RIP Vermont: update the restrictions passed the House

Well now at least things like "It won't happen here." and "It's just a commitee meeting." are a thing of the past now right?

Never underestimate the enemy or what they are capable of.

Coming soon to a theatre near you... This crap is only the beginning. As said above they just bagged a big one and now got the fever.

This, this, a million times this.

Do not say it can't happen where you live.

Residents of NH and ME:
you should be on high alert! We think it's never going to happen here, but that mindset will get us in trouble. Write to your reps when similar bills are proposed in your state, and tell them what you think about them. Don't assume its not going to pass, because Vermont can now tell you otherwise.
Maybe the guvnah needs a few more calls:

You guys can call the governors office and leave a message 1 (802) 828-3333

Be patient, it rings a lot before the machine picks up. It's almost like they don't want anyone to leave a message.
This, this, a million times this.

Do not say it can't happen where you live.

Residents of NH and ME:
you should be on high alert! We think it's never going to happen here, but that mindset will get us in trouble. Write to your reps when similar bills are proposed in your state, and tell them what you think about them. Don't assume its not going to pass, because Vermont can now tell you otherwise.

My future state senator is... Jeff Woodburn. [crying]
I said that, but it was in response to something that was just a committee vote.

When people said "it is just a committee vote" the bill had already passed the senate. You know full well that almost all work done to pass or stop a bill is done in committee in NH. The same holds true in just about every other state, especially the small ones. This bill was much farther along in the process to say "its just a committee vote."
This, this, a million times this.

Do not say it can't happen where you live.

Residents of NH and ME:
you should be on high alert! We think it's never going to happen here, but that mindset will get us in trouble. Write to your reps when similar bills are proposed in your state, and tell them what you think about them. Don't assume its not going to pass, because Vermont can now tell you otherwise.
Bloomberg and Soros will keep pushing every year or every other year with the UBC and magazine limits (and now age restriction). NH and ME are being slowly filled with fresh off the boat leftist immigrants and stupid liberals. That's the real problem (besides Bloomberg and Soros, etc. criminal cabal).
David Hogg is the beginning of the "END" of the Democratic party!!! 80 Million gun owners will not just bend over and say thank you sure may I have other!

2)The government has no authority to alter, modify, amend or repeal the right to keep and bear arms by legislative action, executive order, or judicial review. End of discussion.
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Start using their own tactics against them.
Scott must have sponsors for his race team.
Start making calls and let them know if he signs this unconstitutional piece of crap , boycotts will be happening.
Say what you will , it seems to work for them.
If you want to play by Queensbury rules while the other guy is swinging a board with nails in it, you will lose.
Start using their own tactics against them.
Scott must have sponsors for his race team.
Start making calls and let them know if he signs this unconstitutional piece of crap , boycotts will be happening.
Say what you will , it seems to work for them.
If you want to play by Queensbury rules while the other guy is swinging a board with nails in it, you will lose.
The reason boycotts work for the left is because its a microscopic group of the richest men on earth directing them. With the right either the shadowy controllers do an astroturf here and there, or there has to be an actual grass roots campaign, which given how Americans are now is like a 90 degree uphill battle.
They don't care; they're fudds.
I agree. The more Fudds I meet, the more I see they tend to not care, are willing to give up their guns, and shooting in general. They also seem to not like kids, and are not advocates of training kids to shoot. They will never join us, or write a letter, call a legislator, etc., and they should just be abandoned. Better to expend our energy on engaging non shooters and trying to get them to go on a fun, non- intimidating range date.
When people said "it is just a committee vote" the bill had already passed the senate. You know full well that almost all work done to pass or stop a bill is done in committee in NH.
I do. And I also know full well, as do you, that in NH even unanimous committee votes can be removed from the consent calendar and overturned.

NH has a pretty unique process.

Not that there's nothing to worry about -- I never believed we would be this far along towards a wage tax in the form of FMLI, but here we are.
I do. And I also know full well, as do you, that in NH even unanimous committee votes can be removed from the consent calendar and overturned.

NH has a pretty unique process.

Not that there's nothing to worry about -- I never believed we would be this far along towards a wage tax in the form of FMLI, but here we are.

The difference is there are a handful of pro-liberty reps that are willing to take on a floor fight and attempt to win.
Years ago Rep. Burt earned the nickname 15:Burt for voting against the recommendation in committee and then on the floor overturning the committee report to actually take the pro-liberty position. We need more members like that. If you ever wanted to run..... PM me.
My future state senator is... Jeff Woodburn. [crying]

Where the hell did this douchebag come from? Of course, I left Whitefield in 75 but he wasn’t there then. Is he a transplant from Mass or Jersey? I still have family ties to the north country and no one knows his pedigree.
Very discouraging to hear. What's even more discouraging is that this trend isn't going to end. As infuriating as Fudds may be with their laissez faire attitudes, they don't even realize that they are the next ones on the chopping block.

The antis know that the Fudds are a dying breed. Between 2011 and 2016 the number of hunters in the US fell by 2.2 million. In just five years!

For now they are going after the low hanging fruit: Bump stocks, 30 round mags, private sales. Next will come the ban on MSRs. It will only take 1 or 2 more school shootings with an AR and then the serious consideration will begin in earnest.

30 years from now after they've banned all semi-autos (pistols and rifles alike), they will begin their final push for the hunting hardware and repeal of 2A. By then the numbers of hunters in the country will be so minuscule they will get steamrolled over with a little more than a gentle breeze.

I honestly don't know what the solution is except to buy up as much as you can, while you can, and consider building a bunker to hide your weapons in when that day comes in the not-so-distant future.

Ethan Allen must be rolling in his grave.
Over 200 yrs of some of the least restrictive firearm laws, one of the lowest gun crime states and now Vermont Legislature Passes Gun-Control Bill

This shows what happens when you pair Moonbattery and Millennials who own the social media airways.

I would say we need more younger hunter/shooters on our side and people should get off their assess to realize this. From what I have seen onlybthe NRA and somewhat GOA have mastered social media and getting the message out there. Our local groups , not so much. I would even suggest the groups who counter protest in New emgland need to change their approach, messaging, and appearance. This is going to be one of the toughest fights gun owners will have and Vermont was their first record Buck win.

It won't matter. The issue is not a lack of people with the right views on social media, it is the people who own and run the social media sites are diametrically opposed to our view. Because of that they make sure that our view gets no traction, and no visibility. You can search for it, but you will be in an echo chamber because it will be kept off trending lists, front pages, and artificially hidden. Since they control the message, they simply ban anyone who has views they don't like and gathers a following, then they change the rules and ban anything gun related as "Encouraging Violence" or some nonsense.

As shitty as it is, the media are against us, and the leftists that run the big internet companies are against us. This leads to oppression because of functional monopolies, and I don't have a solution.
It won't matter. The issue is not a lack of people with the right views on social media, it is the people who own and run the social media sites are diametrically opposed to our view. Because of that they make sure that our view gets no traction, and no visibility. You can search for it, but you will be in an echo chamber because it will be kept off trending lists, front pages, and artificially hidden. Since they control the message, they simply ban anyone who has views they don't like and gathers a following, then they change the rules and ban anything gun related as "Encouraging Violence" or some nonsense.

As shitty as it is, the media are against us, and the leftists that run the big internet companies are against us. This leads to oppression because of functional monopolies, and I don't have a solution.

Lots of people see through this, and they answer it with their wallets and with their vote. The media wanted Hillary to win so bad, they did everything they could to aid her including declaring that she would win easily - but she didn’t win. We may be a dying breed, but there are still a lot of good patriotic Americans
We need to double down in NH to prevent this from spreading. The Senate Majority leader is already on record for wanting to pass "red flag" legislation.

So how do we get ahead of it? I basically asked the same question to my rep in town. Any advice or guidance would be great.
This leads to oppression because of functional monopolies, and I don't have a solution.

Great Post! Thank you!

The solution is a third party which would take whatever normal is left from Democrats and whatever conservative is left from Republicans. Both parties are creating a situation which will lead to a civil war. You can't control all media, education, justice and security for long by monopolizing them. People recognize lies and they will not be fooled twice. Coming November we have nobody to vote for again. Comes 2020 we have nobody to vote for again! Whomever we will vote for is just a lesser enemy of ours, or slower enemy of ours, that is about it. We deserve better!

Do not expect that you will get some online presence. Even on this forum you are going to be censored. Media is owned by people who serve to liberals.
Education is owned by liberals, justice system is liberal, politics are liberal because that is where THE POWER is. No politician would like to represent independent individuals who do not need politics! Politicians look for weak, hopeless, lost, guilty.....This is where the votes are coming from. In the last decade liberals succeeded in transformation of capable people into veggies fully dependent on local governments. You know that but you do not get that we are not attractive for Democrats or Republicans! We are a liability for them.

We are pinatas and we continue telling the word that we are full of candies. No wonder they keep hitting us hard! Have no illusions and wake up now!

Governor Phil Scott‏ @GovPhilScott Feb 19
Agree, @DLeonhardt - hope & civility are the path forward. No doubt this is an emotional issue, and to make progress we'll need to focus on solutions, not politics; consensus-building, not polarization. Keeping our kids safe must be our focus.

Where were you when this was posted? Cutting woods? Where were you when Vermont turned socialist? You thought Bernie was kidding and he will leave you alone in the woods? Are you kidding me?

Distributing free mags to get people to show up was not smart. Social media will crucify you because this is not the right timing. This is pinata asking for a hit!
It won't matter. The issue is not a lack of people with the right views on social media, it is the people who own and run the social media sites are diametrically opposed to our view. Because of that they make sure that our view gets no traction, and no visibility. You can search for it, but you will be in an echo chamber because it will be kept off trending lists, front pages, and artificially hidden. Since they control the message, they simply ban anyone who has views they don't like and gathers a following, then they change the rules and ban anything gun related as "Encouraging Violence" or some nonsense.

As shitty as it is, the media are against us, and the leftists that run the big internet companies are against us. This leads to oppression because of functional monopolies, and I don't have a solution.

It is by the media we as a nation was born, it is by the media we will die.
So how do we get ahead of it? I basically asked the same question to my rep in town. Any advice or guidance would be great.

You get ahead of this by showing up and forcing the issue without looking like a hunter with a rifle! We have to drop the look! We can't look like hobbyists who want to hunt Bambi. We will get the votes we have already (not very smart)! We need to upgrade from hunters to citizens fighting for their rights. That is the platform which we need! We are not represented, we are avoided, let's change it!
It is by the media we as a nation was born, it is by the media we will die.

No! That will happen only if you will do nothing and give away free mags!

Traditional media is actually losing. You may see it but you are not doing anything about it. Get involved!

Little punk just showed you that he, using media, can shut down major program and he made corporate America to withdraw it's support in less than 2 hours! Did you miss that? Can you do the same? Why not?
No! That will happen only if you will do nothing and give away free mags!

Traditional media is actually losing. You may see it but you are not doing anything about it. Get involved!

Little punk just showed you that he, using media, can shut down major program and he made corporate America to withdraw it's support in less than 2 hours! Did you miss that? Can you do the same? Why not?

Cuz my dad ain't FBI and my mom ain't CNN.
Now they don't know the difference between magazines and ammo? GMAFB. If they really don't know, they should be fired. Do your homework, journalists. If they do know, it's a deliberate "error" to make our side look crazy.
Cuz my dad ain't FBI and my mom ain't CNN.

Let's not overplay this card. Based on some research his father is actually out and sick and his mother is a liberal teacher. Hogg understood his timing and he has support of many powerful groups with money and PREMADE MESSAGES. Hogg is a product of the liberal world we live in and we have decided to ignore because it was "too crazy for us". Well, there is the problem. We should be boycotting all of those companies by now but can you ask even your wife not to buy anything manufactured by Johnson & Johnson? You can't because you have no balls, no message and you are a victim already!
Now they don't know the difference between magazines and ammo? GMAFB. If they really don't know, they should be fired. Do your homework, journalists. If they do know, it's a deliberate "error" to make our side look crazy.

Again, you are picking up a wrong fight. Stop thinking that education will get you something. Not here not now!
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