Scumbag Helmke uses Ft. Hood tragedy to forward Brady agenda

Oct 29, 2008
Just outside of Boston
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"America has seen an epidemic of horrific gun violence at churches and synagogues, workplaces, health clubs, high schools, universities, police stations and now Army bases. This latest tragedy, at a heavily fortified army base, ought to convince more Americans to reject the argument that the solution to gun violence is to arm more people with more guns in more places. Enough is enough," said Helmke.

Of course, the average American isn't going to know that all the places he listed are generally places where it is was ILLEGAL for a citizen to have a firearm. Where are the mass murders at gun shops, gun shows, and shooting events where the number of firearms present outnumber the people?
Guns are very dangerous, we should take all of them off of military bases so that no accidents occur. We should train our soldiers using nerf guns and teach them to have compassion for others. They should utilize their minds and try to work out their differences with their enemies.

Paul Helmke would love to neuter us all (if it's good for him, it has to be good for you!). He is a spineless piece of crap that crawled out from underneath a rock. If I said BOO! to him he would wet his little panties. I have never see a more emasculated male in my life. Pathetic.
I'm shocked he would put this argument forth even though it was on a mil base. School, I would expect it, but mil base... he stretching his argument a bit thin even for anti's
He doesn't have a choice. When your entire arguement is based on emotion instead of fact, you have to act while the emotion is fresh in people's minds. If he waited to act until the facts were known by the masses, he wouldn't get a word off without being rebuked, even by the antis.

The man was a soldier. Even Helmke has in the past said that he does not oppose police or soldiers carrying weapons. This is merely an emotional incident for many Americans and Helmke is trying to exploit those people who still don't have the facts. Notice he hasn't once blamed the murderer. It was the evil piece of metal that the murderer used to kill people that is to blame for this tragedy. He's hoping that people will be stupid enough to believe that if you ban that piece of metal, suddenly evil people will stop being evil.
He doesn't have a choice. When your entire arguement is based on emotion instead of fact, you have to act while the emotion is fresh in people's minds. If he waited to act until the facts were known by the masses, he wouldn't get a word off without being rebuked, even by the antis.

This is how all "world improvers" work.
Interestingly enough, we're seeing an increased demand for the FN Five-Seven pistol at work. Guess some folks want to buy it before it gets banned.
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