Tyranny Response Team

Last summer on Tuesday evenings, the anti Bush/war moonbats would walk around the downtown area with signs and singing Kumbaya. My 18 yr old son would yell out to them, "I support Bush, our troops and the war". They would just stare at him like a deer caught in headlights.

Is the guy with the "Honk if you support the Troops" sign still across from M&M's?
Thanks Jim. I guess I didn't make it clear enought calsdad. I keep myself away from the anti-war, anti-gun protesters because I have a very short fuse. I don't want to end up in jail because some communist was screaming in my face.

I went to a few protest warrior counter-protests. I think it was my second or third one when a pair of thugs broke the line, grabbed the girl standing next to me by the pony tail so he could tear her sign from her hand and rip it up. I attempted to feed him the pieces....literally.....and the cops broke it up.

I then decided I didn't have the temperament to peacefully protest while the moonbats assaulted people and made asses of themselves. And, unfortunately, that's what you have to do. Stand there and watch it.

I don't protest anymore when moonbats are around.
I joined the TRT a few years back. I'm still on the email list, but I'm not an active member. There were things I disagreed with...I'll leave it at that. And Martlet, I would have helped you. My blood pressue can't take confrontations like that because I'd want to work off the pressure, and I love my Class A too much.
I don't think they believe in gun-free camps. That page was just an historically tasteless attempt at satire.

From the "Who We Are" page.

Is the TRT a "Militia"?

No. The Tyranny Response Team is as stated above. A pure grass roots network of political activists.

"A point of fact!" Some of our members although supportive of the 2nd Amendment do not themselves own a firearm.
Very tasteless.

I don't really think it is all that tasteless if you consider that a good many of the same people who would have been in those pictures if they were living in most of the European countries during the late 30's to mid 40's - are the people who are the most vehement about banning ownership of civilian firearms here in this country in the here and now.

Sometimes people need a good swift kick upside the head - staring death in the face is about as hard of kick as you can give somebody.
I keep myself away from any type of close contact with moonbats. When I went to get tires in Manchester, NH a few weeks ago there was a IRAQ protest on the sidewalk with about 20 protesters. I was twitching like a crack addict walking by them as I did my best to keep myself from pushing them in to oncoming traffic... [thinking]

There is a group of wacko's , mostly elderly , But a couple of Young Adults that are most definitely with their " Care Taker " and just looking at them , You can see they have no clue as to what they are doing or where they are at. ( if You get My drift )
They are at the corner of Rt. 135 and Rt. 27 in downtown Natick , every Sat.
They wave when You drive by , I just give them a salute.
I'm with Derek. I'm not sure how civilized I'd be with anti war protesters. Unladylike comes to mind. Plus if I saw them harrassing a service member I think I'd be in jail.
The last thing I want to do with my free time is stand across the street and get in to a shouting contest with a bunch of moonbats. Like I said before, I'll end up crossing the street and going through them like a bull in a china shop.

Ditto, but if they want to give me some riot gear and look the other way. That I could find time for.[smile]
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