Rabbit 2009 (Warning: Pictures of Game)

remember the kids song about Bunny Fu-Fu? I modified it

Little bunny Fu-Fu hoppin through the forest along came the hunterand shot the Bunny dead
I'm not a fan of hunting, but I'd like to stick a couple of those on my feet right now.. I'm freezing..[laugh]
We were running 6 beagles at Crane Reserve. We tried the trails for a few hours but had not luck. We decided to head into a field where a couple of guys were bird hunting before. The shots were tough to land because the grass was high and visability was only about 5 feet through the grass. They also had holes dug in all over the place so we had to land our shots before they dug in and had to make sure we weren't putting any shot into our dogs. I'm sure Dave ate a burger or steak today. If he's not a fan of my rabbits I'm sure I can convince him that his steak didn't grow on a tree. I like animals just as much as the next guy but I like shootin em and eatin em just a weeeeeee bit more! [smile]
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