So Healy sells enforcement and doesn't mind enforcing thing that aren't laws.

Nov 3, 2017
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Good luck.
Enforce it on who?

A quick search yields that this armpit of a state is in the top 7 (5 on some websites) of population exodus. Or at least the taxable population. It has seen a increase in the dependent population, but the one doesn't offset the other.

I'm one of them. I am months away from escape.
She has to be vying for a spot in Biden's administration. Also, how can she hire "special" attorneys that “... would be focused on ensuring that Massachusetts and neighboring states meet the long-term commitments set forth…in the Paris Agreement.”

Does she think that she has the power to enforce the Paris Treaty against other states? She's just a power hungry you know what!
She is basically looking for Bloomberg to pay for lawyers that she will appoint as special state assistant AG's to file nuisance lawsuits against companies that she deems a threat to the climate.
Basically, a bunch of lawsuits like she did to Exxon.
She just knows that if she uses state resources for this kind of stufff it will raise a few eyebrows, and no doubt piss some people off. This is a stupidly liberal state, but people have their limits. I food shop in some towns that have the paper bag law, and boy, do I hear people bitch. Every time, months and months after the law went into effect.
She pushes this shit and people start to see their utilities double, then people will really get pissed. Especially these idiot seniors on a fixed income who have voted blue for the past 50 years. They have nothing better to do but sit and bitch all day. If Charlie did his job right like he was supposed to, he would have wiped out more of them during the pandemic.
The Global Warming Solutions Act has been law since 2008, and Massachusetts joined a Multi-State Climate Alliance over 3 years ago. That alliance has promised to meet the Paris Accord goals, and I rather doubt the legislature is going to override Baker on this.

So as much as I dislike Healey, this is a non-story.
Buckle up.

This is just the beginning once Biden is sworn in. All these statist thugs are going to feel empowered across the country.
Of I were an attorney I would have fun responding to that one....

How do you say go f*** yourself on lawyer speak?
All the pols pushing gun control, climate BS, and covid restrictions are taking money to do so. None of it is organic, none of them believe it, they are being paid to push this shit on America. Know they are traitors and mercenaries against America.
All the pols pushing gun control, climate BS, and covid restrictions are taking money to do so. None of it is organic, none of them believe it, they are being paid to push this shit on America. Know they are traitors and mercenaries against America.
Yes. The only possible way that people don't share your opinions is that they're paid. It can't possibly be that, among other things, they're more comfortable with letting mommy and daddy tell them how to live.
She is basically looking for Bloomberg to pay for lawyers that she will appoint as special state assistant AG's to file nuisance lawsuits against companies that she deems a threat to the climate.
Basically, a bunch of lawsuits like she did to Exxon.
She just knows that if she uses state resources for this kind of stufff it will raise a few eyebrows, and no doubt piss some people off. This is a stupidly liberal state, but people have their limits. I food shop in some towns that have the paper bag law, and boy, do I hear people bitch. Every time, months and months after the law went into effect.
She pushes this shit and people start to see their utilities double, then people will really get pissed. Especially these idiot seniors on a fixed income who have voted blue for the past 50 years. They have nothing better to do but sit and bitch all day. If Charlie did his job right like he was supposed to, he would have wiped out more of them during the pandemic.
Indeed. This is a variation on the Bubba and Obama "Sue to Settle" crap. They called enviro groups and told them to sue the gov't for not doing X even when X was not even remotely written into any law. They did this to manufacture regs when congress got in the way of the agenda.
Maura is also auditioning again for a federal appointment. She's exactly the type Biden wants on SCOTUS. She'd ignore written law (unless it infringes on constitutional rights) and the entire US Constitution, refer only to UN declarations, international law, and unratified treaties.
Of I were an attorney I would have fun responding to that one....

How do you say go f*** yourself on lawyer speak?

In politician speak, "quite frankly" is used as "Go F yourself" quite often.

I have a client who's son is a city councilor. She had a nasty fall and suddenly he was all concerned about. . . . her money. No lie. So he calls this big meeting at Mom's house about how we need to get the $ into HIS name.

He must have Quite Frankly'd me about 50 times in a half hour. I'm not sure how I kept my cool. This client is truly a doll to me, but she has two awful kids, which leads me to believe that she was, somehow, an awful mother. Both are just controlling F's, quite frankly. LOL

To get on topic - what does the Paris Climate Accord have to do with a mASS attorney general anyhow???? Can we have her impeached or something??? File charges in federal court???

On the plus side, while I often think we are doomed because of awful people like Maura, I read a lot of 19th century US history stuff. Different century. Same bullspit. People are no worse today than then. So we've got that going for us. LOL
The Global Warming Solutions Act has been law since 2008, and Massachusetts joined a Multi-State Climate Alliance over 3 years ago. That alliance has promised to meet the Paris Accord goals, and I rather doubt the legislature is going to override Baker on this.

So as much as I dislike Healey, this is a non-story.

What a joke from The Tall Dildo. It’s ok for him to cut a swath of pristine Maine wilderness through the mountains to install power lines from Hydro Quebec for the sole purpose of supplying power to Mass with no benefit to Maine.
Nice windmills off the coast of Mass you f***ing a**h***s.
The whole "millennials vs boomers" thing is getting old. Generation naming aside, it's all just a cycle of aging that every generation goes through, and millennials will end up being the "boomers" for some future generation. This particular dichotomy is no different than any of the past generational squabbles other than people seem to think it's unique for some reason. It is not. Perspectives are at odds between age gaps. Water is wet. Let's move on.
The whole "millennials vs boomers" thing is getting old. Generation naming aside, it's all just a cycle of aging that every generation goes through, and millennials will end up being the "boomers" for some future generation. This particular dichotomy is no different than any of the past generational squabbles other than people seem to think it's unique for some reason. It is not. Perspectives are at odds between age gaps. Water is wet. Let's move on.
Nope. Boomers are special. Never before has a generation been given such wealth and squandered it. Everyone knows it and hates them for it. Not all generations are the same, see Strauss-Howe Fourth Turning for a good read on differences. Good times create weak men and the boomers themselves never stop bragging that they are the best at having good times.
Nope. Boomers are special. Never before has a generation been given such wealth and squandered it. Everyone knows it and hates them for it. Not all generations are the same, see Strauss-Howe Fourth Turning for a good read on differences. Good times create weak men and the boomers themselves never stop bragging that they are the best at having good times.
So which is it?

Either: the Boomers, gifted with the best opportunities in the history of man, squandered their wealth on socialist ideas...
or: everyone really agrees with you, but are paid shills and thus go against all your shared principles for some fat stacks.
So which is it?

Either: the Boomers, gifted with the best opportunities in the history of man, squandered their wealth on socialist ideas...
or: everyone really agrees with you, but are paid shills and thus go against all your shared principles for some fat stacks.
First part is true. Second part is true for politicians pushing coronu fascism and climate change nonsense and gun grabblers they are taking money too. Do you think all these pols flying around the world believe in climate change or is it the fat stacks they make off of the scam. Funny all these sell out politicians are from what generation?
First part is true. Second part is true for politicians pushing coronu fascism and climate change nonsense and gun grabblers they are taking money too. Do you think all these pols flying around the world believe in climate change or is it the fat stacks they make off of the scam. Funny all these sell out politicians are from what generation?
I believe they believe that they're in power and better than the rest of the world, and that they're put into those positions of power by millions of people who really want mommy and daddy to tell them what to do.
they would “be focused on ensuring that Massachusetts and neighboring states meet the long-term commitments set forth…in the Paris Agreement.”

who does this c*** think she is?
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