Sad Story - What would you have done?

No no no...I didn't mean street justice...I meant the other way being "leave it alone...consider himself lucky"
I hope he calls Moose & Rocko when he finds them

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What would I have done? too late, he didn't...

Now it's time for cops and lawyers.

If he will not pursue justice, the whole story has not been presented.
6 v 1 tough guys arent so tough when they see a gun pointed at them. Draw, at minimum.


If you're in a situation that metal clears leather, someone's getting a hole punched in them....

6-v-1 usually become 0 -v- 1 when 1 of the 6 gets ventilated.

My days of getting my ass kicked (and hoping that I don't receive a life ending blow) are over, in a 6-1, I hope that my 10 rounds are enough to save my life, and that I have enough time to change mags for 10 more if needed
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You are outnumbered and do not know their ultimate intention. Death could be in the cards. No brainer. I clear space beween them one up in the air. They come forward to attack again, they are done.
Now, if he konws who they are, two options, press charges, or.... revenge is best served cold. No rush, plenty of time. But then I am not in that situation. I am in a constant defensive mode whether I am carrying or not. I am not paranoid, I just refuse to be a victim. Best of luck to your friend. I hope his recovery is speedy and not too much after damage.
It was pretty recent...and he seemed pretty embarassed. We all told him it was 1 v 6 so he has nothing to be ashamed of. He was just embarassed that he walked back alone and let his guard down. We will see where he takes it from here.

If you're in a situation that metal clears leather, someone's getting a hole punched in them....

6-v-1 usually become 0 -v- 1 when 1 of the 6 gets ventilated.

I'll save myself the legal hassles if drawing makes all 6 pull a 180. If any keep coming, then yea...
cameras everywhere in the city, too much to contend with legally.
but what if they started disappearing one by one and nobody knows what happened?

The problem with regular street thugs is that they have no idea who they could be messing with, what if you are a serial killer?
Never judge a book by its cover, Cause a cat could be a crook undercover.

i feel for the guy, but it is time to get the cops involved. I just hope these guys have the $ between them for the med bills and some pain and suffering
very possible he's handling it "the other way".
I wish you meant that he was going to extract revenge. The cowards deserve to be picked off one at a time! He's a more restrained man than I am.

I would have used my weapon for self defense. I don't know many people who would fault you for it.
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This is why we carry (firearm, knife, pepper spray...). If he was in danger of gross bodily injury (I'd say getting your head kicked in qualifies) or of being beaten to death (which can occur from a 6 on 1 beating) then he would have had a pretty real case for reacting with a legally carried weapon. Moving forward from where he is it would probably be a good idea to file a report and maybe go after the guys (with a law suit) if he knows who they are.
great so you kill my 10 year old who's playing on her swing set 2 miles away....DON'T EVER FIRE A WARNING SHOT UP IN THE AIR (I'm of the never fire a warning shot EVER mentality, but ESPECIALLY not up in the air)

While legally I would not recommend doing this, you do understand the physics of a falling object? Terminal velocity and whatnot... I bullet fired at a large vertical angle will lose most/all it's energy before it falls to earth

A bullet fired at a small horizontal angle (a missed shot) will continue its path with full force until it strikes an object

Long story short... 6 v 1 and I would stop the tape of civil court be damned! The only reason the OPs friend lived is because of LUCK. Just don't miss!
I woulda shot until I heard click. Reload.

When the families sue id fight, win, and counter sue for the win
A warning shot is a wssted shot. If the sight of the gun doesn't end the threat then you need to. Shooting at a foot is just as bad. If you have time to aim and hit a smaller target you have time to recede in the eyes of PRM. Center mass and don't miss!

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Unfortunately if he had been armed and "protected" himself his future would have been a lot worse than had he taken the beating. One can always argue he could have been killed but in this case he was not and would have had a hell of a long expensive road to proving otherwise had he been armed. What would I have done you ask......hope I never have to answer for real, but hypothetically I think a few shots at their feet and if they keep coming....Lord help me.....

So you'd ricochet 3 rounds into their shins?

Seriously. That's three wasted shots. or whatever your definition of a few is. You're better off putting three into the closest guy than three into the ground. That would probably have you charged with discharge of a weapon. Three rounds in the chest is self defense.
Well, to begin with, I am a bouncer as well. Not full time anymore, as I'm not in the right shape to do it every night. But I'm in the business since 1995, so I can say "been there, done that". I don't have a single real tooth in my mouth anymore, so you can say that is something that comes with the territory. Your friend needs to think hard if the job is for him in the first place. You don't make any friends in that line of work, and there is kinda no place where people you once had an altercation with can't get to you. They can see you at the mall, in the street, or pretty much anywhere but your own home. Depending on how busy the place is you're working for, there's no way to remember every single drunk jackass you had to "calm down" (in one way or the other". His best bet is situational awareness, and avoid people he knows hold a grudge against him. I would strongly reconsider carrying a firearm. If he really has to answer to an angry guy in the street, and there is no disparity of force, he will be in trouble if he has to fight, even if he does not use the firearm. Just for fighting while in posession of a lethal weapon can get you in a world full of shit. Bottom line is, there isn't much he can do. But then, what do I know?

Oh, and tell him I say "Hi", and that vengeance is a dish best served ice cold. Just in case he really remembers who that guy was. Just sayin.
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Show them the gun, they are obviously cowards going 6 on 1. If they don't turn and run shoot until they do.
You cant let something like this go. Either take car of it lawfully or otherwise, no one should get away with something like this.
Warning shots are bad, if the drawing of the firearm does not stop the threat immediately fire to stop the threat.

My 'warning shot' is into the first/closest of the group. That warns the rest that I'm serious about protecting myself.

With a high capacity .45 ACP, I should be ok with one magazine full (14-15 rounds). If not, then I'll have two more magazines in reserve to feed the gun.

If he had recognized the group (or the few he had seen before) it might have been wiser to go back into where he left. Since that wasn't an option for him (for whatever reason), plan 'B' would be to negate the threat to his life they represented without taking any damage.

I also agree with the statements about him getting a LTC-A ASAP. At this point I would also press charges against them. Not doing so means they'll do the same thing to someone else (or him if they see him again) later. Remember: "For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing." He's the 'good man' in that equation... He can do something by getting the justice system involved. If that fails (as it tends to do far too often) then he should have his LTC-A, and sidearm, by the time they get out.
6 v 1 tough guys arent so tough when they see a gun pointed at them. Draw, at minimum.

If you're going to draw, you better have already committed to firing until the threat is stopped. This means if they all turn and run, no shots need to be fired, but if you draw without committing to the next step, you're very likely to have your own firearm used against you if they don't turn and run.
If you're going to draw, you better have already committed to firing until the threat is stopped. This means if they all turn and run, no shots need to be fired, but if you draw without committing to the next step, you're very likely to have your own firearm used against you if they don't turn and run.

Was that not implied when I said "at minimum"? I don't carry a loaded firearm just to wave it in would-be attackers' faces.
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