something.....or you can say your up to NH to find a rock pit to fire off some rounds....


Yeah 1:45 and I can spell.
Home Invasion................but then they would question your ease of access to locked up firearms....n if you have restrictions on ur LTC and your out and about..make sure you tell the officers o im going to the range...just hope its not at 2am on a sunday or something.....or you can say your up to NH to find a rock pit to fire off some rounds....

If you're driving please stop.
Ok. Now that others have clarified what you were asking. I guess out and about. You never really know when and where. That's why my guns are accessible at home. It's NH so I don't have to have them all locked up. I often have an LCP in my pocket at home.
I would say at home. I am pretty aware of my surroundings when I am out, not that it precludes something happening, but I am pretty cognizant of potential situations. Besides, when out and about I am fully prepared to employ the HARD BLOCK when and if needed. Anyone who knows this will obviously avoid me at all costs![laugh]
Home invasion.........oh, have you ever tried to get your gun at 2am from the safe waking up from a sound sleep? You got about 3 seconds if you get right up! Your only hope is they go for the wife and kids first and you get an extra few seconds. So now how do you like your gun safe?
With my LTC being "Target & Hunting" restricted, am I allowed to grab my weapon from the trunk in an attempt to stop a bloody crime in front of me or I duck and call 911 like everybody else?
bostonfx said:
With my LTC being "Target & Hunting" restricted, am I allowed to grab my weapon from the trunk in an attempt to stop a bloody crime in front of me or I duck and call 911 like everybody else?

You have no legal obligation to.
But if you truly put an end to it, they may look the other way on the laws you broke. But then again, this is Mass, and they would probably try to make an example out of you for endangering the public
The other day, waiting to get into a rotary while driving, a guy bumped me from behind. So, we pull to the side to check the cars. I notice he was driving your typical "I'm a punk, I buy drugs with my money, I don't care about anything, so I drive a POS car". I must admit, I felt very secure and in control while we approached each other (I had my .380 on me, as I do most of the time).

It turned out that everthing was fine, and he was very nice, and we went on our way....

Just Sayin
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