Va Tech Hall to become peace center

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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Isn't that sweet[wink]

Published: 12/20/07, 3:46 PM EDT

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) - The Virginia Tech classroom wing where a student gunman killed 30 people and himself and wounded two dozen others last spring will be turned into a place to study peace, the school announced Thursday.

Having vowed never again to use Norris Hall for general classes, school officials said the rooms will house the new Center for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention.

"It was an opportunity for something new and different and hopeful to emerge," said provost Mark McNamee, who headed a campus task force that reviewed proposals for the use of Norris Hall.

Besides the peace center, the second-floor classrooms where Seung-Hui Cho killed 30 of his 32 victims will host an interactive learning space.

After the April 16 killings, ideas for the future of the three-story gray stone building ranged from restoring classes as usual to turning the building into a memorial or razing it.

Except for the classrooms, Norris Hall was reopened because it contained sophisticated laboratory equipment that could not be moved.
While we should rightfully and respectfully remember and pray for those victims of VT, the VT admins, by creating this institutution will simply be pushing the same liberal agenda of "multilateralism at all costs, no active defense, no taking charge of your own life or survival"...along with the rest

Consider these columns:

1. "The Peace Racket", Bruce Bawer

2)"Blisfully Uneducated", Victor Davis Hanson
Yes, they should turn it into a peace center- after all, everybody
knows that smiling and offering the psycho a flower and some
weed would have resulted in the whole tragedy being averted. [rolleyes]

[puke2]This should serve as a reminder of those evil guns! F--- Liberal Arse Wipes!
You know, I want to feel bad for the victims and I do to some degree. But I can't help but think that perhaps most of the parents, the ones who paid the tuition for their children to be in that school, probably side with the anti's. So in some sense if those parents side with the anti's and the "gun free" zones then they share part of the blame for their children ebing dead by supporting laws and policies that ensured their children were not armed at the time of the attack.

Now I[m not saying that every person killed at VT would have owned and/or carried but IU believe that if just one student who chose to exercised his or her 2A rights and was willing to confront the bg the outcome could have resulted in less lives lost.

Yes, I know you can't predict that but what if just one less life was you think it would be worth it? What if it was your kid that was saved? What would you think then?

Not that I would wish what happened on my worst enemy but it almost seems to be poetic justice for the parents of those students who support anti's and "gun free" zones.

I'd rather have my kid alive then have her name posted on a so called monument of peace which only really symbolizes this countries efforts in nuetering our freedom.

Just a thought.
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I'd rather have my kid alive then have her name posted on a so called monument of peace which only really symbolizes this countries efforts in nuetering our freedom.

Just a thought.
That`s great. A gunfree peace center. That`ll show those murdering bastards. these idiots will never get it. The poor women in Everett who was laying in bed with her new boyfriend when the former boyfriend blew open the door with a shotgun blast and then shot the boyfriend and killed her. Hmm! I wonder why the media never mentions that they were umarmed and if they had had a firearm she most likely would be alive today. These women`s groups and Police Dept`s that cry about domestic violence against women have blood on their hands because they never tell these women the truth. they can`t protect them. They`re on their own.
But the media would never point that out.
While we should rightfully and respectfully remember and pray for those victims of VT, the VT admins, by creating this institutution will simply be pushing the same liberal agenda of "multilateralism at all costs, no active defense, no taking charge of your own life or survival"...along with the rest

Consider these columns:

1. "The Peace Racket", Bruce Bawer

2)"Blisfully Uneducated", Victor Davis Hanson

I hate to be callous, but I have to come to the conclusion that sheep are not worth saving.

They have chosed to be how they are. Why should I risk my freedom and my life defending the indefensible?

My weapons are for defending me and mine, all others either take care of themselves or can go to hell.
What VT needs is an endowed faculty member for Self Defense studies. John Lott or Stephen Halbrook would be my first choice.

With all the sheep that have been slaughtered, they still willingly line up at the door to the slaughterhouse.

Truly Pathetic.
What VT needs is an endowed faculty member for Self Defense studies. John Lott or Stephen Halbrook would be my first choice.

I wouldn't even consider John Lott with his complete lack of credibility - Google Mary Rosh for details.
With all the sheep that have been slaughtered, they still willingly line up at the door to the slaughterhouse.

Truly Pathetic.

If the alternative is becoming an uneducated country that will lag behind the rest of the world in technological and thus military strength, then I'm all for attending school at the slaughterhouse. That's just as rampant idealism as the peace folks are guilty of.
If the alternative is becoming an uneducated country that will lag behind the rest of the world in technological and thus military strength, then I'm all for attending school at the slaughterhouse. That's just as rampant idealism as the peace folks are guilty of.

WTF good are brains if they are not backed up by balls?

This country is rapidly being castrated. Makes me even more proud to be the alumni of a college whose primary goal is to turn out leaders of killers.
I wouldn't even consider John Lott with his complete lack of credibility - Google Mary Rosh for details.

Ahh, interesting. I heard some things a while back but dismissed it. Seems bizarre that he felt compelled to do that and really tarnish his reputation like that. Maybe he could just be adjunct faculty or a guest lecturer. [smile] I've know others that have done lots worse and there are entire disciplines on campus that lack any real academic work or credibility, but that is another matter.

I'd settle for Stephen Halbrook. [smile]

WTF good are brains if they are not backed up by balls?

This country is rapidly being castrated. Makes me even more proud to be the alumni of a college whose primary goal is to turn out leaders of killers.

West Point invited Chomsky to talk to cadets a couple of years ago. [thinking] It would have been one thing if he was talking about linguistics, but oh no, he was railing against America. How is it that faculty/ Ph.Ds are somehow listened to when they are way out of their lane?

Chomsky is a retard.

Jose, as much as it may surprise you, not everyone who comes out of college is some hair-brained, sheeple wacko lib. It's about half and half, really. It's just that one side makes a lot more noise making fools of themselves.

The problem is no more widespread at colleges than it is throughout society as a whole.
If the alternative is becoming an uneducated country that will lag behind the rest of the world in technological and thus military strength, then I'm all for attending school at the slaughterhouse. That's just as rampant idealism as the peace folks are guilty of.

Maybe you missed the message. I'm not implying that they shouldn't go to school, but how about taking some definitive actions to help curb an attack like happened there instead of just posting a sign that says "Peace Center"?
They'd have been better off turning the place into a firing range where people could learn to defend themselves rather than digging their heads deeper into the sand.
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