Somewhat ridiculous question: Welding while carrying

Apr 4, 2007
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I know. Sounds stupid but thought I'd pose the question anyway.

I have a TIG welder which I have started to use more frequently lately. I wouldn't be as concerned with a MIG welder but my TIG is frequently used for alternating current.

I remember reading that TIG welding should not be done near open containers of flammable liquid or gases because the frequency generated by the machine can cause these liquids to combust.

I'm curious whether ammunition is in any sort of similar risk...having combustable gunpowder and explosive primers in them.

I can just see myself immersed in a weld when a round goes off into my right butt cheek.

Again...I know it's a stupid question. Figured some of you would at least get a kick out of it being posted in the first place.

Does anyone else carry while welding?
I have worked with some old welders from West Virginia and they always carried except when they welded, Tig, Stick or Mig.
For what it's worth.[thinking]
For a round to go off current would have to travel through the casing long enough to heat up the gunpowder and/or primer. The electricity itself isn't a concern as there's nothing inside the round that could spark, but the heat caused by the electricity would be the issue. Maybe someone should send this one into Myth Busters. I'm glad I own a non-conductive polymer Glock [smile]
I remember a story from years ago.

A cop was watching a prisoner when he bumped up against some medical equipment. Evidently, he hit a live lead and all six rounds detonated in his revolver.

Ever since hearing this story, I have been cautious around electricity when carrying.

I believe it is the voltage not the type of welding that you should be careful with.
The story I heard about was an MRI machine and it was a pistol and only one round went off. It was investigated and the cause was determined magnetic.
I am not sure if this is the story you are talking about. I did not hear about a revolver and all six rounds firing, that would have been a real rush.

This needs more investigation.

A welding note:
I have read about welders having been killed by a Bic liter blowing up from sparks from the welder. This has happened more the once.
I'm not so concerned about heat or sparks or anything.

You really don't get sparks with TIG welding.

It's high frequency that I am worried about. I know with TIG welding at high frequency, you can spontaneously ignite flammable liquids/gases nearby.

Interesting story about the revolver though.
I guess if you're going to carry and weld... don't use a smartcarry holster [smile]
I guess if you're going to carry and weld... don't use a smartcarry holster [smile]

Interesting question!

Because of the skin effect I would think that a high frequency transmission, not powerful enough hurt a human, would not cause a firearm to discharge.
But I wouldn’t bet my health on it

I could see how a large slug of current through a firearm could cause primers to detonate.


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