Terror Attack in London

I see your zombie knife and raise you a stealth knife:

"stealth knives - a knife or spike not made from metal (except when used at home, for food or a toy)"


Hey! Careful with that thing! What are you, mad? You could kill hundreds just by touching that!

Seriously though, prayers for the victims and their loved ones. I am really getting tired of this crap.
not necessarily. It's possibly to get shot and not hit an artery.

I'm assuming you're going full out false flag conspiracy derp on this then? Some building 7 shit going on? [laugh]

No kidding, Ive seen paper cut yield more blood...But hey enjoy your fantasy world...Oh wait paper cuts don't hit arteries either.
CNN, to further its narrative, is reporting that the attacker is a white male named O'Brian

End sarcasm
While that's true for the UK (except for those cops protecting the privileged classes) and a few other countries (Iceland comes to mind) - most European countries have armed police.

UK, europe, at this point, what difference does it make?
While that's true for the UK (except for those cops protecting the privileged classes) and a few other countries (Iceland comes to mind) - most European countries have armed police.
probably with gay 380s and some 9mm
DEVELOPING – Four people, including a London police officer who was stabbed and the alleged assailant, were killed after a terror attack that saw more than 20 people injured outside the Parliament building on Wednesday.

Acting Dep Commisssioner and Head of Counter Terrorism Mark Rowley told reporters they believe there was only one attacker. Among the injured were three police officers.
They usually wipe the blood from the chest and throw in some QuickClot so they can do CPR. Kinda hard to do CPR with a bloody/slippery chest.

Either way, glad those armed took out the trash.
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