The U.N. is coming for your guns - Update #402

Obama has claimed to be pro-gun, or at least to be neutral about it ("I won't take your rifle away, I won't take your shotgun away, etc"), and thus far I'm pretty sure he has been true to his word. Talk is cheap though, especially when it comes from a politician. We'll just have to wait and see what happens here...
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A link for anyone that thought I was kidding about printing a gun:

Way to late to close the lid on technology now, as long as The People retain Backbone.

(In full disclosure, though of course I WANT one, I don't have a 3d printer and probably can't afford one for a long time)

$1,300 for your very own 3D printer.

Certainly not cheap, but I'm sure plenty of people here have guns worth close to that.

I suspect the biggest problem with producing guns during some sort of gun-confiscation scenario would be making powder and primers.
First off I don't trust nearly any of our current wave of politicians. I feel in my heart that no decent & honest person would want anything to do with running for a national level political office. They are almost all crooks who need to swing on a short rope.

If it comes down to this UN treaty, then for me this becomes a fight to the death situation.
Better for me to die on my feet than to crawl like a coward for the brave will die only once but the coward dies a thousand deaths.

I have no problem with shooting international soldiers wearing Blue headgear.
Or even for that matter shooting US soldiers who would seek to deprive me of my birthright.

I know that I am not alone when I say that I wouldn't go away without one hell of a fight. And I have no doubt that a few of us who were trained by this nation to fight most certainly would put up a fight. The few can occupy the many for a very long time if they are skilled and properly motivated.

In every struggle somebody has to be the first to take a stand. Do we all forget how a bunch of rag tag Massachusetts farmers, craftsmen, & shop keepers (mear amateur fighters) mustered up daring to venture out against what at the time was mightiest army in the world the British Royal Army?

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The best thing you can do if confiscations actually start to happen - is make all the guns "disappear" somewhere.

What they'll do next is throw your ass in jail until you give them up. The more people they chuck into camps - the more the anger will rise. If you really want to get the ball rolling - give instructions to people that if you're not released from jail in 30 days - all your guns get dug up - and driven down to the inner city and given away to any obvious gang members you can find.

If they want to start confiscating guns - make them work for it. And make sure that while they're doing it they're pissing off as many people as possible.

The advantage that MA gun owners have over other states is that the govt. KNOWS what guns you have - so if they show up at your door looking for them - and the guns are not there - you just created a massive problem for them. Instead a simple trip down to your house - you just created a treasure hunt for them. If enough people simply make their guns disappear - and the bureacrats are stuck looking at spreadsheets full of 10's of thousands or even millions of guns they would like to confiscate - but can't find - you just created a massive problem for them.

Bad shit only happens if everybody acts like a drone and goes along. Once everybody starts hoisting the black flag and telling the govt. to go eff themselves - the wheels start to come off the SWAT bus.
Common sense would say it is an implied right, but when have the antis ever shown an ounce of common sense? The second amendment is frustrating because almost every major law in the U.S. takes up hundreds of pages in order to close every tiny loophole, but the most important amendment (IMO) is a single sentence. If someone wanted to get rid of our gun rights, they only need to interpret it in a way that suits them... Kind of like the antis that say by "People" the founders meant a militia like the National Guard, and it doesn't apply to civilians. I'm honestly surprised that a huge tax on ammo or a ban on import/export and manufacture hasn't been attempted yet.

I almost with I could go back in time and urge Madison to spend more than 15 seconds writing this amendment.

You're bringing up a common problem.

How does a bunch of people who understand what individual liberty is - and don't think that the minutia of human existence should be regulated to the nth degree - write a Constitution the prohibits all of that?

You would end up with a Constitution that was 10,000 pages long - full of sentences that said " and the govt. cannot do this" , " and the govt. cannot do that" - on and on and on and on. As soon as you missed one little thing - it would get pounced on as evidence that govt. CAN do that. You would have just put yourself into a Chinese finger puzzle of law.

They wrote a Constitution - that allegedly prevented the govt. from doing all the stuff we see them doing these days- and used simple language to try and get across the message that many people in that day and time just simply understood.

Some people would even say that the Constitution is what initially ENABLED all of the tyranny we see today. We would have been better of under the Articles of Confederation.

People these days would understand the Constitution - if their heads weren't full of govt. sponsored BS - much of it designed to complicate and obfuscate - so that people won't "understand" it's simple wording.

People who say things like " but what about this " - and " but what about that" - are already in the mindset of being a bureaucratic slave. They think that every single decision in life should be covered by the law somehow. They think that somehow somewhere someone - should have already thought of or regulated the situation they are referring to.

Think about it a little - WHY do these people want to have the govt. involved in every single little thing in their life - or your life?

The problem is bigger than the Constitution - and it's bigger than just the gun grabbers. It's all over the pages of NES - every time some stinky Ayrab gets out of line - the pages are filled with people demanding that the govt. go full retard and invade another country. You really think you can disconnect that type of attitude - from having a govt. that will go full retard on YOU when you get out of line? A lot of "conservatives" seem to think so. The "liberals" are no better - because they want to be protected by big mommy govt from all the bad people with guns - by enabling the govt. to have a bunch of bad people with guns to go around and take them out.

Then they can't figure out why all those bad people with guns are invading other countries, stomping down marijuana users - and infringing on civil rights by pulling them over in their Prius while they're driving to the gay hemp festival.

Sooner or later we are going to completely lose all rights to have guns in this country - if for no other reason than simple logic. The guns were supposed to be there to defend your rights. Once you give up all of your other rights - what logical sense does it make to keep the guns around to defend the rights you already pissed away?
Bobkatt - "Well, we're all going to die for one reason or another. Might as well be a good one." THIS!

If the UN comes for my guns it will be "Go Time".
I would hope that the freemen of this country would stand up and that there would be blood flowing in the streets.
In many ways the country is past due for a bit of revolution. I'd have no problem killing those that are trying to harm or enslave me.

Two separate America's are needed, one for all the liberal retards and then one for the rest of us.
Then we can have the ultimate experiment in American democracy seeing what one perishes and what one thrives.


We were supposed to have that - it's why the FedGov was supposed to be small - and the states were supposed to have precedence.

When you're trying to change the world though - trying to deal with 50 separate entitities gets inefficient. It's much easier to grab the ultimate power and just shove whatever you want to do - down everybody's throats.

It's sort of funny when people say lets have a liberal America and a conservative America and see who wins. That outcome is already a known thing . The part that's known is the reason why it would never be allowed to happen. It's sort of like saying lets have one state where everybody is on welfare - and one state where everbody gets absolutely nothing and has to work for it, and neither state can take from or subsidize the other.

Margaret Thatcher explained what will happen to the liberal states. Greece is a current day example of what happens too. The reason why the separation won't be allowed to happen - is because the liberals also know it. If you walk thur a tick infested field in nothing but shorts - you're not going to be able to walk out the other side and just ask the ticks to please jump off now.

You're going to have to burn them off - the ticks know what happens to them if they don't have something to suck on.
calsdad, Is right
"Bad shit only happens if everybody acts like a drone and goes along. Once everybody starts hoisting the black flag and telling the govt. to go eff themselves - the wheels start to come off the SWAT bus.."
The game folds when not everybody wants to play along all nice like. When push comes to shove somebody will still be screaming liberty or death. With conviction like that how does the other side ever propose to win?

Like I said the other day it has come a time where there should honestly be two separate America's one for all the crazy liberal dipshits and then one for the rest of us who still believe in what the founding fathers were trying to establish.
Does anyone know when they'll be coming by to pick up my guns? I want to make sure the house is neat before they get here. Thanks.

Sure come right on in...........

Excuse me officer - would you like a donut?

I'm sorry - all of the nasty guns are gone - I welded them all up in a big ball and sold the ball to some guy who said he was from the U.N.

Would you like to shoot my dog before you leave so this trip wasn't entirely a waste of time?
Well there are a ton of undocumented guns out there, but everything bought in the timeframe that the FA-10 system has been in place in the People's Republic of MA is listed someplace, you can count on that at least in this state, and I'm sure many other states use similar types of registration methods to keep track of who has what (at least in the case of us law abiding civilians). I'm not at all surprised about that number of views since this is a serious subject that you'd have to be seriously naive to think couldn't come to pass.

p.s. if you think for a second that every time your FFL calls in a NICS that your info isn't being recorded, I have a few bridges I could sell you.[laugh]

Like I said in an earlier post. You can use the registration system to your advantage by going all Alinsky on their asses.

When the guns are all registered - they KNOW the guns exist.

When they come looking for them - and they're not there - that presents a HUGE problem for all the bureaucrats. Because now they have to go FIND them.

Think of the number of troops that would be tied up searching all over the country for millions of guns that have gone "missing". That simple act of resistance might be enough to make the wheels come off the bus.

The British were marching to Concord - to grab up all the guns that they thought were stored in one place. Once they get there and all the guns are gone - their problem changes entirely.
First off I don't trust nearly any of our current wave of politicians. I feel in my heart that no decent & honest person would want anything to do with running for a national level political office. They are almost all crooks who need to swing on a short rope.

If it comes down to this UN treaty, then for me this becomes a fight to the death situation.
Better for me to die on my feet than to crawl like a coward for the brave will die only once but the coward dies a thousand deaths.

I have no problem with shooting international soldiers wearing Blue headgear.
Or even for that matter shooting US soldiers who would seek to deprive me of my birthright.

I know that I am not alone when I say that I wouldn't go away without one hell of a fight. And I have no doubt that a few of us who were trained by this nation to fight most certainly would put up a fight. The few can occupy the many for a very long time if they are skilled and properly motivated.

In every struggle somebody has to be the first to take a stand. Do we all forget how a bunch of rag tag Massachusetts farmers, craftsmen, & shop keepers (mear amateur fighters) mustered up daring to venture out against what at the time was mightiest army in the world the British Royal Army?


Actually...... A lot of those MA minutemen were far from "amateur fighters". Many of them were survivors of the French and Indian War ( George Washington was an officer in that war if I remember correctly) - and so were trained and experienced in the guerrilla fighting of the day.

Sort of like the situation we have here in the US right now - 10 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan has dispersed trained combat soldiers thruout the American populace.

A lot of them have joined up with the govt. though for the long term as police officers or working as "defense contractors".

So you have both sides of the coin gaining combat knowledge and wisdom.
I gave you room to stepback, and a door to go out of, Yet you continue on with your rant and no plan of action and saying "We are Cowards" . Well you can speak for yourself. Do not place me in that "We". So now it is time for you to let this one go.

Actually, I just showed you that you're plan ends up with all of us tolerated the absolute maximum amount of tyranny that we can tolerate before whatever your imaginary threshold is. And that threshold doesn't exist. What I am trying to get at is that people who talk like you do about "go time" have the old "cross this line and see what happens!" mantra. Then, they cross the line, and you just make another line.

I'm not stepping back or going out a door. Yes, we are cowards. We're tolerating being molested in airports, being stopped and searched without probable cause, having our firearms confriscated by the masses, being forced by the government to buy products of its choosing, being wiretapped, being invaded by foreign nationals and being forced to pay for their education, welfare, healthcare, etc. and our government not only allows it but does everything within its power to promote it, our politicans have enacted legislation that allows us to be detained indefinately without trial, our income is being stolen and given to companies that fail on their own merit to the tune of a debt that we'll never be able to pay off, homeland security is issuing terrist warnings for people who support the BOR, the government is turning military drones on its citizens, the police are outfitted like an infantry unit, the police are kicking down doors with no-knock warrants and shooting anything that moves without question, and I'm just scratching the surface.

So, if you can sit around and tell everyone that "go time" hasn't happened yet and, one day your threshold will be crossed and you'll do something about it, I am just not believing you. For one thing, its an absurd plan that clearly results in you accepting the maximum amount of tyranny. For another thing, its painfully obvious that there never will be a go time.

We've all been extremely cowardly about this. At least, I can admit it.
M&P 40 can do 9mm too with a quick barrel switch [smile]

When I bought my Sig P239 in .357 Sig, the shop offered me a deal on a .40 barrel if I bought it at the same time. My only disappointment came when I found that the .357 Sig magazines cannot shoot .40. Well, that and .40 is far less exciting to shoot (except when you fire some .40 rounds that turned out to have setback issues, then you $#!% your pants).

So I guess I'm all set to shoot gov't .40 if I were ever to come across any, somehow...
Calsdad - "Actually...... A lot of those MA minutemen were far from "amateur fighters". Many of them were survivors of the French and Indian War ( George Washington was an officer in that war if I remember correctly) - and so were trained and experienced in the guerrilla fighting of the day."
I would say that the parallel between Revolutionary times and what could possibly be a scenario today.

I grant you that these were more hearty that individuals today and many of them may of had fighting / combat experience. But it was still what we'd consider citizens who mustered up the courage to take on what was considered the most mighty army in the world.
Wanted to share this response I received from Scott Brown on the UN Arms Treaty. I asked him where he stands on the issue and told him I do not support it. This is what I received.

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your correspondence regarding a potential United Nations (UN) Small Arms Treaty and its impact on Second Amendment rights in the United States. As always, I value your input on this and other issues, and strive to keep you updated on the important issues facing us today.

Currently, Congress has not been presented with an opportunity to consider a United Nations Small Arms Treaty. Current discussions center upon the need to address illicit international trade of small arms through increased regulations and international standards that govern the import and export of conventional weapons. Doing so would close the gaps in existing regional and national arms export control systems that fail to prevent weapons from entering the black market. Consequently, a Small Arms Treaty would potentially affect laws regarding the sale and ownership of small arms in the United States.

Our Constitution represents the supreme law in the United States and I took an oath to defend it when I was sworn in as your U.S. Senator. As you know, the Supreme Court recently affirmed our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I also believe that the Constitution guarantees this right. I support safe and responsible gun ownership.

I understand your concerns about legislation that could place restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. As a Massachusetts State Senator, I voted in favor of legislation that extended the length of a gun license from four years to six years, expanded eligibility for licenses, and granted a 90-day grace period for expired firearms identification cards. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the Senate to examine any legislation that could impact our right to keep and bear arms.

Again, thank you for sharing your views with me. As the legislative process moves forward, I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind. If I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me or visit my website at
And there will be news stories on every TV station that night talking about how "domestic terrorists" are murdering police/NG people and how if you suspect any of your neighbors of being "domestic terrorists" you should call the police immediately. Some warning signs that someone could be a terrorist are the owning of guns, gun-related stickers of paraphernalia, hunting, etc...

There was a thread here mentioning it, but read "Enemies, Foreign and Domestic". At one point it was available on Amazon free for Kindle.

What level of technology is required to build an AK-47? Is it something a teenager in the slums of Afghanistan could make with rudimentary tools?

Hell, you can freaking PRINT an M-16 with a 3-d printer. May not work more than a few shots but you can just print more guns.

Google "The gun markets of Pakistan". Those guys can make a copy of just about anything with a forge and a few files.
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Enemies Foreign And Domestic is a domestic terrorism thriller set in the near future. The novel begins on opening day of the NFL season, when bullets begin to rain down upon the upper deck of a packed football stadium. A panic stampede ensues, leading to mass casualties. The alleged sniper is found holding a smoking assault rifle, and is killed by a police marksman.

One week later, congress bans the private possession of all semi-automatic assault rifles. Gun owners are given one week to turn in their semi-automatic rifles, or face a five year mandatory sentence.

The plot revolves around the true identity of the actual sniper. The alleged sniper killed at the scene may be a patsy, and many Americans refuse to turn in their banned weapons, leading to a civil crisis in the nation.

I used to think all the conspiracy theorists and "9/11 was an inside job" people were crazy. Then I read about Operation Northwoods on wikipedia... This book seems too realistic and would probably just piss me off reading it. It would also probably cause me to spend more money than I should on guns and ammo [smile]
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Well there are a ton of undocumented guns out there, but everything bought in the timeframe that the FA-10 system has been in place in the People's Republic of MA is listed someplace, you can count on that at least in this state, and I'm sure many other states use similar types of registration methods to keep track of who has what (at least in the case of us law abiding civilians). I'm not at all surprised about that number of views since this is a serious subject that you'd have to be seriously naive to think couldn't come to pass.

p.s. if you think for a second that every time your FFL calls in a NICS that your info isn't being recorded, I have a few bridges I could sell you.[laugh]
Hello can they deal with ied's? It isn't the firearms they will have to deal with. LOL
Calsdad - "Actually...... A lot of those MA minutemen were far from "amateur fighters". Many of them were survivors of the French and Indian War ( George Washington was an officer in that war if I remember correctly) - and so were trained and experienced in the guerrilla fighting of the day."
I would say that the parallel between Revolutionary times and what could possibly be a scenario today.

I grant you that these were more hearty that individuals today and many of them may of had fighting / combat experience. But it was still what we'd consider citizens who mustered up the courage to take on what was considered the most mighty army in the world.

In the end - I think it comes down to what you pointed out: attitude.

The attitude of an awful lot of people in this country just plain sucks. If they aren't for welfare for illegals - they think we should be bailing out big companies. If they aren't for "big govt." - they somehow think we should have a military big enough to go around the world invading any country we choose. They don't want taxes - but they want to spend a crapload of money. The Tea Party gets it's start by opposing big govt. and high taxes - and then goes down to FL and protests when Obama does NASA cutbacks.

It's just completely effed up.

I honestly think a large part of the problem is what I will call the "you can't do that" attitude a huge amount of people have in this country. I've been doing home renovation work for the last 13 years or so on the fixer upper we bought. A number of years ago I put a 2nd floor on the house. I came up with the design, I drew the plans, I estimated all the lumber - and when the time came to do the actual work - I had some help for the first few weeks - but after that it was pretty much all me.

When I sat around the lunchtable at work and we talked about what is going on - and I mentioned what I was doing - I actually had people tell me that I CAN'T DO THAT. Like I was literally breaking a law somehow - or it was "magic" to add a wood framed structure onto another wood framed structure. They would actually ARGUE the point. When I told them that I had a pile of lumber in my front yard ready to go - I had plans in hand - and I had a building dept. signoff - they still insisted on arguing the point that there was no way anybody outside of a trained professional could do that kind of work.

I see that kind of crap ALL the time. It ranges from people who think they can't add additions onto their houses THEMSELVES - to people who can't change the oil in their own cars or figure out how to fix their own PC - or even mow their own lawns.

Quite frankly I see people like this as useless wastes of oxygen and food. All they're doing here on planet earth is crapping up the water and stinking up the air.

You know if you ever listen to some of the stuff the Alex Jones crowd has out there on the internet - there's a lot of people who claim that this whole NWO thing has plans to radically depopulate the planet by killing off like 80% of the people on it. If you look around at what 80% of the people actually spend their time doing - it makes me wonder what the hell they're actually doing here. Add up all the people on welfare, food stamps, disability, retirement, etc. , and then add in all the people who just sort of meander thru their lives not really doing much of anything at all - and you have to start to wonder if there isn't a certain logic to what these people are thinking. Throw aside any morality and common decency - and we know that the people who run things have none of that since they have started war after war after war that have gotten 100's of millions killed - and you can start to see their viewpoint: there's an awful lot of people who when it comes right down to it - are freaking useless.

I'm not saying this necessarily because I agree with the viewpoint - I'm saying it because in the grand scheme of things - you need to be supporting yourself and be a useful producer to have some value in the world IMHO. People who think the world "owes them a living" - just don't get it. They are leeches and they don't even know it.

I don't think it used to be like that. You couldn't be useless - and survive. The men who fought the Revolution - could not have been useless and have been alive at all. What they were defending was stuff they built with their own two hands. All the farms, all the fields, all the stone walls, the churches - everything - built by the labor of people working for themselves and their community. Not done by funny money and govt. handouts like a lot of stuff is these days.
If you want to think of it that way. "Go Time", was well before that, when, President Wilson signed the "Federal Reserve Act".

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IIRC, No mention of what you are buying, only that you are getting cleared to buy.

The dealer has to state "handgun" or "long gun" "shotgun" is unacceptable. I watched a dealer repeat "shotgun" 4 times while the agent on the other end repeated "handgun or LONG GUN?" over and over until the dealer got the hint.
In the dealers defense, he has no inventory and only does transfers and custom orders, so his volume is extremely low.

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If you want to think of it that way. "Go Time", was well before that, when, President Wilson signed the "Federal Reserve Act".

- - - Updated - - -

IIRC, No mention of what you are buying, only that you are getting cleared to buy.

The dealer has to state "handgun" or "long gun" "shotgun" is unacceptable. I watched a dealer repeat "shotgun" 4 times while the agent on the other end repeated "handgun or LONG GUN?" over and over until the dealer got the hint.
In the dealers defense, he has no inventory and only does transfers and custom orders, so his volume is extremely low.
I just watched that video this morning and was shocked at that statistic in the beginning. There is only 4 million members out of a 100,000,000 gun owners in the US? No wonder they never really accomplish much! I guess most of the members they have only belong because they have to, though (like range requirement) because of the b.s. they have pulled in the past couple of years - especially in NH.
The NRA has an agenda like everybody else. They seem to be in favor of "reasonable restrictions" and uniform state laws across the country, or Federal intervention.

Try asking the NRA what they're doing about the NFA machinegun registry closure of '86.
The NRA has an agenda like everybody else. They seem to be in favor of "reasonable restrictions" and uniform state laws across the country, or Federal intervention.

Try asking the NRA what they're doing about the NFA machinegun registry closure of '86.

Haha that is exactly what I was going to say, but didn't wanna start another debate.

I'll be the first guy to buy a NRA life membership when they start trying to remove current restrictions. For now, all I ever see them doing is making yawn-inducing speeches like this.
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