Travel Through Massachusetts FOPA

Honestly, law abiding folks tend to overthink this stuff. Criminals walk around illegally armed all the time and rarely does it become an issue. Just follow the law (FOPA) and don't do anything stupid (gun related stuff out of sights, don't speed, etc), and you'll be fine. I've FOPA-ed on a number of occasions through several different states and never even got pulled over, never mind had my car searched.

I drove through Maryland recently with my girlfriend and told her about the Florida couple that got harassed there once. My lady was offended that I would tell her this story because "do you think I'm that dumb" to answer any gun questions [laugh]
Honestly, law abiding folks tend to overthink this stuff. Criminals walk around illegally armed all the time and rarely does it become an issue. Just follow the law (FOPA) and don't do anything stupid (gun related stuff out of sights, don't speed, etc), and you'll be fine. I've FOPA-ed on a number of occasions through several different states and never even got pulled over, never mind had my car searched.

I drove through Maryland recently with my girlfriend and told her about the Florida couple that got harassed there once. My lady was offended that I would tell her this story because "do you think I'm that dumb" to answer any gun questions [laugh]

I could not agree more. I hear people on this list describing taking circuitous routes around NY and NJ while going south and shake my head.

Like I've said before, I've got $50 for anyone who can find a single instance of an otherwise law abiding driver strung up over firearms in the car while transporting through NY or NJ, or even MA in compliance with the safe passage portion of FOPA.


p.s. It goes up to $100 if you instead have me make a donation to Comm2A
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