This is the reason we wear eye protection.

Noob question: I wear glasses everyday. Are those sufficient eye protection or should I:

a. Wear safety glasses over my specs
b. Just get prescription safety glasses


I bought prescription sunglasses which happen to also be safety glasses. Prescription insert under outer safety class type, like Rob doesn't like...but I've already got pinhole burns in one of the lenses from the splash from the cylinder gap of multiple revolvers, and replacement is sub-$50 for the outer lenses as opposed to significantly more if I had to replace prescription lenses.

90% of the time I wear them - all revolver shooting, all steel shooting, and 90% of my rifle shooting. Shooting a couple of rounds out of the carry gun on a whim, at paper, or shooting .22 rifle on an empty range, I'll frequently just wear the regular prescription glasses. If I ever get the laser surgery done, you can bet I'll be wearing giant, unfashionable, thoroughly effective safety glasses 100% of the time I'm shooting, though.
I think NOT wearing hearing or eye protection is as absurd as not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. Then again, the only person who suffers is the one who made the decision NOT to act prudently.

My club recently imposed a rule requiring ear and eye protection for all on the range. Nanny-ism? In a way. An example of people having to be saved from their own negligence because of the (alleged) cost it imposes on others.

The same logic that gave us mandatory seat belt laws.

Could also be an insurance requirement on club's liability policy.

You can't walk around most manufacturing plants or many construction job sites without glasses, even if nothing is going on. Companies don't want the aggrivation and record of an industrial accident when its so easily preventable and their ass is on the line to facilitate/mandate the safety proceedures.

Secondarily, on the range, I wouldn't want it on my mind that someone unintentionally lost an eye from something coming back from one of my shots.
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