Update 2/21 Westford Ban

Westford, MA Proposed Gun Ban

Curious, if you drive through Westford and your carrying are you then in violation ? (If it passes of course)

I can imagine a Westford cop going full retard on you over that.
so basically, MA could turn into a state full of little fiefdoms of differing gun laws? There is no state preemption law to prevent this?

There is but the towns are starting to get smart about how to get around it. Low dollar fines, targeting commerce, etc. It's not iron clad, especially as it relates to guns. That said, I actually think this does violate the preemption home rule, just that it is not specifically precluded. Especially because it applies to those from outside of town. Hence why i said I would be impressed if Cokely actually shot it down. Her office would be doing the right thing in this case.

ETA: maybe I shouldn't be so down about this. It's possible they do the right thing here.
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First of all, thanks for the extraordinary effort you are putting into this issue!

My question for you is what should we (in town) be doing between now and the meeting? Is there nothing else we can do other than wait until the vote?



First of all, thanks for the extraordinary effort you are putting into this issue!

My question for you is what should we (in town) be doing between now and the meeting? Is there nothing else we can do other than wait until the vote?



Good question Chris. What you can do is talk to your friends and neighbors that you know are in our corner. Feel out the ones you aren't sure about and only let them know what's going on if they are in support of the 2A.

When you know someone is in our corner, find out if they are registered to vote. If they are not registered they have until March 1 to get registered.Everyone who is registered needs to get to town meeting on March 23, early, and they MUST stay until this article gets voted down. Ths could be ALL day or even run over to another day. They need to stay and vote!

Check back here for updates or send me an email and I can keep you up to date.

We will be doing a VERY SPECIFIC ASK of people who are NON-RESIDENTS and RESIDENTS in the near future.

49 Days to Town Meeting!​

Thank you Carl at Four Seasons for helping us get the word out!

FS Latest Arrivals
Westford, MA Proposed Ban Information

Please read the attorney's letter to the town regarding this ban and the recommended changes to the proposed bylaw at www.tinyurl.com/westfordban

email me and I will add you to our 'electronic newsletter' for updates and such. please include your town of residence and a cell phone if you are comfortable with that. Only I will have access to that info. [email protected]

ETA: If you are a concerned resident of Westford please attend any and all town committee meetings you can so you can speak out if this subject comes up. Specifically we should focus on School Committee, Board of Selectmen, and Financial Committee meetings. I will be at all between now and Town Meeting. I usually wear a Patriots hat so introduce yourself if you see me.

MARCH 23RD is TOWN MEETING. We need all pro 2A, registered voters of Westford there to defeat any ridiculous proposal. Bring your family and friends!

ETA: any resident of westford or anyone who can help please email me at [email protected] your contact info.

This is the BoS meeting from 12/18/2012 when the goal of a bylaw was oiginally put forth. It received almost no discussion.Start watching from 52:10 Westford Community Access Television - Online - Powered by LEIGHTRONIX PEG Central ®

This is the BoS meeting where it was actually accepted as a goal. The chief speaks and it seems as if his input is basically ignored. Start watching from 1:12:00 Westford Community Access Television - Online - Powered by LEIGHTRONIX PEG Central ®

Listen to our Selectman Bob Jeffries at 54:27 on this video. He wants to consider reinstating a town Militia for the sole purpose of discovering the extent of the firearms the town's men own. This is called a deceitful intent. This is all I need to know about this man. If he is such a creative thinker why doesn't he come up with a way to reduce our real estate tax burden that has doubled in the past 10 years?

Westford Community Access Television - Online - Powered by LEIGHTRONIX PEG Central ®
I agree with the goal of trying to figure out what weapons are in town...

OMG...my BP just went up watching that video!

Another suggestion for westford folks. Theres a short term fix and a longer term fix that a large coalition of gun owners can make. First is voting down the bylaw of course. Second is that you have far too many moonbats on the board....some need to be voted off the island with a non-moonbat to take their place.

I don't know how you go about building and organizing a "non-moonbat" coalition....
This is a message to any Westford resident that really wants to defeat this. I am very familiar with Town code and I was very successful in defeating an Article in my own town. If you PM me, I will be happy to speak with you on the phone to let you know a couple of strategies that work very well. You can defeat this, but you will need to learn the Town Bylaws and MA General Law. Also, please note that only Town Residents are generally allowed to speak at town meeting so this is really a local issue.

Two very important links:
MA General Law regarding Town Meetings
CIS: Citizen?s Guide to Town Meetings

Westford Town Bylaws.
http://westfordma.gov/pages/governm...laws/General bylaws 08-30-2012 - OFFICIAL.pdf

No this isn't a B.S. Post. I really do have significant experience with this. Just PM me and I will go over what you can legally do.
This is a straight out Gun Grab.

➪ MA Constitution XVII.-(17) -The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as in time of peace armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it. http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/print_documents/v1ch1s6.html

“The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.

Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it…

A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the lend, it is superseded thereby.

No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.” – 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256

If the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and the Supreme Court has ruled in Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803) that “laws repugnant to the Constitution are VOID” — We have no requirement to follow this non “law”.

The Second Amendment clearly proclaims that the people have a right to own guns and in the Bill of Rights, the government is prohibited from infringing on the right of the people to own guns if they choose to do so. Your primary job is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the rights of the people.

Advise these people to "Abide by the sworn oath of office to protect the Constitution of the United States"!

● It has been established that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular citizen (e.g. Warren vs.District of Columbia).

Don't be fooled - these people Only want to do one thing - 'confiscate your guns'.

They are filthy liars whenever they say they respect the 2nd Amendment. They could care less - and if they didn't think they'd lose votes over it - they would be seeking to amend the Constitution to eliminate the amendment. They are never ever to be trusted.

➪ The reason for the 2nd and 4th Amendments were to prevent the abuses of our own (British) government’s toward us here in the colonies. The had a standing army backed by a tyrannical government in England.
The whole reason for Paul Revere’s Ride was to warn the colonists that the British were coming to take away our firearms, a little thing not taught in our politically correct schools.

Hitler disarmed the Jews and then killed 6 million of them.

Lenin and Stalin disarmed the Russians and then murdered 10-20 million.

Mao disarmed the Chinese and then murdered from 20-80 million, depending on who’s figures one uses.

Pol Pot killed 3 million of his own people, 1/3 of all Cambodians, who were disarmed.

Earlier histories are the same: disarm, suppress, enslave, and kill if the object.

That’s a short course in Tyranny 101

● This is a brilliant documentary that highlight historical events around the world in the last two centuries.
Some images are graphic. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/innocents-betrayed/


● “When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

"Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the people's liberty's teeth."~ George Washington

Peace & God Speed

Semper Fi
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Okay. As you guys know, we have people reading these boards who ar not our friends. For this reason, not all of our strategy is being posted. If you think of something we need to consider please email me. I will respond. If you don't see it posted here after that don't assume we are not doing something. Some things are just better held close to the vest. Even those of you who have sent me their email addresses will not get the complete story in one shot. We have some very specific needs and some very real concerns given the format of Town Meeting. We will be asking you guys and gals for help. We will give you as much notice as possible. We do have a short, mid and long term strategy. We suspect our short term strategy will not get it done. We are primarily banking on the mid term and focusing our efforts on that. As a last resort we have a long term strategy and people working on that and ready to implement should it become necessary. We are hoping to avoid that long term plan.

We are not going to fold. We are not going to let you down. We will do everything we can to engage the right people in this battle. We know we have more than just our rights to fight for. We understand the implications if this passes. There are many intelligent people working on this. Thankfully they are much more intelligent than I am. We are trying to avoid duplicating efforts.

SO again, if you have an idea or want to help, email me and wait for my response before posting the idea. I can't stop you from posting. I can't stop you from putting your own plan in to action. But we are really trying to do this in the best way possible so that we keep all our rights in tact.
Maybe if the Town sees the size of the check the City of Chicago just had to write for the McDonald case they will think twice about running the town into Bankruptcy.
Westford resident and infrequent lurker here. One of my out of towner pals filled me in on this proposed legislation and Ill be at the town meeting to help get it voted down. Ill be following this thread from here on out.
So if this passes can we expect "assault weapons" attacks in Westford to fall from zero per year all the way down to zero per year?
And I assume the selects are convinced that a mass murderer facing almost certain death will be compelled to avoid Westford. I mean, $100 is a lot of money, right?
Bob Jefferies, the selectman pushing this, openly admits that its purpose is political grandstanding, not anything relating to public safety.
I'm an "out of towner" but have inlaws that live in Westford. I pak my gat when I visit Westford so if you need another body for a show of support let me know.

....I like the post above... Westford should keep to banning drive-thrus!!!!
OMG...my BP just went up watching that video!

Another suggestion for westford folks. Theres a short term fix and a longer term fix that a large coalition of gun owners can make. First is voting down the bylaw of course. Second is that you have far too many moonbats on the board....some need to be voted off the island with a non-moonbat to take their place.

I don't know how you go about building and organizing a "non-moonbat" coalition....
I don't think my blood pressure went, but I was intrigued. Hell, if Westford wants to reconstitute the militia and require citizens to muster with their ARs on the town common from time to time I might just move to Westford. That could be fun and what could go wrong?
There are so many things wrong with this (apart from the amusing militia angle), but the worst is that a little political peon is so willing to trade the freedom of his fellow men (to the extent he can) for nothing more than his own moral vanity and grandstanding. It is never acceptable to trade away the liberty of others by force, but to do it for such a trivial pursuit is beneath contempt.
So if this passes can we expect "assault weapons" attacks in Westford to fall from zero per year all the way down to zero per year?

yr an economist you should know, I think that's a reduction of 100% according to Obamanomics they can take credit for doing something good in the next election and the sheeple in Mass will believe them and vote them back in office again.
I have a business in Acton. If you need an extra body at the town meeting I will be hppy to help. Cant belive these idiots!
I know this news in a little old. But back to the FBI crime stat's for 2011.

Hammers/Clubs accounted for more DEATHS than Rifles or Shotguns (and been this way since atleast 2007)

Data is here:

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

I think the town should target all those crazy construction guys....

I feel this is the NEW real problem.

Nothing freaks me out more than seeing a new shed built or god forbid a posse of those roofing folks
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