Update on Bob's Tactical....

Jul 29, 2005
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I am not working at Bob's Tactical anymore. Two other long time employees have left as well.

Feel free to contact me if you'd like.

Steve Hamel
Steve in MA
(978) 430-7784
Still working on the situation

Jay G,

Still working hard on the situation.

Feel free to call and I will be happy to fill you in on the particulars. Sorry to be so secret squirrel but I cant discuss it here because my post WILL get zapped by the MOD.

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel [wink] hehe.

I will still be involved with the 07 manufacturing FFL/SOT.

I will be happy to answer anyone's questions so please feel free to call!

Steve in MA
(978) 430-7784

We are not going to play this "Zapped by a mod" B.S. I stand by my moderators 100%. If you want to make this "Days of our Lives" please take it to another local gun board.
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