Tucker Carlson on Romney and the Status Quo.

I posted the video for this over here: Tucker Carlson: The Leaders hate the country and it's people , but still haven't seen any response.

Interesting that nobody here seems to care about something that's getting serious play across a range of sites I've been visiting:

Tucker Carlson and the Plight of the Yellow Vests - Gold Goats 'n Guns


I have to hand out sincere kudos to Tucker Carlson. His opening salvo for 2019 was one for the ages. It was a broad-ranging, fifteen-minute rhetorical tour de force.

Tying together Mitt Romney’s vulture capitalism, unchecked immigration, political corruption and the destruction of the middle class family, Carlson laid out a story that if everyone took off their ideological blinders for a few minutes (myself included) would see as simply a horror show.

Carlson’s thesis is that the American family is disintegrating. He’s right. But it’s not just America. It’s everywhere globalism has been the watchword of public policy, ie. Europe as well.

The Yellow Vests in France began protesting over a rise in diesel fuel tax to support climate change initiatives and has morphed into a full-blown revolt against globalism, neoliberalism and French government institutions.

It is the next stage of the dreaded populist uprising of Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables.’ And it’s jumped borders. This is the kind of color revolution I can support, not the fake ones ginned up by oligarchs like George Soros.

But what I found interesting was how Carlson was tying together all of the strands of public policy decisions which has created this web of perverse incentives we live under.

In short, globalism has gentrified the cities and impoverished the countryside. Rural job prospects are gone in many areas, not just in the U.S. but also in France and Italy and Greece, etc.

But, at the same time the cost of living through excessive financialization of the economy in the cities has reached a point where middle class workers live like ants to survive the crushing expenses.

It's also getting covered here:

Tucker Carlson Grabs Ahold Of The Female Hypergamy Question


Carlson must have been reading manosphere blogs recently and swallowed a few Crimson Pills on his journey to becoming the real-est Realtalker on the TelaViv, because in his latest show he drops a truth bomb so big it caused feminists to shriek themselves to death.

No joke, I would vote for a Carlson/Coulter presidential ticket. There are few people who could trigger the shitlib gooniverse harder than does Trump, but Carlson might achieve it, and he does it with smarts and sureness of belief.

His main point — that cratering male wages in traditionally male occupations have reduced men’s marriage market value in the rural areas and small towns which voted heavily for Trump, contributing to a host of current social ills in those areas — is spot on, and something that we here at the Chateau have been banging on about for a long time.

When the State replaces men as the primary provider for women, then women, in effect, will marry the State (and f*** around with charming, undependable cads). Compassion creates more cads.

Carlson has broached the subject of female hypergamy — the third rail of sociosexual analysis — and the femc***s and soyboy lickspittles don’t like it.

In short, men date across and down, women date across and up. Men are primarily attracted to women’s looks, women are primarily attracted to men’s social and financial status (especially for long-term commitments). When men lose status, their women lose desire for them.

The beating heart of the Trump vote was a howl from men who have experienced an SMV decline — sexual and social market value declines brought upon them by anti-White pro-Diversity agitprop and nonWhite dispossession, the disappearance of male-oriented occupations that don’t require a facility with sitting still in an office chair all day, and the cheapening of their labor by foreign invaders scabs invited in at the behest of greedy corporate oligarchs.

And, as Carlson said, almost word-for-word recapping posts written at the Chateau, the female hypergamous instinct may be distasteful to contemplate, but it’s not going anywhere soon, because the sexes have innately competing reproductive goals. A smart, sane society understands this, and works to leverage the beneficial effects of that instinct rather than encourage its worst aspects.

And here:

Carlson On The Current Scene

Being Deplorable is becoming more mainstream, even if some authors remain too optimistic.

Or not.

Do watch the full vid above.

Romney’s WaPo piece.

The Elites hate you.

Hate ’em right back.

This sort of stuff.. I can Not stop hearing Madison and Taft in my head while analyzing it.

I am not a very action oriented person. Heck, I can barely maintain committed to the community band I play in. (Because I work my ass off for a paycheck and spend as much time on my family as possible.) But,

We really need a push as society.

I'm adding this data point: boys pants

We have had EPIC Effing problems finding non tight non slim fit non androgynous-ifying pants for our 5 year old.

One of my former favorite metrics for assessing the health of a scociety for the longest time was women's skirt lengths.

I am now adding "how much does a society attempt to make women and men look the same ".

In 2004, the grad students and undergrads I was either in classes with or taught had aroundathis division:
about 10% limp biscuit wiffle bats, Male
About 30% same female
The strong kids were like 50/male female.

Skip a decade to 2014 (my last suare in higher education)

60% wiffle bats, even across sexes
10% stong Male, but they were depressed
30% strong female. They were driven.

The other thing I noticed was, over a year in 2004 with prodding, people who had potential were able to improve or change categories as they choose with effort.

2014, I was working with a few people who wanted to improve or learn, but they just didn't have the skill set to do so. Nothing in the tool box.

The fact that this observation matches up with the shift from Dems Asking For Wall to Dems Letting In The Horde ...

Yeah. @calsdad this is not a good spot.
This sort of stuff.. I can Not stop hearing Madison and Taft in my head while analyzing it.

I am not a very action oriented person. Heck, I can barely maintain committed to the community band I play in. (Because I work my ass off for a paycheck and spend as much time on my family as possible.) But,

We really need a push as society.

I'm adding this data point: boys pants

We have had EPIC Effing problems finding non tight non slim fit non androgynous-ifying pants for our 5 year old.

One of my former favorite metrics for assessing the health of a scociety for the longest time was women's skirt lengths.

I am now adding "how much does a society attempt to make women and men look the same ".

In 2004, the grad students and undergrads I was either in classes with or taught had aroundathis division:
about 10% limp biscuit wiffle bats, Male
About 30% same female
The strong kids were like 50/male female.

Skip a decade to 2014 (my last suare in higher education)

60% wiffle bats, even across sexes
10% stong Male, but they were depressed
30% strong female. They were driven.

The other thing I noticed was, over a year in 2004 with prodding, people who had potential were able to improve or change categories as they choose with effort.

2014, I was working with a few people who wanted to improve or learn, but they just didn't have the skill set to do so. Nothing in the tool box.

The fact that this observation matches up with the shift from Dems Asking For Wall to Dems Letting In The Horde ...

Yeah. @calsdad this is not a good spot.

I don't think you necessarily need to be an action oriented person, just having the soul of a subversive and the knowledge to screw with the prevailing way of things is probably an even more effective way to effect change.

I like the comparison you've made between 2004 and 2014, but personally - I think the issue stretches back much further than that.

I am in my mid 50's now, but I still remember back to my mid to late 20's and even into my 30s - when I was constantly running into things in life and society in general , where shit just didn't work the way I was told it was going to work.

I consider myself a pretty creative and industrious person. I built my own house, restored and modified cars ('hot rods') , design and build my own shop equipment - etc. But over and over and over again I've been told by people " you can't do that". What I'm getting at here is that I have never perceived that "society" in general was really all that helpful in being successful - UNLESS - you just wanted to join the crowd and get on the government employment/gravy train.

So when you say you see 10% of those 2014 era males who are strong - but depressed, that makes perfect sense to me. Because it took me many years - if not decades , to get my mental state to the point where I just have a "go phuck yourself" attitude towards a lot of utter stupidity that I see and I am subject to on a daily basis. I also don't really give a shit (much) about human contact. Quite frankly if I had to - I could go weeks without needing human contact. When my wife used to go on business trips and be gone for a week - it was like an awesome vacation for me.

If you're sociable - and much of the current way that society treats kids is to mold them into little "socialized" robots - who literally cannot stand to be apart from the herd..... it's going to be very hard on your psyche to not be in tune with the zombie masses.

There's a range of problems going on here - and I think Carlson touches on a lot of them, but I think that somehow, somewhere - a core of people are going to have to realize that they are just going to have go against the way of things if we have any hope at all of turning this mess around.
the emasculation of Males and the family is another goal of the left and society. Toxic masculinity is blamed for all society's ills, WAAA! The left wants total control and will stop at nothing to achieve it, the nuclear family is in the way. Amazing only 4 of us have looked at my post and the replies.
Of all the talking heads on the Fox, I like and can relate to Tucker the best. He doesn't tow the "R" party line as hard as the others.
Hannity is straight up "R" without any dissonance whatsoever. Usually makes the best hard-hitting points though.
Ingraham is just annoying to listen to, smarmy I guess, used to like her a bit, not so much any more.
Tucker loses me if/when he throws any religion into the mix however.
Bognino has his own show now, have not seen it yet, I like him too, fiery, know stuff because he's been places on the inside.
Of all the talking heads on the Fox, I like and can relate to Tucker the best. He doesn't tow the "R" party line as hard as the others.
Hannity is straight up "R" without any dissonance whatsoever. Usually makes the best hard-hitting points though.
Ingraham is just annoying to listen to, smarmy I guess, used to like her a bit, not so much any more.
Tucker loses me if/when he throws any religion into the mix however.
Bognino has his own show now, have not seen it yet, I like him too, fiery, know stuff because he's been places on the inside.
I can remember watching Tucker on CNN's Crossfire w/Robert Novak and Rachel Maddow before CNN went totally of the deep end, I should say left end. Tucker has stated he owns at least one AR.
I don't trust anyone who talks of the destruction of the middle class. Right or left. It's a total lie. The Middle Class has done nothing but grow over the last 70 years. What has changed is the "definition" of Middle Class. Everyone plays funny-business with it.

That said, I tend to like Tucker. But I don't watch. B/c no matter how smart or how right he might be however often, you aren't the target audience to his pitch. You are the product.
I don't trust anyone who talks of the destruction of the middle class. Right or left. It's a total lie.

I disagree. My dad was able to, with no college education, buy his own car and have a good enough job to support me growing up. People back then could save up and put themselves through college. Today the same task would be much harder.

no matter how smart or how right he might be however often, you aren't the target audience to his pitch. You are the product.

Not really. He isn't beholden to his advertisers if that's what you're implying, which is why he lost 10+ of them for his comments on illegal immigration, which he continues to affirm.
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