Sen. Lindsey Graham announces bipartisan deal on 'red-flag' gun laws

He's done nothing but what?

Bump stock?

Brother pahlease......

The bump stock issue has been beaten to death can litigate that in previous posts......its not a hill anyone is going to choose to make a fight on.....

Obunder did more to infringe on RKBA in any given week than Trump has.....I dont recall you whining about Oblunder, fast and furious, operation choke point, attempts to reclassify m855 as AP or any of the other shenangans he pulled.

So did Bush, Clinton and nearly every president going back into the 1960's

You’re starting to get it.

Trump’s the same as the rest. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you. He’s fine with SCOTUS, because he knows he’ll be dead before they make a real impact. But in the moment? Right this second? He couldn’t care less about you and your rights.

He wants a Legacy, capitol L. Like all the rest of ‘em. He’d love it if he was The President who Helped Stop Gun Violence, and if it’s a choice between that and your rights?

No contest.

I’m glad you’re starting to figure that out.
I can see Graham's ERPO that provides grants to states but I dont think McConnell will allow a UBC.....McConnell may be a lot of things but he's not an anti

I’m not sure the other rhinos won’t gang up on him under the Trump hysteria.
GOA sent out a letter/petition earlier this week that you could add your name to telling the President where we stand on more useless gun control bills and the red flag crap.
GOA sent out a letter/petition earlier this week that you could add your name to telling the President where we stand on more useless gun control bills and the red flag crap.
I did check with GOA and they said the .com besides the .org is legitimate too. I'd like to add that although this will probably have no effect doing nothing definitely will have no effect. Please click on the link and add your name.We're on at least one list anyway so what's another one.

Anti-gunners are exploiting the heart-breaking tragedies in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas to try and BAN AR-15s and AK-47s -- and to impose “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders.

With Congress on recess, anti-gunners are trying to make enough noise to convince President Trump to take executive action against the Second Amendment.

We need to remind President Trump to stay true to the 2A supporters who put him in the White House and not take ANY executive action to ban so-called “assault weapons.”

Already, in his address to the nation today, the President called on Congress to push so-called red flag laws. This will result in law-abiding Americans losing their guns -- or even worse, being killed just like Gary Willis of Maryland was late last year.

In his tweets today, the President is calling for “strong[er] background checks,” which could be a veiled push for Universal Background Checks.

We need to flood the White House inboxes to be sure that YOU are the loudest voice heard by President Trump during the next few days.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to President Trump reminding him to keep the promises he made to us on the campaign trail to defend our God-given rights.

Following the shooting in Virginia Beach, President Trump was considering banning silencers. But GOA sent countless letters to the White House signed by patriots like you, James, and we never heard him mention it again.

GOA has been in communication with offices on Capitol Hill and officials in the White House. I am personally authoring the response to USA Today’s calls for gun control.

My article will appear in USA Today tomorrow morning.

GOA is working hard to protect your rights. But our strength on Capitol Hill will only make a difference if you let your voice be heard.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to President Trump reminding him to keep the promises he made to us on the campaign trail to defend our God-given rights.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America
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Dunno.....have you written/called/emailed every republican in the US Senate yet?

That's not what we we're talking about. Goliathan thinks the Dims are going to win the Presidency, House, and Senate, and I think there is no reason to think that.
The yellow flag is next for the elderly with Dementia.

Pretty soon we will have flag for every color of the rainbow.


I thought a yellow flag order was someone who needed their Depends changed.

As far as the Dems winning next year, these sort of events go quickly. People's bank accounts, job and paycheck are there every single week. As Brother Bill said 19 years ago, "It's the economy, stupid!"
Not sure where this jumped the shark for you

Did reading jump the shark for you? If you're going to quote and refer to my post you should make sure it has something to do with what I was talking about and not a total non-sequitur.
We have a thread about legislative action

You post the following:

I respond with a question about have you written/emailed reps yet because there is no writing on the wall unless people do nothing

You respond and jump the shark into a post about the 2020 elections.....


The thread is certainly about legislative action but that is not what "writing on the wall" was in reference to. If you would go back and read the post I was replying to, it was about Democrats winning elections. As in, I was replying to someone who said the writing is on the wall that the Dems will win in 2020, I didn't just bring it up out of the blue. Got it?
The first one I posted was for President Trump. This one is for the Republican senators: If you don't mind please add your name. They ask for a donation at the end and it's great if you can but it's not necessary for signing it. Thank you!

Things have taken a turn for the worse since we asked you to email the White House…


This Red Flag Gun Confiscation bill, based on a prototype drafted by the anti-gun Giffords Organization, would send SWAT teams to your door to steal your guns with NO REAL DUE PROCESS WHATSOEVER.

This is our promise to you -- we will fight until the very last vote is cast to destroy this atrocious bill, but we’re going to need voters like you to help turn up the heat on the Senate GOP.

Please send our pre-written letter to EVERY SINGLE Republican Senator’s inbox telling them that if they vote to end the Second Amendment, American voters will NEVER FORGET it.

Gun Owners of America has already vowed to support a primary challenger to Lindsey Graham because he is introducing this bill. And we will take note of any and all Republicans who join him in shredding the Second Amendment.

I cannot overstate how dangerous this legislation would be.

This bill would create a federal “bribe pot” to encourage states to pass Red Flag Gun Confiscation bills. This means SWAT teams would be empowered to show up at innocent Americans’ doorsteps, demanding they fork over their guns, all because they’ve been named a suspected danger to our society.

This is exactly what happened to an African-American gentleman living in Maryland. After a family argument, an angry relative got revenge against Gary Willis by using the state Red Flag Gun Confiscation law to send police to his door. The authorities showed up at 5:17 a.m. and shot him to death.

Giving government agents the power to confiscate firearms, while throwing due process out the window, is the path to tyranny our Founding Fathers warned us about. And the cowardice of a few politicians who care more about the media’s opinions than what is right and true will get us there.

And to add insult to injury, Lindsey Graham is downright lying to the American people when he says that this bill would recognize due process.

If that were the case, his bill could not fund ANY state program currently on the books or any program being considered by any state legislature. Because not one state with red flag gun grabs currently includes due process prior to seizing a gun owners' firearms!

Point blank: we need to end this bill now before it ends the Second Amendment.

Please send our pre-written letter to EVERY SINGLE Republican Senator’s inbox telling them that if they vote to end the Second Amendment, American voters will NEVER FORGET it.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America
I did check with GOA and they said the .com besides the .org is legitimate too. I'd like to add that although this will probably have no effect doing nothing definitely will have no effect. Please click on the link and add your name.We're on at least one list anyway so what's another one.

Anti-gunners are exploiting the heart-breaking tragedies in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas to try and BAN AR-15s and AK-47s -- and to impose “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders.

With Congress on recess, anti-gunners are trying to make enough noise to convince President Trump to take executive action against the Second Amendment.

We need to remind President Trump to stay true to the 2A supporters who put him in the White House and not take ANY executive action to ban so-called “assault weapons.”

Already, in his address to the nation today, the President called on Congress to push so-called red flag laws. This will result in law-abiding Americans losing their guns -- or even worse, being killed just like Gary Willis of Maryland was late last year.

In his tweets today, the President is calling for “strong[er] background checks,” which could be a veiled push for Universal Background Checks.

We need to flood the White House inboxes to be sure that YOU are the loudest voice heard by President Trump during the next few days.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to President Trump reminding him to keep the promises he made to us on the campaign trail to defend our God-given rights.

Following the shooting in Virginia Beach, President Trump was considering banning silencers. But GOA sent countless letters to the White House signed by patriots like you, James, and we never heard him mention it again.

GOA has been in communication with offices on Capitol Hill and officials in the White House. I am personally authoring the response to USA Today’s calls for gun control.

My article will appear in USA Today tomorrow morning.

GOA is working hard to protect your rights. But our strength on Capitol Hill will only make a difference if you let your voice be heard.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to President Trump reminding him to keep the promises he made to us on the campaign trail to defend our God-given rights.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America

Signed and donated.
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