Took my son shooting for the first time!

Pilgrims Pride

NES Member
Dec 26, 2005
America's Hometown
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Ya a little father and son time in the sand pit!
I've been dreaming of that day since I found out my wife was carrying a boy (FINALLY!)
We went out in the pits yesterday for just an hour.
My boy has watched me cleaning that 45 and the GP for ages.
He would always ask "Dad when can I shoot one of those?'
Id always say "When your'e old enough." (He is almost 9)

The other day he asked on his own if we could go shooting and I figured why not.
It was a little sooner than I'd planned but its been my dream too.

Well I showed Christopher how to handle them both, stood just over his shoulder and let him go.

HE HAD A BALL! Didnt hit much more than the berm we were using as the backstop, but he had a ball.

The look in his eyes was priceless and it was all he talked about till he fell asleep last night.

Neither one of us can wait till next time!
That's Awesome!

I keep waiting til the day I take my son... Although I'm thinking a .22 will be better for him to start on, only because I don't want to scare him away with a big .45, but @ 9 years, if he can handle it... why not? [smile]
Man, that's beautiful. I'm glad that you were able to share that with him...

That's something that he's going to remember for the rest of his life...

And just 20 some odd years, he'll be posting on NES telling everyone how he's second generation NES and how his dad took him shooting for the first time.
See pic below ........... my little guy is eleven! Teach'em good and have fun!


Yes, that is him on the 50 cal. machine gun. His quote of the day was "Dad, I just made that rock dissapear" [smile]
See pic below ........... my little guy is eleven! Teach'em good and have fun!


Yes, that is him on the 50 cal. machine gun. His quote of the day was "Dad, I just made that rock dissapear" [smile]

Has he asked you to buy him one yet?? [laugh2]
Yes he did. [shocked]

I told him we can't buy any guns that fire rounds larger than his @#&*$. [rofl]

Somehow, he understood, and there were no more questions! [thinking]

Yes, I believe that he probably did!

Now you'll have to watch out for him responding to all those "enhancement" spam messages that we all receive!! [rofl] [laugh]
Anybody take their daughters shooting?

I will! My twins are four, but I plan to teach them both how to safely and accurately handle/use a firearm. I consider a skill you should have, like being able to swim.

I can't wait to take them shooting. I'm currently trying to hook the wife on it.

Congrats, I can imagine how much fun that must have been.
Anybody take their daughters shooting?

I started my daughter off at age nine when I bought her a "Chipmunk" bolt action .22. Here we are, 14 years later, and I just bought her a Remington XR-100 target rifle in .223 for her college graduation present.
The last 8 years have been a wild ride as she started shooting in competition when she was 15. Every year it seems she gets better and better. I couldn't be happier with how she's come along in the sport.
Any of you guys (or gals) with daughters, Get them involved! They will do well if you take the time and teach 'em right.
My big concern now is not to to be outdone too badly when we shoot in the same matches.
All right! My little girl is four, but I'm working on her.

She told me she needs a "princess rifle in pink". So it shall be. [smile]
Sounds like you both had a great time!

I'll always remember the first time my father took my brother and I out shooting. I was only 7 at the time.
Anybody take their daughters shooting?

One of the guys I work with has a picture on the wall of his cube of his daughter in the prone firing position with one of his rifles. I think the one she's using is actually a CO2 rifle, but she's still using it. I think she's 4 or so.

Anybody take their daughters shooting?

Yup. Enrolled my daughter in a basic youth riflery program last year when she was 13. She had a blast at Octobers pumpkin shoot.
My 18 yr old son and 19 yr old daughter could care less.
Anybody take their daughters shooting?

I don't have my own kids, but I take my little sister who just turned 18. She's a darned good shot with the .38 Chief Spl, but her new love is a 1911 .45.

I can't wait to take my godson, who is 3. [smile] His mom says he's still to young for guns, trucks, or motorcycles, so I have to wait a while.
Congrats PP, enjoy your range time with your boy.

I started taking my kids when they were 9 & 10. My daughter lost interest (she didn't like the noise) and took up karate and archery instead. However my son took to it like a fish to water. He just turned 13 and shoots everything I own, up to and including my S&W 500. He's become a good shot too. He'll occasionally beat me on the dueling tree, and he shoots sub 3" groups at 30' pretty consistently with an old S&W Model 10.

While me and Jem are shooting, Scout airs it out at the archery range or does a little fishing with her friends. Some of the best times I've had with the kids were at the club either shooting or fishing.
Congrats on taking your son to the range!

I took my son at age 5, but I had to hold the gun steady for him... he shot. I still have that target.

Took him out to try handguns for the first time at the gravel pit this summer, at age 6.

The Girl is coming along, she can shoot next year I think.
All right! My little girl is four, but I'm working on her.

She told me she needs a "princess rifle in pink". So it shall be. [smile]

Mine's three, and I'm doing the same. She already knows that the chipmunk in the safe is for her. She asked here and there to look at it. I'll open the safe and she'll just stare with her eye's open.

I told her when the length of pull fits her well, we'll take it to the club and I'll teach her.

If I can find a air rifle with that length of pull, I'd start her off sooner in the back yard.
Wish I had some pics.
The look on his face when he saw dirt jumpin (remember his target was just to hit the berm) was priceless.
We had to do pistols because we cut across a neighbors land to get to the pits and he is as liberal as they come. I could just imagine his face if he saw us carrying rifles.
I would have liked to start him with my single shot 22.
OH well he's a big boy now!

I gave him his first pocket knife the other night.
It was my first swiss army. My dad gave it to me when I was 12.
He knows something is changing here!
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