Shooter in Canadian Parliment

Source: Spike in ISIS-related chatter targeting Canada leading up to shooting

A counterterrorism source tells Fox News that there was a spike in Islamic State-related online chatter focusing on Canada in the days leading up to the shooting Wednesday in the capital of Ottawa.

Multiple gunmen stormed the Canadian Parliament complex on Wednesday, shooting at least one soldier and spraying as many as 30 shots inside the government building. No one has yet claimed responsibility for the shooting.

But the counterterrorism source said there was an increase in chatter in the five days leading up to the attack, focusing on Canada's decision to join the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS -- including threats that the "day of reckoning" is coming.
Surprised the news reports haven't been scrubbed to say "lone gunman". [rolleyes]

Give it time.

Although if they are, it will probably be due to hasty inaccurate reporting of multiple gunmen rather than a devious attempt to conceal what actually happened. Governments are not competent enough to keep secrets in situations like that. I think.
Believe it or not they take it seriously when you yell "Vive la liberation" while trying to cross the border. Ask me how I know and why I am not welcomed in our friendly neighbor to the norths country. gallery of pictures


Shelter in place finally has a picture

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The guy who mowed down two soldiers with his car before being shot had previously attempted to fly to the middle east to join ISIS I believe - He was released when they had nothing to charge him with.
North America moving towards "you're a terrorist until proven otherwise" and then "here's your chip, congratulations, you won't be executed now".
They've been here for a while now. Canada has an even more lax immigration policy than we do. Even though this guy was born in Canada, you can be sure the Iman that runs the mosque where he was converted was not born in North America.

This is just the beginning.
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