Thomas Eagleton got shock therapy: LTC eligibility?


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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ST. LOUIS -- A newspaper review of more than 1,000 pages of internal FBI documents on Thomas Eagleton found no evidence that the agency leaked information about his treatment for depression, a revelation that ended his vice presidential campaign.

The public disclosure of his mental illness and shock therapy forced him to withdraw as Democrat George McGovern's running mate in 1972. Some questioned whether the FBI, which had kept tabs on Eagleton since the 1950s, had shared his medical information with the media or others. (cont)

Would this man, who was in a mental institution, be able to get a LTC in Massachusetts? If he went voluntarily, would he have to reveal that in his application?



•Have ever been an in-patient in a hospital or other institution for mental illness unless you present an affidavit from a physician stating that the physician is aware of your treatment history, and that such treatment history should not prevent you from possessing a rifle or shotgun;


If a person was an voluntary "in-patient" does that mean he was "confined" as mentioned in Massachusetts law?

"(iii) has been confined to any hospital or institution for mental illness, unless the applicant submits with his application an affidavit of a registered physician attesting that such physician is familiar with the applicant’s mental illness and that in such physician’s opinion the applicant is not disabled by such an illness in a manner that should prevent the applicant from possessing a firearm, rifle or shotgun;"
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But what if he went voluntarily? He could just get a doctors note.

Edit: Also waiting for Cross-X [popcorn]
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I can state, without doubt, that Thomas Eagleton would not be issued a Mass LTC.

Even though it's not specifically mentioned as a disqualifier in the gun laws, he would be refused for one simple reason: He's dead.

But if he were still alive and living in Massachusetts, he'd absolutely be able to get an LTC. He's a politician and a democrat, those silly restrictions don't apply to people like him. He'd get a doctor's note and the application would be rubber stamped.
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I can state, without doubt, that Thomas Eagleton would not be issued a Mass LTC.

Even though it's not specifically mentioned as a disqualifier in the gun laws, he would be refused for one simple reason: He's dead.

But if he were still alive and living in Massachusetts, he'd absolutely be able to get an LTC. He's a politician and a democrat, those silly restrictions don't apply to people like him. He'd get a doctor's note and the application would be rubber stamped.


If you're a government hack, especially of the Leftist persuasion, you're entitled to anything and everything. This includes working around license disqualifiers for us simple-folk.

No doubt. If he was alive today, and wanted it, he'd get it; His medical history is immaterial.
Theoretically, having disclosed his hospitalization on the application, his eligibility for a mASS firearm's license would be based on his ability to prove that he was cured of any mental illness. You say he's dead? I suppose that proves he's no longer a danger to himself or others.
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