Vermont: Post July 1st Non-Residents Can't Have Mags Over 10 Rds Long Gun 15 Rds Hand Gun

the prohibition on importation into Vermont does “not include the transportation back into this State of a large capacity ammunition feeding device by the same person who transported the device out of State if the person possessed the device on or before” April 11, 2018

So as I think about this, and being a nonresident, if I was in VT with large cap feeding devices before April 11, 2018 and left the state with them, I can legally return to VT with them? [rofl][rofl]
I think the bill signed that initially included magazines also had other parts to it, ie maybe UBC or something else? I read somewhere he urged them not to include the magazine ban in the bill or to remove part of it, they refused and sent it up to him, then the terd signed it anyway.

Even in NH, although no mag ban has made it anywhere at least lately, the only thing holding much of that back is probably a guaranteed veto by governer who is sane and thinking clearly on these issues.

Mags are fairly cheap now - a lesson to be learned from VT is it's best to pickup a lifetime supply for every gun you own.
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