Texas Trailer Park Gunfight

Awesome story and awesome journalist who was willing to WAIT for him to be found not guilty so as not to interfere with the case. Unreal how a story like that doesn't get investigated by the MSM.....oh wait, it doesn't further their agenda.
After all that - after stepping up and helping the cop out - the guy still got cuffed on the ground and had his gun confiscated.
I wonder if Cadillac Deval would gift me a Noveske SBR if I helped out a Statie in a firefight....

You damn well know that you would be charged for leaving a firearm out in the open and not locked up, and then have to pay out the butt just because you went to do what a decent human being would do, even though it's not your job and what you get paid for and unlimited supply of taxpayer toys to do it with!


Didn't it say he was cuffed for 10-15 minutes until they figured out who was who and what was going on?
May have been reasonable under the circumstances with a bit of confusion and gun smoke in the air..
And then he got an award from the police and the Governor...
Very reasonable to cuff him for 15 minutes while they tried to figure out who was shooting who.
That's a perfect example of why I always carry my CCW badge on a neck lanyard. If he had been wearing his he would have gotten free donuts or biscuits and gravy instead of cuffed. For some reason I just can't picture our gov presenting his new firearm.
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