Second Request For Warm Fuzzies


NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 29, 2008
South Shore, MA
Feedback: 61 / 0 / 0
I'm in the cafeteria of BU Medical Center while my wife is being prepped for surgery. After nearly a two year fight, she is having her right kidney removed. Everything will fall on me for the next month or so, in my weakened condition and only back to driving for a week. Our son is at a psychiatric ward punching holes in walls having anger management issues, and they are looking to send him home Friday, as if I didn't have enough to deal with. Won't be home until midnight or so today.

Expecting a little surprise in the mail tomorrow, that I'll let you know about later.

Lots of caffeine today.

Hoping the surgery and recovery goes great and your son is relaxed when he comes home. All the best man.
Prayers that both your wife's surgery and recovery process are uncomplicated. Continued healing wishes for you...spine surgery is a journey- hugs! Sending support, prayers, and wellness wishes for your son!
I'm half way home and have stopped for RR and dinner. She was in for four hours; difficult but they were able to do it laparoscopically and minimally and successfully. I'm exhausted. Thanks to all for the well wishers.

I'm in the cafeteria of BU Medical Center...

Oh, man.

You deserve a new 1939 PPK!

Best wishes to you and your family...'Round here we've been holding on to my father's saying, "this, too, shall pass" to try to get through those days when you'd be happy just to wash a sink of dishes without worrying about everyone.
I hope that your wife's surgery and recovery are uneventful.

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.

And the requested warm and fuzzy.


Chapter 2. Son had a Titanic meltdown in the psychiatric ward and had been transported to BID Plymouth. I've just arrived. Women and Children first.

Sorry to hear about your son, but glad your wife's surgery was a success. Hoping everything works out for your son and that both you and your wife have a speedy, uneventful recovery.

Best wishes sent.
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