The Big Storm...

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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Well, growing up in NOLA, I've been following this as much as I can.

I have several friends that were able to get out of town before Katrina hit. One of my buddies has family in Biloxi that said that they weren't going to leave. So, he's now waiting to hear from him.

Anyway, they are saying that right now, Jefferson Parish Schools aren't going to be able to open until December. And the worries are that there is still three months left of Hurricane Season.

So, I'm now just waiting to hear from the people I know. Not much else I can do.
There are currently 35 members of the Boston DMAT team deployed in the area. They are prepared to move into an unstable and dangerous envrioment, and begin to provide medical care for the population.
This will be done with litttle or no press coverage, since we are the little talked about step child of FEMA, but I know that if there is a group of people who would appreciate their efforts, it would be you guys
Ross,they said the weekend is going to be beautiful. Just have to get through the rain/thunder storms this week. I actually feel sorry for our guys in the field at Dix.
MrsWildweasel said:
Ross,they said the weekend is going to be beautiful. Just have to get through the rain/thunder storms this week. I actually feel sorry for our guys in the field at Dix.

That's what I thought... figured maybe Nickel had seen a newer weather report than I had.

as for the guys at Dix... yeah, I don't imagine that they'll need training for tropical storms where they're going. :(

Traded e-mails with a friend in N'orleans. She's been evacuated up north but has heard reports that bodies are floating by where her apartment used to be. She's homeless and broke, but her family is safe so she's ok.
SR, my wife and I were just talking about that. There was a family on The Weather Channel crying and talking about how terrible it was and that they'd lost everythin, had nothing left. There's the father, mother and a couple of kids all standing there. It doesn't seem to have the slightest thing to do with how much money you have, what you started with, what you actually lost or what kind of insurance or other resources you can anticipate: people simply fall into two categories, and things like this make it obvious. The first are people like this family, and the second are people who look around, see their families safe and well and realize that absolutely everything else is just stuff.

I just got a heads up from my local FEMA contact. They're probably going to be asking for volunteers from our CERT team to spend some time down there. There were a bunch down in Florida last year, and it'll probably be more of the same this time.

swatmedic said:
There are currently 35 members of the Boston DMAT team deployed in the area. They are prepared to move into an unstable and dangerous envrioment, and begin to provide medical care for the population.
This will be done with litttle or no press coverage, since we are the little talked about step child of FEMA, but I know that if there is a group of people who would appreciate their efforts, it would be you guys

If you can let them know, please tell them thanks for me. I have a lot of memories from growing up down there. And I've been through many of these, even some where we had to be evacuated as well.

I grew up right on Lake Pontchartrain, my mom called me last night to see pictures of our neighborhood with water up to the roofs. It makes you think, I'll tell you that.

How many of the people that I grew up with, that might still live back in there that I've lost touch with are affected.

Like I said, most of the people that I knew were able to get out. Some are more upstate LA, some are in Texas, some were in middle Mississippi, Jackson area.

It seems like my alma mater did pretty well for being in middle Mississippi. As much as I was searching, I couldn't find that Ole Miss got hit that hard.

I heard that Memphis had several touchdowns from Tornados, but when I called my Mom, she said that they weren't out by her house. So I'm glad that my family is safe.

I'm glad to hear that your friends are OK SR. That's good news. I did hear that there are bodies and caskets, and sewage floating around.

They said that it's going to take over a month to pump the water out of the area. So there's pretty much going to be NO economy in Orleans and Jefferson Parish. That's really going to hurt that region. It's going to be hard to bounce back from this.

I know that it's just stuff. But we're talking about a area that really doesn't have a lot of money respectively. These people aren't even going to be able to get back into their homes, businesses, etc.. for over a month. A lot of people are going to lose thier houses, jobs, companies. I don't know what's going to happen down there.

I truely do feel for these people. It's not going to be an easy road for them in next several years to come.

All I can do is hope that Mother Nature is going to be easy on them for the next several months.

We would get a good strom with some heavy rain and we would flood streets. So even if they do start to get ahead of things. Antother storm, another hurricane, anythign and it's just going to put them in an uphill battle.
Thank's C-pher. Glad everyone is alright. My brother went through one in the late 70's in Mississippi when he was finishing up AIT for the AirForce. They got pulled out of school for the clean up. Said it was the worst thing he had to do. He just missed this one too,he was just down there to do upgrades on some planes. Although one of the guys that went out this weekend to do upgrades hasn't even made it home yet.
Think about these families that were up here for the Babe Ruth Baseball torney in Quincy. The kids went ahead and had a layover in Dallas. They didn't make it back to LA. The parents didn't even make it out of Logan.

So, not only were they not able to get home to close up thier house before the storm. Now thier kids are in Dallas and the parents are up here.

That's got to suck.
Yea, I would too. I don't know what I would do if that was me. I would be going nuts, not being around my kids. At least these kids have the coach, and they are what?? 14 or so? It's not like they are 10..not that 14 isn't that far off. :D
I know that feeling. I had moved from a job at WPAFB to a job off base. But we were close to the base. Anyway, my ex-wife worked for the Surgeon General. So, she was still on Base. They went to Threatcon Delta, so she wasn't allowed to leave her office. So, she didn't come home that night. Us, we were close enough to the base that they sent us home early in the morning.

So, there I was at home, wife at a command base. And I can't talk to her. It was tough.
Text Message from my buddy that worked for the basketball team at Tulane.

"I am ok. My life is pretty much over but we're fine. Seen the pictures? Cell srvce spotty and no power 2 chrg phone. will call asap love you pal"

He's not in New Orleans anymore. He was able to get out.

But he's OK, and that's good.
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