SIG P210 CARRY just released, MA ETA?

OK, I'll say it again........ "You will have a lot of questions to answer" why add to the list??? Maybe you will be OK but I don't want to be the test case. Keep in mind that after the authorities have (hopefully) determined it was a good shoot, then you have the family looking at a civil case. And do you really think that their attorney isn’t going to make mention of how that gun was obtained? I would be very surprised if in a civil case that there would be no mention of the gun not being on the approved roster.

I get it, the chances of you getting jammed up are slim but I for one do not need that risk. Am I scared of these crazy liberal prosecutors, Healey, and the rest of this washing machine they call the MA legal system? You bet I am.
The attorney can ask how it was obtained. Your attorney can answer "legally". Now what?

Bro, seriously, sit down and think about this for 2 minutes instead of being so scared.

Let me give you an example:

Guy in Indiana buys a used gun that is not on the MA list - this private transaction in Indiana doesn't require paperwork.

The guy moves to MA with the legally obtained gun and gets an LTC.

He uses it in self defense.

Now, please, tell me how a lawyer will attack him because not only he has a gun not on the list, but the gun is also not in the MA database and he can't prove how he obtained it (OMG THE HORROR!!!).

Also, I asked you to find a court case, I see you couldn't find one. I wonder why.

You are sh*thing your pants for no reason and you are spreading bullsh*t information and fear, probably mentioning this sh*t to new gun owners.
Am I the only one who cringed when I read "Sig P210" and "Aluminum frame" in the product description? That is the travesty.

Nope. IMHO thats part of the huge win/appeal of this thing, its not overlarded and overweight for what it is. A 9mm that weighs 30 oz is "enough".
The attorney can ask how it was obtained. Your attorney can answer "legally". Now what?

Bro, seriously, sit down and think about this for 2 minutes instead of being so scared.

Let me give you an example:

Guy in Indiana buys a used gun that is not on the MA list - this private transaction in Indiana doesn't require paperwork.

The guy moves to MA with the legally obtained gun and gets an LTC.

He uses it in self defense.

Now, please, tell me how a lawyer will attack him because not only he has a gun not on the list, but the gun is also not in the MA database and he can't prove how he obtained it (OMG THE HORROR!!!).

Also, I asked you to find a court case, I see you couldn't find one. I wonder why.

You are sh*thing your pants for no reason and you are spreading bullsh*t information and fear, probably mentioning this sh*t to new gun owners.

I've got a great new idea we'll have like a bunch of MA gun owner fear porn in a jar and it will come with slips of paper with legal myths on it. We'll sell a colored sealed jar and it'll have like a bra supporting a nice pair of tits on the front but it will have a pic of healey under the lid. We'll sell it for like $10 or a 5 pack for $25 and people can give them out as gag gifts
I've got a great new idea we'll have like a bunch of MA gun owner fear porn in a jar and it will come with slips of paper with legal myths on it. We'll sell a colored sealed jar and it'll have like a bra supporting a nice pair of tits on the front but it will have a pic of healey under the lid. We'll sell it for like $10 or a 5 pack for $25 and people can give them out as gag gifts
I love it.
The attorney can ask how it was obtained. Your attorney can answer "legally". Now what?

Bro, seriously, sit down and think about this for 2 minutes instead of being so scared.

Let me give you an example:

Guy in Indiana buys a used gun that is not on the MA list - this private transaction in Indiana doesn't require paperwork.

The guy moves to MA with the legally obtained gun and gets an LTC.

He uses it in self defense.

Now, please, tell me how a lawyer will attack him because not only he has a gun not on the list, but the gun is also not in the MA database and he can't prove how he obtained it (OMG THE HORROR!!!).

Also, I asked you to find a court case, I see you couldn't find one. I wonder why.

You are sh*thing your pants for no reason and you are spreading bullsh*t information and fear, probably mentioning this sh*t to new gun owners.
Your hypothetical situation shouldn't be an issue, unless he used reloaded ammunition for self defense.
MSRP $1399???

Hard pass. Not skinfinting but $1400 for an 8 round capacity striker fired handgun? See yah....
It's not striker fired lol

ETA: Yes value prop is shit but that applies to like 90% of guns manufactured. Does anyone need more than a turkatron semi shotgun, a glock 17 (or some skinflint alternative) and a $600 AR clone? Nope. :)
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MSRP $1399???

Hard pass. Not skinfinting but $1400 for an 8 round capacity striker fired handgun? See yah....
The original Sig P210 was and is a high end gun considered one of the finest and most accurate 9x19 pistols for target shooting - features included all steel frame, reverse slide/frame rail geometry and Swiss manufacture (not sure the later applies to new construction). Sig is attempting to capitalize on that market pricing based on the alure of the original P210 that is as classic as the cherry bomb in the toilet.
The original Sig P210 was and is a high end gun considered one of the finest and most accurate 9x19 pistols for target shooting - features included all steel frame, reverse slide/frame rail geometry and Swiss manufacture (not sure the later applies to new construction). Sig is attempting to capitalize on that market pricing based on the alure of the original P210 that is as classic as the cherry bomb in the toilet.
This guy gets it.
The original Sig P210 was and is a high end gun considered one of the finest and most accurate 9x19 pistols for target shooting - features included all steel frame, reverse slide/frame rail geometry and Swiss manufacture (not sure the later applies to new construction). Sig is attempting to capitalize on that market pricing based on the alure of the original P210 that is as classic as the cherry bomb in the toilet.

When SAN made things like P210-7s they cost a lot more than the US ones do now…. im glad Sig makes 210 type guns at all. The american rendition is pretty good. No magazine safety and a much more useable 1911 style safety lever.

The new guns are pretty nice. Not a swiss product, but well made for the price
I've got a great new idea we'll have like a bunch of MA gun owner fear porn in a jar and it will come with slips of paper with legal myths on it. We'll sell a colored sealed jar and it'll have like a bra supporting a nice pair of tits on the front but it will have a pic of healey under the lid. We'll sell it for like $10 or a 5 pack for $25 and people can give them out as gag gifts
but I don't want to hear One More Fücking Word about my rich internal life).
Give it time, there will be one asking if they should carry with one in the chamber again.
Wait a minute... you carry with one in the pipe? ;)

The sad thing is... You're 100% right though, people are actually convinced they'll have time to rack the slide to chamber one in a REAL world situation.
WThere is absolutely nothing in MGL that makes handgun compliance an obligation of the consumer, not sure what kind of crack you are smoking.
I think it is highly likely a DRRMA prosecutor would mention in a self defense prosecution that a defendants weapon was not on the approved roster, regardless of who the roster applies to. Jury would eat it up. Thank God for good legal representation
I think it is highly likely a DRRMA prosecutor would mention in a self defense prosecution that a defendants weapon was not on the approved roster, regardless of who the roster applies to. Jury would eat it up. Thank God for good legal representation
A good defense attorney would move to squash that as irrelevant as to guilt or innocence unless the issue was a shooting due to the gun being "unsafe", and if the motion was not granted, do what was necessary to preserve that as a basis for possible appeal.

It might be ammo in the plea bargain negotiation. And yeah, I know you would not cop a plea if innocent. That's what they all say at the beginning of the process.
The original Sig P210 was and is a high end gun considered one of the finest and most accurate 9x19 pistols for target shooting
From the looks of the "Carry" it is rather a cheap mock-up of the original design. At the MSRP one will hardly get a used P210 of Swiss (either SIG or Haemmerli) manufactured one and there's a reason to this.
Love my -4 from the German Border Police contract of 1951 (she's from the first batch of 500), my -6 w/ micrometer sights along with the .30 Luger exchange barrel and the .22 exchange barrel/slide combo. Tack drivers!
A good defense attorney would move to squash that as irrelevant as to guilt or innocence unless the issue was a shooting due to the gun being "unsafe", and if the motion was not granted, do what was necessary to preserve that as a basis for possible appeal.

It might be ammo in the plea bargain negotiation. And yeah, I know you would not cop a plea if innocent. That's what they all say at the beginning of the process.
Do we have awareness of sthe number of self defense shooting prosecutions in DPRMA? I assume they all go to a district court for full jury trial?

And the outcomes?
Do we have awareness of sthe number of self defense shooting prosecutions in DPRMA? I assume they all go to a district court for full jury trial?

And the outcomes?
Classic civilian armed self defense cases with a shot discharged in MA very rare and often are resolved with no trial and, in some cases, no plea bargain. The process is long and grinding, and even an obviously clean case can takes months (and tens of thousand$) to resolve. It's hard to get any meaningful statistics on actual trials of classic defense shootings (holdup, mugging, car jacking, sexual assault, stranger attack with gun or edged weapon, etc.), as the claim is commonly raised in cases where the logic is more of a Hail Mary than credible argument. Those often go something like "Well, I was actually there unlike what I told you before, and I did dispose of the body, but you gotta believe me, it was self defense...."

A case as serious as an actual shooting would not be heard by a district court with a 6 person jury. Armed self defense shooting would be a Superior Court case. Unarmed encounters involving the display of a gun are often district court material. I know of one person charged because the other party involved in a verbal argument saw the part of hte first part's holstered gun and claimed is was displayed as a threat. That one resulted in not guilty.
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I think it is highly likely a DRRMA prosecutor would mention in a self defense prosecution that a defendants weapon was not on the approved roster, regardless of who the roster applies to. Jury would eat it up. Thank God for good legal representation

Not really, probably even get stricken. It's irrelevant to the legal question in the court.
I think it is highly likely a DRRMA prosecutor would mention in a self defense prosecution that a defendants weapon was not on the approved roster, regardless of who the roster applies to. Jury would eat it up. Thank God for good legal representation
Prosecutor - "tHaT Gun iZ nOt iN Da LiSt, iT iZ iLleGaL aNd ScArY. ExTrA KiLlY"

Any decent defense attorney - "prove it is illegal".


That is how it would probably go.
Not really, probably even get stricken. It's irrelevant to the legal question

Prosecutor - "tHaT Gun iZ nOt iN Da LiSt, iT iZ iLleGaL aNd ScArY. ExTrA KiLlY"

Any decent defense attorney - "prove it is illegal".

View attachment 576748

That is how it would probably go.
Well done but i
Prosecutor - "tHaT Gun iZ nOt iN Da LiSt, iT iZ iLleGaL aNd ScArY. ExTrA KiLlY"

Any decent defense attorney - "prove it is illegal".

View attachment 576748

That is how it would probably go.
In a perfect world, yes- but I have absolutely no faith in the judges in this state, and for good reason.
Well done but i

In a perfect world, yes- but I have absolutely no faith in the judges in this state, and for good reason.
The reality is most self defense cases are more boring than pant shitters make them out to be. They are, however, frequently stressful and expensive, like life altering expensive...... and that is usually true anywhere, not just shitholes like MA.
Well the prosecutor will say he has a firearm that is not on the MA list,so it's an unsafe gun.Your lawyer will say he is carrying the same firearm that
the police dept is carrying in his town,and he is very well trained with that firearm.So does that mean all the police in his town are carrying guns
that are a danger to the community?
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