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Time to buy


NES Member
Apr 30, 2005
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
The elections are over, time to stock up! I searched this forum but didn't find any thing to shore up my, limited, knowledge on rifle purchases. Being mostly a handgunner, I know more about the laws specific to owning Glocks and such. What about picking up an AR15/Bushmaster or AK47/SKS out of state? Make sure it doesn't have all 3 devilish AWB items and it's fine to be "imported"? Just send in an FA-10 when I get home, to be nice and legal? What about over the web -- need an FFL transfer? What's the deal with large cap magazines for Mini-14 that already is in state (and already has a single large cap mag)?

Thanks for any info,
Set User CP to show ALL THREADS. Then use Advanced Search on Gun Laws forum.

Answers are all there, many times over.
As I understand it you can buy a "AW" if it was manufactured prior to the AWB. Otherwise it must have only 1 evil feature.
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