The Big E Oct 8/9

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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Is anyone thinking about going to this show?

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be going. I have a couple of friends that are going to have a table there. So, if you wnat to see my Para's up close, they might be there.

Anyway, the last time that I was at this show, it was HUGE.

So, I'm pretty sure that we're going to be going...but I didn't know if there are any eastern folks that were thinking about going, and maybe would want to carpool and split the gas...
Living in Worcester,I would be spending$20-$30 before I even see a table.

The ammo is located outside,and since he is basically the only ammo dealer,there are no deals.Basically the same as the Marlboro show,but more expensive to attend.There will be 90% of the dealers from the Marlboro show with the exact same overpriced stuff as the week before..LOL
I'm about 10 miles away so I will be going, probably Sunday but it's difficult to say right now. I have found a few good buys over the years so I am always hopeful.
I used to try to attend this particular show, however I have been severely disappointed over the past few years with these shows and likely won't go.

- The October show is for hunting season, so hunting paraphernalia, hunting rifles, etc. will be in abundance.

- Very little in handguns, thanks to the AG and EOPS List. True for all MA gun shows.

- $5 parking (unless they increase it again), $8/person to attend + gas/travel expenses (including MA Turnpike tolls) make it an expensive venture.

- Usually only ~1/2 or less the number of advertised tables actually are there.

- Guns are usually severely overpriced.

- "Steve from NY" is only ammo dealer, he mis-represented his .223 ammo at the last gun show, is grumpy and isn't offering any deals that a legit dealer like Four Seasons can't do with a smile.

Your observations are pretty much right on. But there are some deals to be made from time to time. I use this as a chance to try to gauge the state of the business, but then I don't have to spend the gas money you do. I also take my eight yo (he still gets free admission) and we have a good time talking about guns and such.
I've only been to one, and the one I went too, was about twice the size of Marlboro. But then, that was about a year ago.

As for how much it was going to cost to get out there, that's why I figured that if we carpool, then we can split the gas, tolls, and parking. Make it a little cheaper...
We haven't heard from him in over a week, and the mailbox on the cell phone is full. Hoping to hear from him this weekend with any luck. I would assume he did.
Dollar Off Coupon for Big E Gunshow!

The latest edition of SGN has a $1 off coupon for entry to the Big E gun show. Our local rag, The Republican (in name only) usually has them also the week prior. I'll watch and clip as many as I can for any out-of-town NES members who plan on attending.
Well the Springfield Republican finally had a $1 off coupon in today's edition.

Does anyone have any plans yet for attending? I am tenatively planning on Saturday morning.
We'll be going just don't know when yet. We have a memorial service we have to go to sat. afternoon. Are plans are somewhat up in the air.
I plan to be there on Sunday (have to work on Sat). According to the flyer that I received both Winchester and Ruger Collectors Assn. will be there, and I would like to see some of the collections displayed.

Big E

It is just too far of a drive from Southern NH for what they have at the show. I'm going to wait until next weekend for the show in Manchester.
Re: Big E

rscalzo said:
It is just too far of a drive from Southern NH for what they have at the show. I'm going to wait until next weekend for the show in Manchester.

And are you going to join us at Tortilla Flat afterwards (Merrimack)? Check out the thread on Oktoberfest for details.
Gun Show

I can't make it on Sat. I'm helping out with a Basic Pistol Course on Sat. at my club in NH. I'm going Sunday early as I have plans Sunday night. [roll]
Big E Gunshow Report:

Well, my eight yo and I braved the monsoon rains to go to West Springfield just to break up a rainy day. 4 hours, $54.50, and about a billion raindrops later we got back home, glad we went but even gladder to be home.

The good news is that the show looked at least marginally better to me this time then it's trend in the past. I saw a lot of the usual dealers. Handgun prices and variety seemed a little bit better although there were some notable exceptions. I do not recall seeing many Para's and Sigs were kinda scarce although some could be seen. Quite a few Glocks, LOTS of Colt 1911/1911A1s, but prices here seemed a bit high, probably collector-mania. Fewer Nzai memorabilia displays which is good. Many seemed to be more German mililtaria. The usual assortment of rifles/shotguns.

On the bad side if the Winchester Collectors had not been there the building would have looked positively cavernous. As it was at least 1/4 to 1/3 of the building was empty. A smaller building would probably be better than all this empty space. No GOAL booth that I saw.

The ammo tent was almost empty of buyers when we went but he seemed to have a fair variety of moderately good quality ammo.

I haad a report that the early crowd was heavy but when we went (1300-1500 hrs) it was kinda light.

All in all it was certainly better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but I really was not in buying mood except for a Don Hume IWB holster for a G26. But my son and I had a good time together. At least until boredom set in and he wanted to go.

The next show is Dec 10/11. Hopefully the trend will continue to improve.
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