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Army 19D here. Only served Jul 92 - Jun 94.

Disabled Vet Jun 94 - Current.

Had all intentions of making a career but a piece of metal through the eye put an end to that.
Thank you all for defending my freedoms and making the country a safer place for my 6 month old son... we are forever in your debt.
Respectfully, Keri
Also, everyone make it a point to patronize stores that show support for our military.

An example is Sears, they have done, and continue to do allot for our armed forces, that never gets advertised.
I had the displeasure [wink] of riding in those 18-ton tripods while I was in 1/8, UNITAS, 1/2, and 3/6.

My two favorite tracker quotes:

Tell the crunchies not to worry. I'll put the bow plane against the window of the bunker so the enemy can't see out!

AAVs are what makes the Marine Corps special. Without us you'd just be in the Army.

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