Report: Gun Sales Surge 80 Percent in Seven Swing States


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Gun sales have been rising nationwide for months but are specifically up in seven swing states as the November 3, 2020, election approaches.

Fox News reports the Cook Political Report lists “Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as toss-ups” in the coming election. They also indicate New Hampshire and North Carolina can be considered toss-ups too.

Here is the kicker: There is a 77.9 percent surge in “gun sales growth” for those seven states.

This news is on top of National Shooting Sports Foundation’s findings ammunition sales surged 139 percent nationally during the first six months of 2020. And the surge in swing state gun sales comes as 2020 witnesses eight consecutive months of record background checks for gun sales.

On September 2, 2020, Breitbart News reported that January 2020 through August 2020, eight consecutive months, saw record gun sale background checks performed by the FBI.

What do these surging background checks, gun sales, and ammunition sales, indicate for the November elections, particularly where they are seen in swing states?

Do gun purchasers turn into gun voters, who will support Second Amendment candidates over gun control candidates?

Fox News spoke to Ken Mahoney, political and financial analyst and CEO of Mahoney Asset Management, who observed the tight races in swing states during the 2016 election. He said, “These states had a margin of victory of less than 1% in 2016, so each campaign is sure to increase their focus on these areas over the next 41 days.”

He then addressed the surge in gun purchases: “This issue is important for many Americans, and this is shown in the recent spike in gun sales as people fear the sale of firearms will be banned if Biden were to win.”

I really hope it matters, sadly I know many "gun owners" who will probably not vote or go the MA family line of sticking with the DEMS....goes back to the Kennedy Days.
I have to say for the very first time I'm seeing at least some level of awakening in the old-style "blue collar" type Dems. When history itself is being attacked and it's more than obvious which side is provoking it, it's very, very hard to keep your head in the sand. If nothing else, I think you're going to truly see how far gone our country is (or not). The lies have become so outrageous, they are entirely impossible to ignore at this point.
I really hope it matters, sadly I know many "gun owners" who will probably not vote or go the MA family line of sticking with the DEMS....goes back to the Kennedy Days.
You are spot on. There seems to be a disconnect in logic between people realizing they need to protect their themselves and their families, then voting for and supporting those who will deny them that right. I hope and pray that will not be the case.
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