VIDEO: Experiment Shows Kids From Homes With Guns Tend Toward Gun Safety

Proper Training Prevents Piss Poor Performance

We teach the young to respect knives, stoves, pretty much anything dangerous, why don't people take the effort to educate them on firearm safety
I don't believe in child proofing the house. Housebreak the kids.

I've got several young great grandchildren. They were taught safety, and they get watched.

There's really zero excuse for lousy parenting.
It was always the case in my house. My grandfather used to re-load for the town's PD. Back in the 1940's, his cop buddy's would come over and shoot .38s in the basement, so my dad just grew up around it. By the time I came along, dad has tons of guns around the house. He never owned a safe. I had his old .22 rifle in the corner of my room since I was about 6. I never remember a big, sit down "talk" about guns. We were just careful with them.
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