Second Request For Warm Fuzzies

Sat with him for three hours, made him laugh, etc. They drew blood and urine. The clinician won't see him until 7, so I'm home now.

Chapter 3 later today.

My wife called; she's being released today. Unbelievable that you can go home the next day after having a kidney out. No further info on son. Barely awake with a giant headache.

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Best wishes that everything and everyone works out for the best and soon.

Hang in there!
Brought my wife home an hour ago. She's doing well. Son is still in the ER pending an opening in a hospital based program. I called a half an hour ago to explain what was going on, and to reassure him as I cannot face another 60 mile round trip to the hospital to see him. He was 'too tired' to come to the phone.

My surprise came a little while ago - three years supply of 8mm - 900 rounds of 1992 M75 Yugo surplus.



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Holly is up and around. I'm doing most of the work, but she was able to put the laundry away. Went grocery shopping today. Son is still in the hospital pending placement. I have driven the 60 mile round trip the last three days to see him, but will take tomorrow off as Holly's sister is coming down from NH. He's having a good time; lies in bed all day watching TV and having meals brought to him.[rolleyes]

No thanks for bringing things to him today; just an argument over his insistence on making an irrelevant point[angry2]. He was denied a placement at the first hospital as he was too big (5'9"/200#), as there were only little kids there. He insisted being big wasn't one of his problems - well sorry kiddo, its an issue in getting you placed.

Seems like your doing everything right and your family is lucky to have you. Hang in there.
Chapter 3.

Got home a little while ago from chasing the ambulance from Plymouth to Dartmouth to a neurological inpatient ward. Did the in-processing and meeting with the nurse, paperwork, etc.

We'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks. My wife is doing well, but going to a Dr. appointment today and two hours in the car was all she could handle.

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