RIP Vermont: update the restrictions passed the House

The check is already cashed.
He's signing whatever hits his desk.
Make that diaper stain a social pariah in your state.

Best you folks can do is throw those f*ckers out of office.
If not it's just the beginning of the end.

I get the sense VT'ers thought their Dimmocrats were different than other Dimmocrats, just like people were saying BS wasn't bad on guns 'cause he was from VT. Well,just like Bernie, we've all learned that when push comes to shove most VT D's are little different from most D's everywhere else; and, that a VT RINO governor is little different from MA RINO faker.
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The check is already cashed.
He's signing whatever hits his desk.
Make that diaper stain a social pariah in your state.

Best you folks can do is throw those f*ckers out of office.
If not it's just the beginning of the end.

Thankfully, I’m not a Vermonter, I’m a Ma**h***, my screen name was made when I was in college in VT. My slice of Freedom is in Western Maine
At least as far as mag restrictions go:

Originally the guvnah didn't want it.
The District Attorney didn't want it.
Manufacturers didn't want it.
Vermonters didn't want it.
LEOs didn't want it.
Proponents say it won't impact anyone.
The school shooting it was based on didn't involve standard capacity mags.

But let's get it on the books anyway. f***ing f***ers.
Excellent! I wonder if it'll be warm enough to ride my motorcycle all the way up there. It's a bit of a haul for me just to get a free mag, but it would be awesome for the story.
I said that, but it was in response to something that was just a committee vote.

Same here, and at the time, without the knowledge that they got away with doing a cheap parlimentary hack to avoid a lot of opposition the bill would
normally get...

Over 200 yrs of some of the least restrictive firearm laws, one of the lowest gun crime states and now Vermont Legislature Passes Gun-Control Bill

This shows what happens when you pair Moonbattery and Millennials who own the social media airways.

I would say we need more younger hunter/shooters on our side and people should get off their assess to realize this. From what I have seen onlybthe NRA and somewhat GOA have mastered social media and getting the message out there. Our local groups , not so much. I would even suggest the groups who counter protest in New emgland need to change their approach, messaging, and appearance. This is going to be one of the toughest fights gun owners will have and Vermont was their first record Buck win.
Well now at least things like "It won't happen here." and "It's just a commitee meeting." are a thing of the past now right?

Never underestimate the enemy or what they are capable of.

Coming soon to a theatre near you... This crap is only the beginning. As said above they just bagged a big one and now got the fever.
This crap is only the beginning. As said above they just bagged a big one and now got the fever.
Exactly. The door is open now. Vermont is lost. Not surprising that it happened in such a screaming leftist state, but the speed of this defeat against the length of time Vermont has been a steadfast part of "Free America" is just stunning.
Exactly. The door is open now. Vermont is lost. Not surprising that it happened in such a screaming leftist state, but the speed of this defeat against the length of time Vermont has been a steadfast part of "Free America" is just stunning.

This bill went through at about the same speed Bloomberg and Soros could sign the checks...!
Well now at least things like "It won't happen here." and "It's just a commitee meeting." are a thing of the past now right?

Never underestimate the enemy or what they are capable of.

Coming soon to a theatre near you... This crap is only the beginning. As said above they just bagged a big one and now got the fever.

Yup, this should be another wake-up call. Even Fudds might start to realize they're next.

I think I saw they exempt military and some others from the age limit, isn't that unconstitutional, to parcel out civil rights to select groups?
Looks like Missouri saw the poisoning of unrelated bills and shot one down.

NRA-ILA | Missouri: Anti-Gun Attempt to Hijack Bill Fails

These m-fers will do this and walk away like it doesn’t affect anyone. This should be illegal for the simple dishonesty.

Honestly, any politician who tries this shit should be publicly flogged. Maybe waterboarded a little, too, just for fun. This dirty bullshit is something the founding fathers would never have put up with.
VT Constitution:

Article 9th. Citizens' rights and duties in the state; bearing arms; taxation

That every member of society hath a right to be protected in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property, and therefore is bound to contribute the member's proportion towards the expense of that protection, and yield personal service, when necessary, or an equivalent thereto, but no part of any person's property can be justly taken, or applied to public uses, without the person's own consent, or that of the Representative Body, nor can any person who is conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms, be justly compelled thereto, if such person will pay such equivalent; nor are the people bound by any law but such as they have in like manner assented to, for their common good: and previous to any law being made to raise a tax, the purpose for which it is to be raised ought to appear evident to the Legislature to be of more service to community than the money would be if not collected.

Article 16th. Right to bear arms; standing armies; military power subordinate to civil

That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the State - and as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to and governed by the civil power.

§ 8. Doors of general assembly to be open

The doors of the House in which the General Assembly of this Commonwealth shall sit, shall be open for the admission of all persons who behave decently, except only when the welfare of the State may require them to be shut.
It’s not creeping Massholism, it’s the NY influence. VT has long been the vacation destination for New Yorkers.
Yup, and don’t forget NJ. I spent a lot of time working in VT and one house I worked at (in Danby if I recall) was an old 1700s house/mansion owned by this older couple in their early 70s. Husband is a lawyer in NJ and this was one of their homes.
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