Sen Warren Bulk Ammo Ban Bill S3223

While it likely won’t go anywhere it just continues to beat home the point that they will never ever stop and that they will use every means that their twisted minds can come up with.

One could be forgiven for thinking that we are mired in the midst of a never-ending struggle to defend our Constitutional civil rights..........but the reality is given the present political atmosphere in the country today we can probably expect to be faced with a constant drumbeat to invoke country wide disarmament as the center piece of the left's legislative agenda.

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More hand wringing fodder. It'll never pass the House so it goes nowhere. Just something else to get the masses all worked up. Then again if she's going for salesperson of the year, she heading down the right road!!!!
Though I’d love to agree with you on “it’ll never pass the House”, I can’t. All it will take is another mass shooting, and have that shooting in a red state. Politicians go wherever the wind blows, and if said shooting, god forbid, is in a school enough pressure will be applied to enough Rino’s where they will vote for something like this. Remember it’s only a five or six republican majority, small enough to flip something like this. If it were a 10-15 member majority I’d feel better.
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