Reid claims he'll bring anti gun bill to vote Wed April 17th.

Seriously can't stand how ignorant and arrogant Feinstein is... I hope my phone dies so I have to stop listening to this. I care to much to turn it off purposely...
What the hell happened to morning joe? That guy used to be at least quasi-conservative?Has Mika Brezinski's father been browbeating him for too long?
He's a whore. He'll say or do anything to please his liberal masters at nbc for the money.
In case anyone is interested in watching...

Live Video - C-SPAN2 | C-SPAN

I just watched the last part of Feinstein's remarks. It was a mixture of a few grains of truth with a lot of misinformation and a ton of emotion.

Feinstein made the statement that the first responsibility of any government is protecting the safety of its citizens. That is important, but I always thought that our government's primary goal should be the preservation of liberty and freedom.

Apparently Ms. Feinstein and myself differ on the role of government. Here's my surprised face. [hmmm]
PHONE lines are busy in Washington. If you have to, call the local office of every representative you can today. Emails and faxes. This is going to be down to the wire. Note also Reid brought in the amnesty bill around 2am this morning. The old watch this hand while I punch you with the other one.
some good news from the Washington post:
Adding to the unlikelihood of passage, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) said Wednesday that she will vote against the background check plan, because the proposal would place “unnecessary burdens” on gun owners and “allow for potential overreach by the federal government into private gun sales,” she said in a statement.
some good news from the Washington post:
Adding to the unlikelihood of passage, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) said Wednesday that she will vote against the background check plan, because the proposal would place “unnecessary burdens” on gun owners and “allow for potential overreach by the federal government into private gun sales,” she said in a statement.

That's because she saw the writing on the wall. I still wouldn't reelect her.
Reid said he **will** vote for the AWB amendment -

Majority Leader Harry Reid announced on the senate floor that he will vote for Sen. Feinstein's assault weapons ban amendment. (AWB)

“I believe you should have the right to own a gun,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “But you do not need an assault weapon to defend yourself and your property. Assault weapons have one purpose and one purpose alone, to kill a lot of people very quickly.”
Reid formerly opposed the AWB but has since changed his mind.

“That is why I will vote for Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban because we must strike a balance between gun rights and protecting our children’s rights to live.”

DiFi's AWB is not expeted to pass the senate in a vote held later today.

Harry Reid Will Vote for DiFi's AWB

I don't care if he's voting for it b/c he knows it will not pass, he's still a traitor and should be ousted.
Resident d1ckhead from nbc news chuck todd tweeted this. Lets finish them off.

Chuck Todd

Manchin is telling folks privately, his amendment with Toomey is going down
11:50 a.m. Wed, Apr 17
Will NV re elect him?

NV will not, but the rigged diebold machines will. [tinfoil]

I have sent some tweets!!

Watching Cspan now and every other word out of Manchins moutn it Newtown! He said its easy to go to gun show and get fully automatic weapon... [puke] [bs2]

Not to mention the fact he is using a giant photo of some Taliban looking guy as a prop
Don't forget the "common sense" buzzword. Yes, it makes a ton of sense to ban a gun because it's black.
"we don't want to take away people's guns.... unless they are rifles that are black in color. Those are extra bad."
Don't forget the "common sense" buzzword. Yes, it makes a ton of sense to ban a gun because it's black.

"Common sense" too bad they are not talking about "Common Sense." "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer...”
Bob Mendez: if I had an assault weapon I could've shot 52 rounds in 5 seconds.

When convenient, quote true full auto assault stats.
I just sent a letter to Richard Dick Blumenthal asking him to provide me the number of people who wrote him to ask for more "common sense" reforms. In addition to the number, i asked to have the information validated. I doubt he will respond back, but i figured its worth a shot.
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