Tracks in the snow. A jump on next season.


NES Member
May 1, 2008
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For those who are somewhat new to the hunt, I suggest going out after the snow has been on the ground for a couple of days. You will begin putting together the puzzle that is deer movement during hunting season. While it is not an exact science, it will tell you where the deer have been and what they are up to.

Granted, bucks will travel great distances during the rut they return to their home range to recover body fat or die of old age. This is close to the time when antlers will be shed and that will let you know if that monster survived the season. Finding where the does were is also useful info as where there are does, there are bucks (during rut). I set my cameras in these spots and gain info on time of travel etc.

I would recommend traveling in shallow streams to prevent leaving a camera theif a map to your spot. Just beyond eyeshot is usually good enough. Sometimes I will backtrack and cross the stream and take a different route to make it look like I was on a nature walk.

If the snow is too deep for the deer to access leftover nuts, this kind of changes the game. Still, you will have gained valuable info for next season. Use it wisely and your freezer will be full. The trails that the deer follow are constant through generations and will remain so unless there are major changes, you can return year after year. If you smoke or generally stink, change nothing as the deer are used to the scent and will not be alarmed.
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