Shout out to fsguns

God forbid someone has an unpleasant experience at FS and post about it several times to try and cut through all the FS sympathizer posts.
I know numerous people that have not had a good experience there and don't post here.
Basically, Mpen1070 was saying "Your girlfriend is a whore" and you all reacted as a boyfriend would be expected to react: Blind to the real situation of her truly being a whore.
Maybe another way to describe it would be for him to say "Your favorite band sucks".

I think the reason why people stepped up to defend FS, at least for me, is because we all have had the same 'treatment' while there and never once thought it was discriminatory. It would be very easy for me to cry 'sexism' in the handling of any of my purchases at this or any other place. But I would be WRONG to do so. FS has a process that they follow. If they don't, the sales person is deviating. When the place is rocking the phone call for the background check is often done 'out back' becaus eof the noise level. The guns are always tucked behind the counter during this time. I hav purchased guns there when it was less crowded ad the check was done on the phone at the counter. The gun was left on the counter during these transactions. I have NEVER been handed my guns before ALL paperwork was done, background check, e-FA10, and a second employee checks the paperwork! And most of these guys know me by NAME and the new ones recognize my face when I come in through the door. I don't get my panties in a wad when one of them asks for my LTC before handing me a gun to check out, even if I was in the day before buying a gun from the same sales guy.

I had one bad experience at FS. I called Carl and he took care of it. I didn't get on the internet and bitch to everyone about it.
God forbid someone has an unpleasant experience at FS and post about it several times to try and cut through all the FS sympathizer posts.
I know numerous people that have not had a good experience there and don't post here.
Basically, Mpen1070 was saying "Your girlfriend is a whore" and you all reacted as a boyfriend would be expected to react: Blind to the real situation of her truly being a whore.
Maybe another way to describe it would be for him to say "Your favorite band sucks".

No, basically Mpen said "FS is run by racists who discriminated against me". We all reacted as someone who understands you only get the discount with cash, and it's policy to take the firearm off the counter while making the call.

He was dead wrong in his perceived slight and doubled down with the race card.
Oh god what a turd, I've sent a couple non white, non males to FS to make their first purchase and they have been treated with nothing but respect. Carl for President!
Your "weapon" was held behind the counter during the call in period for a reason. If the call in came back as denied or delayed, you can't take possession of the firearm at that point. Yes, you can pay for it, but until everything clears, you can't possess it. It's not a race thing, so get off your f***ing high horse. Nobody owes you any special treatment.
Some shops are run more strict than others, some customers are treated different than others. The more you are known in a shop, with multiple purchases, and the staff gets to know you, and know you have never been delayed, things may change. White brown, yellow, or black, rules are rules!
The other thing which may play into th reaction, I know it did for me, is that when I saw the first gripe posted I looked at the post count as I didn't recognize the name. Other than posting his military service, this was his intro to the community. Then he posted in 2 threads within minutes the exact same gripe.
Carl and his employees have always treated me with the utmost respect! They have earned my business and trust time and time again!
No matter how much a shop posts signs like "LTC must be shown for ammo purchase, no exceptions", shops get to know people and it's human nature to take shortcuts on trust issues with people you know. Things like not securing the gun while making the NICS call, taking a check without writing down a driver's license number, or selling ammo without actually looking at a well known customer's ID happen at gun shops all the time. You need a pattern to establish racial discrimination, not just a single incident. Plus there are two variables - how well known you are and who the clerk is. If you're really well known, and dealing with the owner, you will probably get treatment like "check that gun out while I wait on the next customer", but if it's a by the book employee drone, or you aren't known, the salesperson will stay with you while you look over the gun.
Haaa you think you got discriminated against try being me! I'm white and my last name is Vasquez every time I go into my local gun shop and there are customers in there the owner says out loud "heeey it's the mexican! I always have correct them to say white hispanic! My whole god damn family is from Italy believe it it not .
Oh and when ATF added the racial description of non Latino I heard a ton of crap about that.
White guys call me mexican black guys call me every other slur and puertoricans call me a fake spic. Half of them mean it too. Lighten up Francis it'll drive you insane if you think every perceived sleight is an attack on your ethnicity..
Carl and the rest of the group at FS have always been helpful, courteous, and very professional with me whenever I go there. That's part of the reason I don't mind the long drive to their shop, their prices are the other part. [thumbsup]
I'll throw my hat into FS's ring as well. I've purchased two firearms from them, and both experiences were outstanding. In fact, the second purchase from them came after one of their employees recommended me to **THIS** forum to sell my old shotgun, as the employee told me I'd get more money this way than I would going through FS. WOW. Integrity much?

As for Mpen....dudes....I think we all know this guy's game. If he doesn't get into college, it's racism. If he gets a speeding ticket: racism. Doesn't win the lottery? There is a lottery-based conspiracy against non-Whites.

He's a waste of time/energy/breath.
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