Scumbags came through the neighborhood last night.....

The lesson may be not to leave valuables in your car. But based on my experience it may also be smart to leave the car unlocked. When I lived in NYC years ago I had my locked car broken into and that caused a lot of very expensive damage. Since then I have never locked it up overnight though a few times there has been evidence of somebody rummaging through the glove compartment. Sorry for your loss! It really stinks!!


When i did a lot of work in Dorchester and Mattapan I never locked my truck, I would keep my tools locked in a job box bolted to the floor. Other guys would have windows broken to get into the trucks. I don't think they ever even went into my van.
I'm not a fan of blaming the victim for the crime, but if you leave your car/shed/tool box/ truck cap unlocked, you're just asking for theft.

Last winter some young punk had the balls to go rifling through my SUV while it was parked right outside my office at work. It was night time and I had all the front lights on in the shop, the compressor running, the radio blaring, and I was in the front office working at my desk. I just happened to walk out to the car to grab something and the kid saw me coming, jumped on his bike and took off. I started chasing after him but there was no way I could catch him. Plus, what the hell would I even do if I did catch him? Throw him a beating? [hmmm] He was about 13 or 14 I think.

He got away with about $5 in change. My ipod and gps were sitting on my front seat where I'd left them. Since then I lock the door while I'm at work.
Really a tough situation, I mean in a perfect world it would be great to post up with a few of your buddies and swarm them and kick their teeth in but unfortunately who knows when or if they come back.

Personally If it were me, I would pull anything out of the shed that has any value or use to you and lock it up so it would be difficult to get in without making alot of noise, if by chance you actually hear them breaking in then you got no choice but to call the police. Of course lock and load incase they attempt to break into your house but Im sure I dont need to tell you that [cheers]

The problem is that people don't these situations "correctly".

If a punk or couple of punks are coming thru the neighborhood ripping off cars - and you want to handle the situation yourself - then do it the "right" way.

What that means is that you and your compatriots dress up all in black - cover your faces - and beat the every loving crap out of them once you catch them. What you don't do is talk during the whole confrontation, make threats, call the police - or even interact with them on ANY level - other than a beatdown.

I'm pretty sure they'll get the hint - and the fact that you don't act like the typical dumb ass suburbanite while doing it - will be enough to scare the crap out of them so that they don't come back.

If you're worried about them coming back - well who are they going to go after? What are they going to do - report it to the police?

" well officer this is how it went down - we were robbing cars in the neighborhood and these four ninjas came out of nowhere and pummeled us until we were almost unconscious".

" so let me get this straight - you were robbing cars - and 4 completely unidentifiable people beat the shit out of you"

" yes"

" ok then - we'll get right on that".

Seriously people - use your heads.
This happened to me a few years ago. My car was locked though, they slimmed the door. They took similar small items, worst was my big mag light. The cops said that they knew who it was but they can't do much unless they are caught in the act. Known locals with heroin and pill problems who will sell your gps for .50 on the dollar to get their fix. I was told to "sit in a chair in my driveway with a shotgun, if they do it again, shoot them. You will be doing us a favor". IANAL but I know better than to take that legal advice. I have since put up cameras and better motion lights.

Sorry for your loss, lock your doors going forward.
The problem is that people don't these situations "correctly".

If a punk or couple of punks are coming thru the neighborhood ripping off cars - and you want to handle the situation yourself - then do it the "right" way.

What that means is that you and your compatriots dress up all in black - cover your faces - and beat the every loving crap out of them once you catch them. What you don't do is talk during the whole confrontation, make threats, call the police - or even interact with them on ANY level - other than a beatdown.

I'm pretty sure they'll get the hint - and the fact that you don't act like the typical dumb ass suburbanite while doing it - will be enough to scare the crap out of them so that they don't come back.

If you're worried about them coming back - well who are they going to go after? What are they going to do - report it to the police?

" well officer this is how it went down - we were robbing cars in the neighborhood and these four ninjas came out of nowhere and pummeled us until we were almost unconscious".

" so let me get this straight - you were robbing cars - and 4 completely unidentifiable people beat the shit out of you"

" yes"

" ok then - we'll get right on that".

Seriously people - use your heads.

So your typical suburban neighborhood in you opinion is supposed to have a quick reaction force of a bat symbol or something to notify the qrf that the burbs are under attack and then spring into action?
Good point. I know this already but when you are a victim of theft your head starts to spin a bit. Know what I mean?

Years ago one of the guys I went to high school with had his car broken into. This was the early to mid 80's - and he was one of these guys that started working right out of high school. He made good money - and like a lot of guys back then - wanted a Mustang GT, so he saved up and bought one - NEW.

He was coming out of the Burlington Mall one day with his girlfriend - and as he walks up to the car he finds the rear end of some guy hanging out of his drive side window - which had been smashed in. The guy was trying to pry the radio out of the dashboard. So this guy - who spent a decent amount of time at the gym - grabs the punk, pulls him right out of the car - and smashes his head so hard into the front fender that he left a basketball sized round dent in it. Then he throws the guy on the ground and kicks the shit out of him. The girlfriend is freaking out by this point - so he tells her to get in the ****ing car - and then kicks the guy a couple more times just for good measure - and then drives off and leaves him there.

I believe this story because I heard the GF describe it - and I saw the busted up dashboard and big dent in the side of the car.

NOTHING - ever happened to this guy except a body shop repair bill.

I mean seriously - what's going to happen - the punk - who most likely had a record - is going to report that somebody beat the shit out of him while he was robbing a car? He COULD report it - but if the police ever found the guy now car thief punk would be looking at charges too. There were no cameras back then - and the GF was smart enough to keep her mouth shut - and among the group of friends the guy told - all of them were like " Good - you should have kicked him harder until he bled". So nobody there was going to report a damn thing.

There seems to be a lot more punk ass bitches around these days than there were back then who will run to the police and post all sorts of dumb shit online. So it pays to be extra careful and just keep your mouth shut.

I'm sorry - but beatings WORK. They are far more effective than most of what the police can do. It's well documented that when low level scumbags go to jail - they often become more sophisticated higher level scumbags.

You're also saving court time and a whole shitload of taxpayer dollars - plus you get some personal satisfaction out of the encounter knowing that somebody got exactly what they deserved.
The problem is that people don't these situations "correctly".

If a punk or couple of punks are coming thru the neighborhood ripping off cars - and you want to handle the situation yourself - then do it the "right" way.

What that means is that you and your compatriots dress up all in black - cover your faces - and beat the every loving crap out of them once you catch them. What you don't do is talk during the whole confrontation, make threats, call the police - or even interact with them on ANY level - other than a beatdown.

I'm pretty sure they'll get the hint - and the fact that you don't act like the typical dumb ass suburbanite while doing it - will be enough to scare the crap out of them so that they don't come back.

If you're worried about them coming back - well who are they going to go after? What are they going to do - report it to the police?

" well officer this is how it went down - we were robbing cars in the neighborhood and these four ninjas came out of nowhere and pummeled us until we were almost unconscious".

" so let me get this straight - you were robbing cars - and 4 completely unidentifiable people beat the shit out of you"

" yes"

" ok then - we'll get right on that".

Seriously people - use your heads.


Unless you own a can, in which case SSS.
So your typical suburban neighborhood in you opinion is supposed to have a quick reaction force of a bat symbol or something to notify the qrf that the burbs are under attack and then spring into action?

Are people coming into the neighborhood and doing it over and over again? Or was it a one time thing?

How long do you think the cops are going to stick around?

Like I said - use your damn head.

Unless you own a can, in which case SSS.

Police will at least have some motivation to investigate a dead body. A beaten up punk I'm pretty sure goes way down on the list of priorities - especially if it gets reported as a bunch of "ninjas" that gave the beatdown.

" complaintant said he was out at 3AM and was attacked by a bunch of black-clad ninja warriors"

" Officer - please use all appropriate effort to investigate this crime "

last year they did that on my street in car was locked but my neighbors were not...i cleaned out my change after that and had a whopping $43 in my cup holders :)

as far as leaving a gun in a car that baffles me...that would be my biggest fear having someone break in and it goes missing
Feel my pain. I'm right in between Skyline and Monatiquit Village.
"they" feel comfortable because they are local punks. My neighbor hood had a rash of smash and grabs few years back.... the "group" has since aged and moved on. Still happens but not as much.
pukes only grab what they can unload fast.... I prefer the old days. Find someone messing with your shit bust thier hands.....sad you cant do that anymore with out fearing loosing your freedom.
Okay here's the deal: this Sherlock is going to weigh in. In some situations it might be advantageous not to lock your vehicle, but those are in the minority. It is presumptuous and arrogant too, too assume that it is just a work van and you have nothing of value in it. What you assume has no value might be viewed differently by someone else.

The bad guys are always going to go for the easy score. Much better to open an unlocked door than smash a window. Helluva lot easier and convenient.

Major fail to you on three points:

1. Left GPS in van, get a pass on that I forget about stuff too.
2. Leaving your van unlocked, very stupid
3. Just having to share with everybody with God knows how many people on NES how stupid you were that's even more stupid. Don't like what I wrote, don't post.

Good thing: people can learn from your mistake and you learned from your mistake. You are only out a GPS, it's not the end of the world.

Happy Thankgiving, you still have your life and most of your possessions and you are not in jail because you saw someone trying to steal something from your truck and take matters into your own hands with a Joe Biden double barrel. [wink]
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Similar thing happened in my neighborhood in Framingham a few years back. The next morning, half the street was out in their driveways scratching there heads, I stopped and ask a small group what happened, I got an answer but nobody had much to say when I asked "well, didn't you lock you car??"

Still searching for Mayberry. Even if I found it, I don't think that sort of thing can be changed. (ie leaving the doors unlocked ever again like we did when I was a kid. house too!)
The lesson may be not to leave valuables in your car. But based on my experience it may also be smart to leave the car unlocked. When I lived in NYC years ago I had my locked car broken into and that caused a lot of very expensive damage. Since then I have never locked it up overnight though a few times there has been evidence of somebody rummaging through the glove compartment. Sorry for your loss! It really stinks!!

Locking or unlocking your car doesn't really make a difference. You're at the whim of whatever idiot happens to be engaging in crime at that particular point in time.

I used to think the "leaving the car unlocked" thing worked too.

When I was in school - I lived in the city. I used to leave the car unlocked because I left NOTHING in it. I also didn't drive it for days at a time - but it was usually parked in a central parking lot inside the condo complex I lived in. Coming home from class one day - I notice it looks like my passenger side window is open - when I get to the car - I find that the window is smashed out.

Here's the facts:
1) the car was unlocked
2) the ripped the glove box door open - and that was unlocked too.
3) they left the contents of the first aid box I had in the glovebox all over the front of the car - INCLUDING THE $20.00 I HAD IN THERE.

Conclusion: Criminals are ****ing stupid.

Here's example #2:

I bought a new car. I got the radio delete option. The car had no radio, no speakers, and no antenna.

Did that stop the thieves from breaking out the door lock - ****ing up the metal on the 3 day old brand new car - and ripping the dashboard apart looking for the radio?


Conclusion (once again) - Criminals are ****ing stupid.

You see this is why I think beatings work. Criminals are stupid. Ever tried to discipline a cat? If you come back at them on Tuesday for something they did on Sunday - they just think you're being an *******. The punishment needs to happens RIGHT THEN AND THERE.

This is what criminals are like. They're dumb and they don't have any sort of mental mechanism to relate cause and effect unless it happens RIGHT NOW.

They're searching for immediate gratification - it needs to be met with immediate punishment.

Relying on the "justice system" is just an exercise in futility. That's why there are so many recidivist criminals.

Like I've already said twice : use your damn heads.
Police will at least have some motivation to investigate a dead body. A beaten up punk I'm pretty sure goes way down on the list of priorities - especially if it gets reported as a bunch of "ninjas" that gave the beatdown.

" complaintant said he was out at 3AM and was attacked by a bunch of black-clad ninja warriors"

" Officer - please use all appropriate effort to investigate this crime "


If you're SSSing the right way there is no body anyone is aware of [smile]
I never lock my car in my driveway, rarely when I'm out. Nothing worth stealing but a phone charger, maybe a flashlight. If they really want in, they'll bust the window, which I've had happen 3 times over the years. Yeah, the window will get fixed, but I still have the hassle and I'll be out the stuff anyway. Rather just let em have the stuff. Funny thing is, never lost anything in an unlocked car so far...
Thanks Sherlock. I will. My other vehicles were locked but I forgot about the GPS in my work van. Nothing else of value to take really. My question is more about if they or somebody else were to come back and try breaking in my shed etc. what would/should I do ?

Catch them in your shed and set it on fire....Opps sorry this is not the Ferguson Mega Thread....As other have said lock you shit up.
If you're SSSing the right way there is no body anyone is aware of [smile]

Absolutely true - but the punishment does need to fit the crime somewhat.

I think TripleS - does not necessarily justify a stolen GPS or a broken car window.

That gets reserved for other things.
So your typical suburban neighborhood in you opinion is supposed to have a quick reaction force of a bat symbol or something to notify the qrf that the burbs are under attack and then spring into action?

I don't think he is suggesting that at all. I think he is suggesting that unless you are able and prepared to do that, you should lock your damned car and if bad guys are outside, call the police and stay inside.
So some punk or punks came though my quiet neighborhood last night and went through all the unlocked cars. They took my GPS, phone charger, and spare change. Same with my neighbors I have spoken too. I think they came through between 2 - 5 AM. They were certainly comfortable as my neighbor had a bag full of wedding cards/money gifts. They took the time to go through EVERY envelope although there was no cash in them. Anyhow not a great way to start my day and week but i won't lose ant sleep over it. So what if i was to hear them and hold them by shotgun until the police arrive? Or would I better be served by capping them in the knee with a bat and tell them to hit the bricks? Joking.. kinda. What do you guys think?

They did this in my neighborhood last year like 2 nights before Christmas. We always lock our cars but that night my wife forgot to lock hers (she was running in and out to bring groceries in for our Xmas party and just forgot, it happens). They got a few buck in small bills and change. Lesson learned, lock the cars.

There's just shitty people out there....most likely some jackassy teenagers looking for weed/beer money.
I'm not a fan of blaming the victim for the crime, but if you leave your car/shed/tool box/ truck cap unlocked, you're just asking for theft.

Last winter some young punk had the balls to go rifling through my SUV while it was parked right outside my office at work. It was night time and I had all the front lights on in the shop, the compressor running, the radio blaring, and I was in the front office working at my desk. I just happened to walk out to the car to grab something and the kid saw me coming, jumped on his bike and took off. I started chasing after him but there was no way I could catch him. Plus, what the hell would I even do if I did catch him? Throw him a beating? [hmmm] He was about 13 or 14 I think.

He got away with about $5 in change. My ipod and gps were sitting on my front seat where I'd left them. Since then I lock the door while I'm at work.

Like I said in one of my earlier posts - criminals are stupid - and locking or unlocking your doors does not seem to make much difference. Not having anything to steal - does not seem to make much difference.

All you people who are bitching that he didn't lock his doors - are basically excusing criminality by blaming the victim for HIS actions.

"if you didn't wear that short skirt you wouldn't have gotten raped".
Then steal their shoes and phone in a "suspicious person" report to the police! Let the perp explain why he has no shoes and looks a little beat up!

The problem is that people don't these situations "correctly".

If a punk or couple of punks are coming thru the neighborhood ripping off cars - and you want to handle the situation yourself - then do it the "right" way.

What that means is that you and your compatriots dress up all in black - cover your faces - and beat the every loving crap out of them once you catch them. What you don't do is talk during the whole confrontation, make threats, call the police - or even interact with them on ANY level - other than a beatdown.

I'm pretty sure they'll get the hint - and the fact that you don't act like the typical dumb ass suburbanite while doing it - will be enough to scare the crap out of them so that they don't come back.

If you're worried about them coming back - well who are they going to go after? What are they going to do - report it to the police?

" well officer this is how it went down - we were robbing cars in the neighborhood and these four ninjas came out of nowhere and pummeled us until we were almost unconscious".

" so let me get this straight - you were robbing cars - and 4 completely unidentifiable people beat the shit out of you"

" yes"

" ok then - we'll get right on that".

Seriously people - use your heads.
i don't lock my doors at all. i would rather be missing some change and a charger cord than clean up glass again. hell i even sometimes leave my key under the mat please take my fully insured crappy pick up truck.
Thanks Sherlock. I will. My other vehicles were locked but I forgot about the GPS in my work van. Nothing else of value to take really. My question is more about if they or somebody else were to come back and try breaking in my shed etc. what would/should I do ?

Security cameras
i don't lock my doors at all. i would rather be missing some change and a charger cord than clean up glass again. hell i even sometimes leave my key under the mat please take my fully insured crappy pick up truck.

tough call...a lot of the little punks are just looking for a few easy bucks and just roll through neighborhoods trying doors...sometimes they smash shit.

I have a friend who lives in Somerville with a Jeep Wrangler. I think he's replaced the soft top like 4 times. Losers just knife it. I told him he should just leave the doors unlocked when he has the soft top on and not leave anything of value in there.
Don't like all cars come with a clicker now to lock/unlock? I only used to leave unlocked when I had to actually use a key to open the door.
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