Took my son out to the Westfield Machine Gun Shoot today

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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It was awesome...that's what fall in New England OUGHT to be.

Got there about 2:30 and there was a big crowd, mostly observers but a lot of folks buying magazines and belts.

Magazines were $20 for one or three for $50. The belts were $30

Number two son bought three magazines for $50 and shot an MP-5, Thompson and an AK-47.

Targets were a couple of cars, dozens of pumpkins and propane tanks that made a great "BOOM" with the right shot.

It's pretty pricey, but I figure some of it is going for a good cause (or hope so at least).

I figure an afternoon of fun like that is going to cost a lot more at the movies (without the pleasure)

If the rest of the world only knew what was going on in MA they would croak.

As a matter of fact, if MA knew what was going on in MA they would croak.

It was great [lol]
Nobody came to say hi to me [cry]
Not that I would have had much time except during cease fires, but I was hoping to meet at least one person this weekend. I had an amazing weekend. Busted my ass, have blisters everywhere and it hurts to type but I got to shoot a lot of guns. And that makes it all worth while.

I can't wait until next year! :D
My son and I went on Sunday. All I shot was the Glock 18 (kinda neat) but he put his first rounds downrange there. Not too bad either, he hit 5 or 6 plates (25') with his first seven shots. He is living up to his name, Wyatt.

And again I say, nobody said hi to me Crying or Very sad <sniffle>

I looked for you but could find no one who had a sign which said, "HI! I',m SiameseRat, please say "Hi" to me.".
FPrice said:
And again I say, nobody said hi to me Crying or Very sad <sniffle>

I looked for you but could find no one who had a sign which said, "HI! I',m SiameseRat, please say "Hi" to me.".

Funny, funny :P

It wouldnt' have been too hard to find me since I was the only female stuffing magazines. Harumph!
Funny, funny

Seriously. Walking around drooling over all the FA firepower, putting up with the noise, trying to keep tabs on an excited 8 yo kid...

It was difficult. Next time I'll try to do better.
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