Virginia Governor to Declare State Emergency to Prevent Lawful Carry at 2A Rally

It's really a brilliant move by the governor and the state. Because there is only one outcome that is bad for them. And it's super unlikely. And even that outcome isn't bad for the ideology, just bad for specific people, which probably wouldn't even be the governor itself.

Constitution of Virginia
Article I. Bill of Rights
Section 3. Government instituted for common benefit

That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.
I should also mention the Constitution correctly characterizes what is happening.

Section 12. Freedom of speech and of the press; right peaceably to assemble, and to petition
That the freedoms of speech and of the press are among the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained except by despotic governments; that any citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right; that the General Assembly shall not pass any law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, nor the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for the redress of grievances.



Seriously, we are going enact an unlawful emergency order, then we are going to cage you, then we are going to run everyone through metal detectors. Now that we have made sure, we have proven we will violate the rights of citizens and disarm the citizens - we are going to bring an armored vehicle into play.

Governor Blackface WANTS something to happen - and he might just get what he wants - until he is dragged from office painted with hot tar and covered in feathers (that's the way it was traditionally done)
Looks more like a bullet proof shooting perch too me..

Yep. I see 2 holes to shoot through.

What are the 2 white things on the top? WiFi routers? Or some kind of ultrasonic or microwave crowd dispersal things?
That looks like the barrel stuck through the hole... so at least that probably isn't tear gas. They don't launch tear gas with AR-15's right? (I guess you could though with a grenade launcher attachment, but I don't see that there.)

You could shoot less than lethal through there with peppervalls and the like. Just because the photo has a "Patrol Rifle" or "Boston PD Longarm" doesnt mean that's the only thing that will fit.

Looks like VA is going full retard on their planning though, and in doing so upping the tensions and probably playing escalation games.
I dunno. Is there like a "180 rule" or something in the fluid insanity of fighting an armed mob? I mean.....what about the guy behind ( mayhaps....waaaay behind) you?
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Did anyone expect it to go any other way?

The judge is quoted as ruling "The governor is vested with the power to take 'action from time to time as is necessary for the adequate promotion and coordination of state and local emergency services activities relating to the safety and welfare of the commonwealth," and finishes with "The plaintiffs in this case will not suffer an irreparable harm sufficient to justify the injunction." EXCEPT declaring an emergency specifically precludes curtailing the 2nd Amendment and an infringement of a Constitutional right need not cause irreparable harm, the government is not permitted to ever curtail a right. But, who am I kidding, they do it everyday.
What scrutiny are they using ? We really need the supremes to hold strict scrutiny as a standard !
Well, at least they have just shown everyone how they are going to shoot through everyones second story windows when they come for their citizens gunz..LOL

That thing does not look OSHA approved..

Not a safe place to be if there might be someone behind them..

That thing is more of a danger to someone's foot than anything else..[rofl]
This may end up being a good test case for the theory that law enforcement will be on gun owner's side and uphold our constitutional rights. Or, will the know where their bread is buttered?
Heard on the news, the Gov was right. They've arrested 4 white supremacists that were going to attack the Antifa patriots, start a race war and take over the government! WOW! Talk about over acheivers!
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